
Chapter 2

After I got out the shower I wrapped the towel around me and grabbed the brush from the cabinet. I brushed my hair into a back ponytail and proceeded to get dressed. I dug in my dresser and pulled out a pair of khaki capri's and a red t-shirt. I grabbed a pair of underwear and a bra and put it all on. Then Cassie walked into my room.

"Ready?" I took out a pair of white socks and pulled them on. "Just about." She walked over and sat on the opposite side of my bed. "You know Abby, your gonna have to stop pouting about Chris having to go to work." "Yeah tell me something i don't know." "I mean yeah, he does need to cut some of his hours and spend more time with you but your just gonna have to wait until he does that." "Yes, Cassie. I realize that." I snapped at her. "Okay sorry. I'm just putting it out there. And i'll be there with you when he's not. That's what bestfriends are for right?" "Yeah but you really don't understand the half of it because Jon is always here when you leave and when you come back." "Well not always. Sometimes he has to do important things. But my point is, just find something else to preoccupy yourself while he's gone. Keep your cool." "I can't keep my cool because he's my husband Cassie. Your just saying all that because you don't know how marriage works. It's different from a regular relationship." "Um..okay. Just be happy that he's out working and not fooling around with some chick. I mean can you be thankful for that?" I sighed. "Yeah." "You'll get your time sooner or later." "I know." I tied my last shoe then stood up. "Okay i'm ready to go." She jumped up. "Great." She grabbed her keys then we made our way out. "Oh yeah, i hope you don't mind, Stacy is coming." "Great.." "Hey be nice. It's her first day coming to visit me." Stacy was Cassie little cousin. I think she's about 23 but her and Cassie are really close and i can't stand it, or her. Ever since we were kids she always treated me so horribly. I guess she was mad that Cassie was closer to me than she was to her. And when i met Chris during our college year she always flirted with him whenever she saw him. What a slut. And everytime she would see me she always made some smartass comment. Well today i'm not gonna take it. Her disrespect has gone on for too long and i'm in just the right mood to set her straight. We got in the car and Cassie started driving.

"Hey do you wanna get our hair done too?" "Sure if we have time." "I think i'm gonna get some colorful extensions." "Don't you have to be professional for work." "Damn, i totally forgot. Thanks Abby." "Sure thing." She stopped at a red light and i turned to the window. I saw a young couple sitting on a bench eating ice cream together. I sighed as i rememered the times that Chris and i did the same thing. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated. I looked down at the caller id and saw that i was Chris. I got a quick bolt of excitement then it just turned to anger. "Hello?" "Hey babe." "Hi.." I said in a depressing manor. "Still mad huh?" "Yeah. I just saw a couple eating ice cream together." He laughed. "Chris it's not funny." "I'm sorry but is it really that serious?" "Yes it is. I feel like your overs seas o something." "No." "Yeah. I haven't had sex in so long I feel like a virgin." "Yeah how do you think i feel Abby?" "I don't know Chris. You seem like you don't care." "Well i do. It's just that there nothing i can do about it right now." "Yeah story of your life. Look is this all that you called for because your only making it worse." I said starting to get annoyed. "No. I called because missed you Abby." "Well you know i miss you too." "And guess what?" "What?" "I took friday off so we could spend the day together." "Thats great Chris." I exclaimed sarcastically. "I know. Well i gotta go. I love you baby." "Love you too." "Okay bye." I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket. "Intense." Cassie said giving me her worried look. "It's always intense." She patted my shoulder. "It's gonna get better Abby." "I sure hope so. I don't know how much longer i can take this."

We finally pulled up to the nail shop and got out the car. "Oh theres Stacy." She said running towards her. "Great..." I said following. They greeted with their hugs and screams. "Oh Cassie you look great." "You do too." "Hows the bf?" "Good. He's doing real good." I finally caught up to them. "Stacy you remember Abby right?" "Of course. How could i forget about ol' Abigial?" She said giving me a nasty look. "Look Stacy-" "Okay..why don't we just go inside." "Fine." I stormed away from them and went inside then they followed. We started we pedis. They stationed us then began. "So Abby where's Chris?" "Why don't you mind your business." "Hm. I was only asking about a dear friend." She huffed. "Chris is not your friend." "He isn't? Well why on earth did he help me out of a parking ticket then?" "He did no such thing." "Yes he did." "He did not." "Ladies! Can we change the subject please? Now Stacy how is it back home in Erie,PA?" "Just fine. I went to go see Aunt Carolin." "Oh how is my mother?" "Just fine as well." "That's good. I think i'll call her later." I sat back and tried to dwindle my anger. I always puked everytime she spoke.

