Ghost boy love story

ghost boy - jake

Hi my name is Jake I was 17 when I died I remember it like it was yesterday . I hated my life my dad would hit me all the time and my mum alcoholic so she would always stood by and watched him hit me but being in school wasn’t any better I got beat up by all the football players . I hated my life so much I couldn’t take it so I walked to a bridge and stood at the edge I looked down at the train tracks . I looked at the beautiful sky and took a big deep breath in . I loved the smell of the fresh air . I closed my eyes and just listened to everything around me I heard a train coming . The train was almost near I took one more last breath then jumped . I hit the top of the train then feel off on to the ground beside the tracks it hurt like hell I opened my eyes looked at the sky one more time then everything when black and there was no more pain . I wake up with the sound of laughing and shouting . I opened my eyes I was laying on a soft seat . I sat up really quickly but that only made my head hurt then I looking around at all the people .
“how did I get here ?” I asked myself
There was a lot of people I looked out the window and we were moving I looked around again .
“I’m on a train” I thought
I looked in front of me there was an old man sitting reading the news paper .
“excuse me sir” I said out loud
But he didn’t look at me or even said a word to me so I stood up but my head stile hurt .
“god that hurts” I moaned
I walked over to the guy and stood beside him .
“excuse me” I said again
But there was stile nothing he didn’t do or say anything to me .
“excuse me” I said again
But this time I waved my hand in front of his face but stile nothing at all . I turned around and seen a woman so I walked up to her .
“excuse me” I said
But she didn’t say or do anything to me either . It started to bug me .
But no one talked or even looked at me .
“what the hell is going on here ?” I asked myself
I sat back down at the seat I was at before I looked at the guys news paper . I was really shocked when I saw my pitcher on the cover and it read “17 years old Jake killed himself by jumping in front of a train he was killed straight away” I could feel tears coming in to my eyes .
“I’m dead I finally got ride of my parents but why am I stile here” I said out loud
My head started hurting again . I put my hand up to were the pain was but I felt some kind of liquid there so I pulled my hand down and seen blood on my hand .
“what” I said while starting to freak out
I put my hand back up and felt around all I could feel was liquid and something spiky . There was no hair . I was shocked I have a big hole in my head . All I could do was scream . I dropped my hands then walked to the train door while the straight came to a stop a lot of people were pushing and shoving each other but people were just walking throw me . The train doors opened and people started walking out but when it came to my turn I could I walked in to what felt like a glass wall it kind of hurt . I put my hands up and felt a long it but nothing I couldn’t get out of the train I ran all over the train but no matter what door I ran to it didn’t matter I couldn’t get out at all . I started freaking out .
“LIT ME OUT” I screamed
But it didn’t work I was trapped so I walked back over to my seat and put my hand on the window it showed my hand print but then it disappeared this two seconds . Days passed and I spent all day and all night in the same train . Then one day was like any other day I sat in a seat watching out the window . Then the train stopped and people came on .
“hi Katie” some girl shouted
“hi Carrie” the girl said back
That girls voice got my attention . Her voice sounded sweet and caring . My eyes landed over to the girl the voice came from . I smiled when I seen her black hair with coppery red in it with her beautiful hazel eyes that were mostly green her all style was amazing . I watched her laughing with her friends and her smile that just lighted my hole day . Some more people came over to her but some were guys as well that made me jealous as hell but I didn’t know why I just met the girl . I watched her for the rest of the trip she was laughing with a guy called Tyler . I hop he’s not her boyfriend that would hurt me so much .
“next stop Lockerbie academy” a guy on the speakers shouted
Then Katie and her friends moved to words the door I stood up and walked after her . Once the doors opened Katie struggled to get out she was really small so it was easy for people to push her . I stood right behind her . Some person pushed Katie’s shoulder really hard she fell over but before she hit the floor . I wrapped my arms around her to catch her and it worked . She didn’t fall on the floor .
“don’t worry I have you” I whispered in her ear
I helped Katie stand up straight then I moved my arms from around her .Katie moved her head quickly around with a confused look on her face . She couldn’t see me so she shrugged and walked out the doors . I tried to walk out the train again but it didn’t work I got stopped again .
