Sequel: Wrists Intact

Hearts Intact

I’m Addicted To The Way I Feel When I Think of You

Needless to say I didn’t really sleep that well. I was too busy thinking to enjoy my last night of being a mortal. I’d often thought of death, especially after Mel died. I mean, where do we go when we die? Do we go to heaven? Is there even a heaven? And what about hell? Or are we just non-existent, just lingering somewhere, unable to feel anything? How do they decide where we go? Do we get to meet God personally, find out why we have to live through so much crap just to get old and die? Are we reborn again or is this it, we get one chance and if we screw it up were eternally damned? And what about vampires? They’re supposedly immortal but they can die. Zacharias died; Ryan and the others could be dead. Where do they go when they die? Where will I go when I die?
I’ve always been afraid of death, even more after Mel. And Skylar, I had thought that he was dead, and maybe he was; he sure wasn’t my brother anymore. And Jimmy, he was alive, or at least, the last I had heard was that he was alive. But he wasn’t really. First Marcus had died and then Jimmy had died. I don’t know who he was now, but it was someone barely alive.
I never got why we have to die. We have such a short time on Earth and yet we’re expected to do something our lives, something meaningful. Some people can manage that, but others don’t have long enough to accomplish something. Imagine if we had an eternity to do something meaningful. Wouldn’t life be great then? But we have to die, to take away all chances of a great world to live in. Why is that? Is this how God gets some entertainment? Watching us come so close to achieving a perfect world and then letting us die before we attain it?
But maybe we were meant to live forever. Maybe it is some mistake of ours that causes us to die so young, before we can have a perfect world. All the thoughts swimming around made my head hurt but I didn’t notice. All I was aware of was one feeling, doubt. I can’t explain how, but I knew it was up to me to get out of here, to get everyone out of here. If I couldn’t do it, then I’d become a vampire and they would die. But I wasn’t sure how I would do it, if I could even do it. I’m not strong, I’m not pretty, and I’m not good at coming up with ideas. All I’m good at is lying and getting into trouble. Skylar had always been the one to get us out of things after I got us into them. Jimmy had always been there to protect me, and after he was gone, Ryan had been there. But now they were gone, all of them. It was just me. And now it was my turn to save them. To save Ryan at least. Skylar was beyond my help, and I couldn’t help Jimmy right now. But it was just me against who knows how many vampires. How was I supposed to do it? Beg them to let us go? I’m sure that would work. Threaten to kill myself? With what? And I’m sure they’d just kill the others if I did manage to die. I had no weapons, nothing, and I was all alone. The last time I’d been alone to face a problem I’d failed. Mel had died, and it had been all my fault. I’d failed her and I was sure to do it again. I’d been helpless to save one person, and now I had nine people, ten including myself, to save. How could I do it? I was just a human being while my enemies were vampires. It’s hopeless.
I closed my eyes and rested my head on my knees, not bothering to try and hold back the tears. What was the point? I couldn’t pretend to be brave anymore. I was scared and helpless, and there was nothing I could do about it.
“You’re looking depressed today.” A much dreaded voice said. I didn’t look up; I already knew who it was.
“You needn’t cry, it isn’t that bad.” Skylar whispered. He sounded almost human, like he used to whenever he found me crying. I didn’t answer, I couldn’t answer.
“Come on Izzye, it’s time.” Skylar whispered. I still didn’t move and to my surprise, neither did he. Even though it was only seconds, to me, it felt like hours until I finally spoke.
“The ghosts are after me.” I whisper, not lifting my head. Skylar breathes in sharply and I can just see him going white.
“What?” He asks, his voice nearly inaudible. I looked up at him, not bothering to wipe away the tears still streaming down my cheeks.
“The ghosts are after me.” I repeat. By the look on his face I know he’s remembering exactly what I want him to.
“They won’t get you!” Skylar says automatically. I stared at him, shaking my head.
“They already got me.” I whispered. Immediately the protective look I’ve missed for so long goes into his eyes.
“Not for very long.” He says. I didn’t say anything. I knew by the way he said it that he wasn’t lying. Maybe he wasn’t dead after all. I don’t mean dead in the way I had thought he was for such a long time, but maybe he was still my Skylar after all.
“You’ll only have one chance, after that, they’ll get you.” He said, figuring out a plan in his head.
“What about the others?” I asked. I can’t leave without them. I can’t live without them, they’re everything to me, my friends, my family, everything.
“Don’t worry about them; I’ll make sure they get out.” Skylar says with a grin. How I’ve missed that grin. Whenever I see it I just know that everything is going to be okay.
It only took several minutes for both Skylar and I to memorize the plan. I couldn’t believe how easily Skylar had become himself again. I didn’t question it though, I was just glad to have my twin back.
And then, before I knew it, the plan was being put into action. Skylar let me escape, and then he alerted the other Immortals, and led them in the wrong way. It was so simple. All I had to do was keep running and then I’d be free.
But then I stopped. Something was wrong, I could feel it. I don’t know where that feeling came from, but I just knew I couldn’t keep running. I didn’t want to believe it, but I knew Skylar had betrayed me. Somehow, I knew that if I kept running, I’d run straight into the Immortals clutches. This was their plan, not mine. I’d just helped them unknowingly.
