
Chapter 3

When i walked inside the house i took a deep inhale. "Home sweet home." I said walking towards the kitchen. I opened the frig and pulled out an apple. I walked into the livingroom, kicked off my shoes then hopped on the couch. I started surfing through channels and getting comfortable. "Cassie!?" I heard Jon yell as he came into the livingroom. "No Jon. It's me." He stopped and looked at the couch. "Oh. I thought you were Cass." "No she's still out." "I thought you too were together." "We were until little miss Stacy decided to join us." "Stacy?" He asked with a confused face. "Yeah. Don't you remember her cousin. The whore?" "Oh. Yeah i remember her." "Well i can't stand her so i had to leave." "Really, why?" He said as he came over and sat on the couch next to me. I just gave him a weird look as if i couldn't believe he really wanted to know why. "Umm..she's just been cruel to me ever since we met when we were kids, like i did something to her. I guess it's just out of jealousy. Not to mention she has a crush on Chris and she rubs it in my face that he's never around." "Yikes. Sounds like trouble." "Tell me about it." "And she-" As i continued with the story his eyes got real squinty. "Jon are you okay?" "Yeah..it's just something hanging on the wall behind you." I turned around to see what it was and when i did so i immediately jumped into his arms. "A spider! Oh Jon please get it." "Okay Abby. Calm down." We both stood up and i ran across the room as he went over to the spider and ended it's little life. I sighed with relief. "Oh thank goodness. I'm terrified of spiders." I ran over and gave him a hug. "No problem." He said as he hugged me back. Then there was an awkward silence, only the hug didn't end. I let go and fixed my shirt. "Um..thanks again. I'm gonna go now..." "Yeah.." I nodded then we went our seperate ways. I walked in my room and shut the door. "Wow, that was weird." I said to myself like i didn't understand anything that just happened. That hug was like one of the best hugs i've ever had. Even better than Chris's. "No what am i saying? It was just a friendly hug, get over it. He killed the spider and thats the end of it." I took a second to process that thought then i decided to take a bath.

Twenty minutes into my bath, i hear knocks at my bathroom door. Was it Jon, coming in to try to figure out the weird hug we had? I sure hoped not. "Who is it?" "Cassie." I sighed with relief. "Oh come in." I grabbed the shower curtain and pulled it across so that she wouldn't see me nude. She opened the door slowly. "Hey are you sure you're okay?" "Uhh..yeah." "I was just asking because i know how you get when Stacy comes around." "Oh no harm done. Thanks for telling me at the last minute that your whore of a cousin was coming." "Abby, she isn't a whore anymore." "She'll always be a whore to me." "Fine. Well i just came in here to check on you, i'm going to start dinner." "Okay." She walked back out the bathroom and shut the door. I really hate when Stacy comes around because Cassie does begin to act funny. Not that i care that she spends time with her cousin but why does she always have to be around me. Ugh. I got out the tub and decided to take a short nap, so i can be wide awake when Chris comes back. I'm looking forward to our time together.

(Cassie's POV.)I sighed when i got to the table and sat down. "What's wrong?" Jon said as he took out pots and ingredients for me. "This whole mess with Abby and Stacy. I'm so sick of it. They act like children." "Well Cassie you gotta understand it from their point of view. From what i hear Stacy is just a jealous bitch." "Sometimes she could be. I just wish they wouldn't fight as much. Like, can they ever be civil?" "Obviously not. Just stop bringing them together." "Maybe that's a good idea. I'll start next time." I mumbled. He looked at me suspiciously. "What do you mean next time?" "I kinda invited her over for dinner." "Cassie..you must really want them to fight." "No Jon, i don't. That's the last thing i want. She's just not familiar with New York so i told her she wouldn't have to worry about dinner. And i need you to go get her." "What!?" "Please..." I begged innocently. "Cassie..why do i have to get her?" "Because i have to cook dinner and you & i both know that you can't cook so it's your only option so please Jon?" He sucked his teeth. "Fine." I got up and kissed his cheek. "Thanks babe." "Yeah, yeah. Well where does she leave?" "I'll give you the address when you get ready to go. You know how you forget things quickly." "Right." He walked away to get ready to go and i continued to make dinner.

(Jonathan's POV.) When dinner time rolled around, Cassie called from the kitchen and told me it was time to pick up Stacy. I swear, for me to be a grown man i sure do get forced to do a lot f things. I grabbed my jacket and headed out. I really didn't wanna do this. I've never even met this chick. I hope she doesn't try to seduce me. I got in the car and when i reached about two blocks away from our apartment i realized that i didn't have her address. I sighed then took out my phone and called Cassie. "Yes..?" She answered happily. "You forgot to tell me where she lives?" "Oh. Well you should of reminded me.." "Look this was all-" "Anyway, she's staying at the Carlton Hotel. She'll be outside. It's on-" "Yeah i know." I said cutting her off and hanging up. I drove all the way to this damn hotel and saw some girl standing outside. "This must be her." I pulled up in front of her nd rolled my window down. "Stacy?" I said looking at her. She looked at me and smiled. "You must be Jonathan." I nodded and gave her a half a smile. She opened the door and climbed in. She looked me up and down then made one of those cat pur sound. "Hm. Cassie wasn't lying. You are sexy. I wonder where i can get one from." She said laughing. This girl really is a whore. "Hey, make sure when you and Cassie break up, you call me. I'll be waiting." I looked at her like she was crazy then she gave me a little wink. I can't wait to tell Cass about this.

