

Three orphanages, nine foster homes and two juvenile halls.

All because of my parents.

Oh I’m sorry; I mean, all because of my dead parents.

I’m not a bad kid. In fact I’ve never done a bad thing in the twelve years of my life. But my parents have. And the impression they made on this earth will always live on.


My mom and dad were extremists, but not for republicans or any other regular political party. No no, they were extremist for their own little ‘party’; Putus Animus. Or pure souls, if you’re not into Latin. They believed that anyone who didn’t see ‘their’ way was evil. Unclean. Useless.
Anyway, they won the election in the fair city of Belle Ville, by acting like harmless ‘I only want to help you’ democrats. But as soon as they had control, they totally erased their facade. They started by wiping out the poor class and upper class, to form a permanent middle class. And everyone was okay with this. Except for the upper class. Oh yeah and by wiping out I mean evicting the families or blacklisting them so they had no choice but to leave or give in to middle class status.

The ones who rebelled against the system, however, didn't get evicted or blacklisted. Instead, they were killed. Just like cows to a slaughter house. They were ‘taken’ from their beds in the middle of the night and deposited at what the town now calls, The Cell. My parents specially customized it for non conformers like Rick Daniels, the first guy to protest Putus Animus.

And that’s where they went wrong. All those rich people had connections. They had people on their side from all over the America! From all over the world! So when they started to mysteriously ‘commit suicide’, all at once, the Feds got involved. And that’s when my parents were caught and I was placed in a temporary foster home.

* * *

Dear, daughter of Satan
I hope you choke on your next meal, you depraved little whore. Your parents were disgusting scum and you’re no better. DIE BITCH!

I let out a short burst of laughter.

“Wow, the first letter I get in my new foster home, is a death threat! I guess I’ll listen for the phone, because I won’t be here for very long.” I tore the letter into pieces and dropped it into the trash.

Sandra, my foster mom, walked into the kitchen with a huge smile plastered onto her face. I knew she didn’t want me here, the whole idea of adopting me was her husband’s idea and I had yet to meet the guy. All the paper work had been signed by him, but Sandra was the one who picked me up from the orphanage.

“Good morning!” I exclaimed in an attempt to sound cheery.

“Hi.” She muttered and rushed past me and out the door, then poked her head back in to stare at me. “Food’s in the fridge and if you need anything, Theresa will go to the store and get it for you. Remember you’re not allowed to leave the house unless there is an emergency and even then you have to make sure Russell is with you.”

Did I mention that Sandra and Jack were filthy rich? Jack was in fact, a politician. Major irony right?

I nodded and bit into an apple that I had snatched out of the fridge. “Got it.”

She nodded in return and slammed the door shut.
It was 8 pm and Sandra had already called to inform me that she was going to be working late, so I was home all alone. Well technically not totally alone because Russell the bodyguard and Theresa the housekeeper were still here, but they mostly steered clear of me.

Suddenly the door slammed shut and I jumped. A blonde haired man with bright blue eyes, strode into the living room, and then stopped.

“Oh.” He mumbled when he saw me
“Um, hi?” I began.

“Sorry, I was just surprised to find you awake. The nun at the orphanage told me that you like to go to bed early and—

“I’m sorry, who are you?” I asked, slowly getting up to stand on the far side of the room. Most of my encounters with men ended badly and I wouldn’t put it past Sandra to not hire some strange man to come kill me.

“Oh yes…I’m Jack Anderson. I’m sorry, we weren’t able to meet face to face earlier, I had some business to attend to.” He apologized and stuck out his hand.
I approached him slowly and took it. We shook hands, and he retreated to one of his many rooms in the left wing of the house.

I returned to watching the movie, but couldn’t focus on the plot. Something was off about Jack—

I gasped as something cold was pressed against my neck.

“I am so…so sorry. I was prepared to do this while you were still asleep, but you’re awake now and tonight’s the night.” Jack breathed

“What are you talking about?” I croaked

“I admired your parents. They were so…forceful and-and intelligent! They had the right idea, and I really need their guidance. So I found this—
He shoved a book with a cult star and circle on the cover, into my face.

“I found this book, and there’s a spell. A spell that can resurrect the dead. Unfortunately I need both their blood, but they’re dead so, I figure you would work even better! Because you are both their blood combined!” he let out a high pitched giggle and grabbed hold of my arm.
“So, get up! Now please, there isn’t much time. Don’t struggle, I’m the one with the weapon here remember?”

He dragged me up the steps and into his study, where a circle with some weird designs was drawn onto the floor. Suddenly he raked the knife across my chest. I screamed and he shoved me forward and I tumbled into the middle of the circle.

“Please don’t do this! You don’t know what you’re doing! What my parents did was a mistake! An immoral, psychotic mistake! You shouldn't—

“Shut up! Do you know what kind of stress, I am going through? I have to win this upcoming election and change the city, successfully! And the only day I can do that is with the Putus Animus.”

I let out a shrill cry of horror and pain as he began to murmur the spell under his breath. The words had started to glow silver and I felt as If my legs weren’t even there. I couldn’t move at all! Blood flowed like a river from my chest and black spots began to cloud my vision. I released my final breath and closed my eyes.
* * *
“Wake up now please,”

That voice.

My eyes shot open and I stared into the face of Jack Anderson. He was smiling and breathing hard.

“How do you feel?” he breathed out

“Wonderful. You did a great job!” I exclaimed

Wait. What’s going on? I can’t speak, but I just did!

“And your daughter? How is she?” Jack asked

“She’s in shock and she might try and fight our control but we’ll suppress her soon. After all restoring the Putus Animus to power is probably what she would want!” I responded casually.

Putus Animus?