“s**t” I shouted
I really wanted to go with her . I wanted to find out more about her but I couldn’t so I walked back over to my seat and sat down and watched the world go by . I was hopping Katie would come back on at night but she didn’t but I did see her every morning I watched her for a month every time she got off the train I would try getting off the train as well but nothing was stopping me . I loved watching Katie the more I lent about her . I learnt Katie is smart , a little shy , sarcastic and she likes the colour green and bright colours , music ,coffee and going to concerts she was so perfect for me . Every morning I would stand right beside her she must feel me cause she always looks my way . It’s been two months since I met Katie I watched her getting off at her normal stop in the morning but it was night time on a Friday and Katie got on the train she was with three of her friends Kelsey , Jacob and josh . They all got on the train and stood in they’re normal spot so I got up and walked over to them and stood beside Katie like I always do . I smiled the hole way to her stop . When Katie started walking to the open doors I went with her when Katie walked off the train . I put my hand up at the open door and for once it when right throw So I walked out of the train . I looked back at the train and smiled then ran to catch up with Katie . I walked all the way to Katie’s house . I stopped in shock Katie lived in a run down old house I watched Katie walk in to the house so I followed . The in side wasn’t any better the wall paper was falling off the walls , there was no carpets and it smelt like damp . Katie walked in to the kitchen and got a glass of water then she made her dinner but there wasn’t a lot of food in her house .Katie walked over and stood in front of the window looking out side . I started getting worried .
“were is you family” I asked her
Even though I know she couldn’t hear me . I wished she could hear me I want to know were they are . I walked over to Katie and wrapped my arms around her . She jumped around and looked my way .
“are you the person from the train ?” she asked
How can I answer her so she knows . As I was thinking Katie turned back around and looked out the window .
“the window that‘s it” I said out loud
I walked over to the window and wrote yes on it . Katie looked at it scared .
“are you the person who stopped me from falling ?” she asked
So I wrote “yes” on the window again
“thank you” she smiled
“anytime” I wrote on the window
“are you a girl or a boy ?” she asked
“boy” I wrote
“how old are you ?” she asked
“17” I wrote
“what’s your name ?” she asked
“Jake” I wrote
Katie kept smiling we stood there talking for a while .
“we are your parents ?” I wrote
“they left me when I was 15 they don’t care for me at all so one night the left I don’t know were they are and I don’t care not anymore” she told me
I wrapped my arms around Katie again which made a big smiled come on here face .
“are you hugging me ?” she asked
“yes” I wrote
“thanks I need a hug” she smiled
I stayed with Katie for years she got used of me being around her all the time .I even got to sleep in the bed with her and we would talk all the time .Katie put a mirror on her head board so I could write on it when we are talking in bed . She would make me laugh and smiled for the first time in years . I found out more about Katie like she doesn’t have a boyfriend which made me happy , her friends doesn’t know she lives alone , she doesn’t like the preppy girls or the colour pink . When Katie was 18 years old she got a job and become a writer and a famous one at that . She moved in to a big house . Katie got boyfriends . I wasn’t really happy about that but I had no right to say anything but I was always there when she needed me . When Katie was 20 she found the right guy for her . It hurt me so much but I told her I was proud of her . They spent years together . Katie looked like she was in love . She was even more happier with the guy I didn’t think she could be happier but she could but then when Katie was 26 the love of her life walked out on her . Katie ran up the stairs and in to the bedroom I ran after her . She was lying on her bed crying . It hurt me to see her like that . I lay beside her and wrapped my arms around her .
“you know Jake you’re the only guy I can count on” she cried
She looked at the mirror just in case I wrote something which I did .
“and you can always cont on me Katie I’m here with you until the end and even then I’m not leaving you” I wrote
“your sweet Jake and I’ve been wanting to tell you this a while ago but I don’t know if it’s weird or not but Jake no matter how Meany guys I go out with you’re the only one I want” Katie told me
“you just made me the most happiest guy ever” I wrote
I couldn’t stop smiling at that
“you’re the only one that makes me happy Katie” I wrote
Years passed even more I stayed by Katie’s side until she was 82 years old .she was laying on a hospital I was holing Katie’s hand and with Katie’s last breath .
“thank you for always being there with me Jake” she smiled
Then she closed her eyes and everything when black again I opened my eyes and I was in the train again .
“what the hell” I thought
I sat up but this time my head didn’t hurt . I put my hand up to were the hole was but nothing I was hole again. I looked around and my eyes cot on a beautiful girl sitting on one of the table smiling that beautiful smile .
“Katie” I smiled
Katie looked at me with her beautiful 16 year old face again .
“you are so handsome Jake than I could of ever thought of” she smiled
“well thank you miss Katie” I smiled
Katie jumped off the table and ran to words me so I ran to words her . I wrapped her arms around me and I wrapped mine around her . Katie felt amazing in my arms .
“Katie I love you” I smiled
“I love you too Jake” Katie smiled
“will you be mine ?” I asked her
“forever” she smiled
Me and Katie stayed in the train together . We are stile in love and we’re having so much fun lets just say the people go get on the train happy get off scared as hell .
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i thought it would be cool to write one of these i never seen anyone . writing something like this before i'm not sure if you have either but i would love to know what you think of it and if you would like more thanks :)