The whole way there she was talking on the phone telling somebody how sexy she thought i was. I would turn and look at her from time to time and raise my eyebrow in amazement. I parked outside and started to get out the car. Leaving her behind. She rolled down the window as i began to walk up the steps. She cleared her throat. "Uh..Jonathan? Is this how you treat your women?" I shrugged my shoulders as if i was asking what she wanted. "The door." I sighed and made my way to the car and opened the door. "Thank you sir." She said as she got out. I slammed the door shut and proceeded into the house. I opened the door to our apartment and walked to the kitchen. Cassie looked at me and smiled. I mouthed the words 'you owe me' and she laughed. Then Stacy walked in and sat down at the table. "Cassie your boyfriend is gorgeous." "Thanks. Did you enjoy your ride here?" "Yes. It was great. He has a lot...of manners." She said looking at me. I rolled my eyes and sat down. "Dinners almost ready. Hey Jon can you do me one more favor?" I slowly looked up at her. "What?" "Can you go get Abby? I haven't heard a peep from her room since i got done talking to her." "Fine." I got up and walked to Abby's room.

(Abby's POV.) I was having the best dream about Chris and I in a hot tub relaxing together, finally about to make hot love when i heard loud banging at my bedroom door. I groaned then wiped the sleep off my face. "Come in." The door opened and i was surprised to see that it was Jon. "Um Abby?" "Huh?" "Dinner's ready. Cassie doesn't want you to miss it." "Okay. Thanks." I whipped the cover off me and went to grab my robe. I turned my head and saw Jon still standing there just staring at me. "Uhh..Jon? Do you mind?" He popped out of his trance. "Oh i'm sorry." He turned around and walked out. I just laughed and looked down at my attire. I was wearing a red lace bra and panty lingerie set. "Oh crap." I said to myself. I feel like i just mooned a little kid or something. I put the robe on and my slippers then went to the kitchen. When i walked in and sat down i had this weird feeling go across my stomach. "Evening sleepy head." Cassie said as she set my plate down in front of me. "Who's here?" I said totally ignoring her. "Umm-" She cut of when Stacy walked into kitchen wiping her hands.

"Really?" I said looking at Cassie. "Well hello again Abby. Is this how you come to dinner?" She asked looking me up and down. "Look bitch, your in my house so i suggest you eat your meal in silence or you'll be put six feet under." "Abby!?" Cassie yelled. "Cassie calm down. She doesn't intimdate me. Pay her no mind." "Stacy you have to stop stating your opinion where your opinion isn't needed. It's a normal dinner theres no need to get all dressed up. Can we all just be civil tonight, please?" Cassie gave her a plate and we began our own little stare down. "Jon dinner's ready!" She yelled. I just started eating wanting to get this over with. Jon came to the table and they both sat down and started eating. "Mm. This is good baby." "Thanks honey." The table was silent. All you heard was our forks hitting the plates. "Hey um, you guys wanna hear something interesting?" Jon said breaking the peaceful silence. "Sure hon." "Okay. You know that Marvin guy in apt. 306 right?" "Yeah. Ms. Green's son." "Well i passed by him today and he stopped me. He says "hey Jon, do you have ten bucks i can borrow. i'll give it back as soon as possible?" And i'm like no i can't help you. Then he just nodded and said he understood why i wouldn't give ten dollars to a crackhead. Then he said what does he have to live for.." "Wow. You know he used to be so nice back in highschool." Thats when Stacy cut in. "Oh yeah. Real nice. You know the day we had our first date was the day we had sex. And oh was he good. I mean his strokes-" I cut her off with the clearing of my throat. I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "Nobody wants to hear your whore stories Stacy." I said calmly. She just looked at me and rolled her eyes. I swear i felt like a teenage girl again.

"Chris!" She called happily. I looked towards the door and it was really him. He walked to the table and gave me a kiss. "Hey everybody." "Hey what are you doing here?" "I'm canvasing the area. Marvin Green was found dead in his mother's apartment." They all gasped. "Oh my gosh, we were just talking about him." "Yeah. It's sad. But i decided to stop in and check on my needy wife." Stacy laughed out loud. I looked at her and gave a the meanest facial expression i could. I mean if looks could kill that bitch would of been dead. "So Chris how you been?" He looked up at her and noticed who she was. "Oh, i've been good. Just busy." "Oh good. You know i'm thinking about joining the police academy." "Oh cool." "Um Chris can i talk to you for a second?" "Yeah baby." I got up from the table and pulled him into our room.

"So what's up? I missed you of course." "Yeah whatever." I said dismissing the love he just sent. ".. 'Needy wife?' What the hell was that supposed to mean?" He gave me a weird look then he smiled. "Oh come Abby it was nothing." He tried to pulled me into a hug but i pushed him away. "Chris it wasn't nothing. Do you think i'm needy?" I said with concern in my voice. He rolled his eyes. "Oh my gosh Abby. No i don't think your needy. Can we just drop this?" "Then you said it in front of Stacy like she isn't gonna rub that in my face later. Ugh, i can't believe you." "Look i thought i was being nice with me dropping by to see you but i guess that was a mistake." "It was only a mistake because you decided to open your mouth and say things that aren't true. 'My needy wife.' Ugh!" "Whatever Abby. I gotta go. I'll see you when i get off." He kissed my cheek then we both walked out. "See you guys later." Everybody waved. But Stacy made it her business to get up an hug Chris goodbye.

"Bye Chris. I'll definitely see you later." This made me absolutely irate. "Really Chris?" I said like i didn't give a damn. He just nodded and continued to make his way out. "Aw looks like you guys are having a fight. We never did things like that when we were together." She teased. "What!?" I snapped. "Okay! Dinner's over. Jonathan why don't you clean up while i take Stacy home." "Yeah that would be the best idea if you don't wanna see a murder." "Come on Stacy." Cassie grabbed her hand and led her out. "Wait, my coat." "You don't need it. I'll drop it off tomorrow." She opened the door then they both left. I just walked back to my room. Mad as can be. "They dated? She has to be lying. He would of told me right?"