
Chapter 1

"Chris, get up." Abby said as she shook her husband. He groaned and wiped his face. "What time is it?" " 6:30am." She said setting the alarm clock back on the nightstand. He tossed the cover off of him and finally got up. "Another day risking my freakin' life." He mumbled as he made his way to the bathroom. "Hey, it's what you've always wanted to do since you were a kid." "I know, i know." Chris worked as a New York City police officer. He's been active for 3 years. He wouldn't leave his job for the world which kills Abby sometimes. The only time they really get time together is when they get up for work. So most of the time she's alone, which is why she doesn't mind living with Cassie and Jonathan. "I guess i might as well get up too." She got up and walked into the bathroom, they had in their bedroom. Chris was in the shower and she began to brush her teeth. "Chris?" "Yeah?" "Are you gonna be home late tonight?" "Yeah around 2 why?" She sighed. "Just askin'." He opened the shower door and saw the sad look on her face. "Abby..-" "No need to explain Chris. I already know what your gonna say." She spat out the tooth paste and rinsed her mouth. "But you do this everytime." "Yeah hoping that i would get a different answer. I didn't marry you for nothing." She said walking out the bathroom and collasping on the bed. He jumped out the shower and wrapped the towel around himself and walked out also. "Abby i know. You just have to-" He walked over to the dresser and began searching for clothes. "Understand. Yes i know. I understand but i'll never be able to accept this." He turned around and laughed. "Abby you've been accepting this for 3 years, you can keep going." "No theres a difference between accepting and putting up with. And i always just put up with it because i love you." He sighed. "So what do you want me to do? Huh? Do you want me to quit?" She sat up and gave him an 'are you serious' facial expression. "No Chris. I just want you to make time for me. I hate coming home and seeing Cassie and Jon on the couch all cuddled up wishing that i had someone to do that with then i remember that i do he's just at work all the time." She blurted. "Okay Abby. I get it." "I don't think you do Chris." "No I do. Honestly." He pulled a pair of boxers from the drawer and put them on. Then he walked over to the bed and sat next to Abby. "I'm just really tired of having this conversation." He pulled her face close to his and kissed her. "I am too baby. Look why don't you wait up for me tonight." He said starting to kiss her neck. She sighed. "You want me to wait around for you at 2am?" "Yeah i do. I'll try to get off early. It's been awhile." "I know! And it's only your fault." She said getting up and storming out the room. "Abby...!" He got up and threw on a shirt and some shorts.

Then he followed her out the room. When he walked out, Cassie was in the kitchen making breakfast. "Fighting again?" She said like she wasn't surprised. "Yeah kinda. Uhh where did she go?" "Bathroom." "Thanks." She nodded and he made his way to the bathroom.

(Jonathan's POV.) I was just getting out of bed and making my way to the bathroom. When i opened the door Abby was sitting on the toilet with her head in her hands. "Oh, i'm sorry Abby." "It's okay. Just lock the door on your way out." "Alright." I locked then door then closed it. As I was walking away I saw Chris coming this way. "Is she still in there?" "Yeah." He walked up to the door and begged her to come out. "Abby come on. Your acting like a child. I have to leave soon and your gonna be mad when I do if we don't spend the time i have left together." She opened the door and stormed out. "Just go!" He followed after her then they went inside their room. I shook my head and walked up behind Cassie. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her asshe flipped pancakes. "Man am i happy that we don't have to go through that." "You and me both. You hungry?" She said as i let her go and sat at the table. "Starved." "Good. Uh hey guys if you want breakfast you'd better come and get it!" She yelled out.

(Abby's POV.) I laid on the bed as Chris rubbed my back. "So are we cool?" I just laid there silent. "Abby?" "I guess." "Please don't be like this when i come back home. I'm sorry and i'm gonna make it up to you tonight. I promise." "Fine Chris." "Okay give me a kiss so i can go get dressed." I kissed him and he went to put his uniform on. "I'm gonna go eat breakfast." "Okay." I got up and walked to the kitchen and sat down at the table. Cassie put a plate of food in front of me and i started to eat. "Abby, you'd better turn that frown upside down." "How?" "I know how. Look i'm off today so we can do girly things to cheer you up." "Like what?" She mumbled. Jon saw her anger so he got up and walked away not wanting to be on her bad side. "Like mani and pedis. We can go shopping. You know the things we like to do. Now give me a sigh of relief." I looked up at her and saw that she was serious. So i took a minute and translated all my anger into anticapation, awaiting tonight. I took a deep inhale then exhaled. "Excellent. I'm gonna go get dressed." "Okay." She walked away and disapeared into her room. Then Chris came out, ready to leave for work. "Can you walk to me the door, please." I got up from the table and grabbed his hand. I led him to the door and gave him a hug and kiss. "See you later." "Bye." "Remember babe, happy." "Okay. I'm as happy as i can be." "I know thats a lie but i gotta go so i'll see you later." "Okay." He opened the door and walked out. I went to get ready or else Cassie would kill me. "I'm so not ready for the day."