"So big cousin, i was wondering if i could stay with you and save some money for a hotel." "No!" I yelled. Cassie gave me that 'don't be rude look' then looked at Stacy. "Umm..i don't think that's gonna work." "Well why not? It's just you and Jon right? You guys have plenty of room." "No Stacy. Well you see, Abby and i live together." A look of surprise surfaced on her face. "Oh.., well okay. Is it because she couldn't afford her own place?" She whispered. I decided to take control of this situation because her ignorance was getting out of control and Cassie wasn't gonna do anyting about it. "Listen Stacy, if you wanna get technical Cassie lives with me. I didn't find it necessary for her to get her own place when i had all that unfilling space. So-" "Okay i could of sworn i ask my cousin not you. But anyhoo I guess i'll stay in a hotel. No problem at all because i have the money." She said looking at me. I reached for a bottle of nail polish but the lady that was doing my feet grabbed it before i could. I guess she knew what i was gonna do with it. She laughed as she dried my feet off. "So not funny." I mumbled as i put my shoes back on. "Hey look you too can finish this day off together i'm gonna get back home." "You want me to give you a ride?" "No. I'm gonna catch a cab." "Oh okay. See you at home." I nodded, paid the lady then walked out the door.

When i got outside i called my older brother Brandon. "Hey sis." "Hey.." "Why do you sound so depressed?" "Because your ex is in town." "Allison?" "No. Stacy." "Really?" I could tell he was excited by how quickly he asked. "Yes. I can't believe you still like her after what she did to you." "She didn't mean it. She was drunk." "Drunk or not she still cheated on you with your bestfriend." "Hey i loved her, what can i say." I sighed with disgust. "How can you love a whore?" "Abby is this what you called for?" "No. I called because i need a ride home." "Where's your car?" "At home." "Well how did you get where you are?" "Cassie." "Can't you just wait for her?" "No Brandon. Now can you please come and get me from the nail shop downtown?" "Which one? There's like a million." I turned around and looked at the sign in front of the building. "It's called Friendly Nails." "Okay, i'll be there in 20 minutes." "Okay thanks bro. I love you." "Oh shut up." I smiled as i hung up the phone.

I sat down on a bench that was in front of the nail shop and stared at everything that was around. Then a couple holding hands walked passed me. "Ohmg. Is anybody single these days?" I said to myself. I took my phone back out and started looking through the pictures that were in there. There were pictures of when Chris and I got married. I sighed at the memory. "Abby!" I snapped back out of my thoughts and looked straight ahead. "Come on." I got up and got in Brandon's car. I straped my seatbelt on and smiled at him. "What's the smile for?" "Just to tell you i'm glad you came." "Yeah whatever. So she's in there?" He asked trying to scan the nail shop. "Uh, yeah. Can we go now?" "Wait maybe i should go in and say hi." "No! You should take me home then come back and do whatever you want." "Fine." He started the car then began to drive. I sighed with relief, knowing that if he would of went in there i would of never made it home. "So..where's Chris?" I just looked at him shocked that he even asked about him. Brandon hates Chris with a passion. I never fully understand why. "Umm he's at work." I said with a smile. "What are you smiling for?" "Because you asked about him." "Don't think anything of it, i was just trying to make conversation." "No..you like him." "Abby don't start." "Aww you finally like him." I laughed as i poked his arm. "Abby quit it. I do not. And you know that." I calmed down from all the laughter. "Yeah i know. But why don't you like him again." "Can we not talk about this right now please?" "Fine Brandon, but i'm just gonna bring it up at a later time." "Alright. Just not now. Forget i even asked about him." "Okay fine." We finally got to my place. "Thanks. I appreciate it." "No problem." "I'll call you later." "Okay." I gave him a quick hug then got out the car and walked inside the apartment.