Instead of running down the hall like I was supposed to, I ducked into a room. Luckily it was empty. Or at least I thought it was. After my eyes adjusted to the dim lights I found that the room was more like an old-time Sheriff’s office. There was a desk and several jail cells, filled with nine people. The nine people I loved more than anything.
“Izzye!” Ryan’s weak voice almost broke my heart. All of them looked beat up, as if the Immortals had spent all their time torturing them.
I didn’t speak; instead I searched the room until I found the keys. Quickly I unlocked all the jail cells, amazed at how easy it was to find the keys. I was sure the Immortals hadn’t expected me to find this room, so they hadn’t worried about anyone using the keys.
“Izzye, I can’t believe, you’re alive!” Ryan said, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. All I could do was gasp.
“There will be time for that later. In the meantime, we have to get out of here!” Pete said, tapping Ryan on the shoulder. Ryan nodded and stopped hugging me, still keeping one arm around my waist.
“How are we going to get out of here?” Pete whispered. No one had a chance to answer as the door opened and in walked Rae, quickly shutting the door behind her.
“What do you want?” Brendon snarled. All of us flinched at the hurt look on Rae’s face but Brendon didn’t apologize for his tone. Why should he, she was the one who had betrayed us.
“I’m so-“She started but Pete cut her off.
“Save us the bullshit. I don’t want to hear about how you “had” to turn us over to this or else they would have killed you or something like that. I just want you to know that if I ever see you again after this I’ll kill you myself.” He snarled. Rae’s face fell and she stared at the ground. I sneaked a look at Spencer and then wished that I hadn’t. He was staring at the wall, a pained expression on his face.
“There’s a trap door. Go through it, they have no guards down there.” Rae whispered. No one moved. Why should we trust her when she betrayed us once already?
“Please, I’m not lying.” Rae said, looking up at us. Her eyes were filled with tears which softened all of us, even Pete. He didn’t say anything, but he went to where she pointed and lifted up the door.
One by one we climbed into it. I went after Spencer and he paused long enough to look at Rae one last time. She stared at him, longing in her eyes. For a split second I felt bad for her, until I remembered what she did to us.
To be honest I didn’t even pay attention as we ran down the tunnel. By now Ryan had picked me up and I closed my eyes, resting my head against him. Skylar still wasn’t my brother, he’d betrayed me again, but I’d been so ready to believe he’d changed. Was it because I doubted myself that much? I didn’t have too much time to dwell on it.
“And where are you going?” The voice was sickly sweet and immediately I opened my eyes. In front of us, only ten feet away, was a female vampire with pale blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes.
“Leave us alone!” Pete snarled. The female laughed.
“You wish!” She said. And then it was chaos. Rae had betrayed us yet again, because Immortals appeared everywhere. They must have been hiding, waiting for us. And now we were surrounded.
In the chaos Ryan dropped me and we were separated. It was Immortal fighting my friends. Even Patrick and the other humans joined in. Everyone but me. I was frozen in place. This was all my fault. If anyone died, it’d be because of me.
“Come over here girlie!” The female’s sickly sweet voice broke my train of thought and slowly I turned to face her. She was only five feet away, her teeth bared.
“Why don’t we go somewhere, more private?” She suggested, taking a step towards me. Immediately I jumped back. That just made her smile.
“I promise it won’t hurt, much!” She said. And then she lunged at me and I ducked, just like when Zacharias had lunged at me. I didn’t look back, instead I bolted forward. Right into Skylar.
“I guess I’ll have to turn you myself!” He growled. And then he ducked his head down and bit my arm. I must have screamed because everyone stopped fighting and stared at me. I thought I heard yelling but I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that my hand was on fire and I couldn’t stop it.
Okay, my hand wasn't actually on fire but it felt like it. The pain was so great I fell to the ground, my vision going white. And then I didn’t remember anything.


“She’s coming around!” The voice sounded so far away and yet so close at the same time. Slowly I opened my eyes to find myself staring into a pair of brown eyes. It made me jump and immediately the person pulled away.
“I’m sorry!” They said automatically. I just stared at them. Who were they? I’d never seen them before in my life!
“Izzye are you okay? I thought you were gone…” The guy said, letting his voice trail off. He was amazingly good-looking, I couldn’t deny that, but I still didn’t know who he was.
“But you’re okay now! We got you out of there, we got the venom out of you, and you’re going to be fine!” The guy was saying. I finally worked up enough courage to say something.
“Who’s Izzye and who are you?”

Author’s Note: Well this is the end of this story, but do not fear, because there shall be a sequel! I’ll put it up pretty soon and it’ll be called Wrists Intact. Just keep watch over the next few days for the first chapter. It won't be tomorrow as I'm busy tomorrow, but it'll be this week, more than likely. Sorry this chapter is a bit rushed, but I just want to get on to the sequel. I hope you guys liked this story, I loved writing it, and I hope you guys will like the sequel. And one more thing, I just have to know, which layout is better, this one, or my old one??? Thanks again to all my faithful readers, I love you all!!!