
Chapter 4

About two hours after dinner, i decided to wait for Cassie to come back to see if what Stacey said was true. I sat on the couch watching The Simpsons. "Damn, she should of been back by now." I got up and walked to her and Jon's room just to make sure she wasn't here already. I knocked on the door and Jon opened it only in his boxers. "Yeah?" I tried to pry my eyes away from his body but it felt impossible. So i just put my hand over my eyes as i talked. "Um Cassie isn't in there is she?" "No.. Um can i ask you a question?" "Yeah i guess." I said slightly turning away from him. "Why are you covering your eyes? I'm not naked or anything." "I- um.." "Come on Abby we're adults here. You know how many times i've seen you in your lingerie?" I put my hand down and nodded. "Well thats all i wanted to know. So goodnight." He laughed. "Night Abby."

I walked back to the livingroom and sat on the couch. "Wow. Chris should start going to the gym with him." Another hour passed by and i started to drift off to sleep. Until i heard Cassie sneaking in. "Cassie wait!" "Abby i'm really tired and i have work in the morning." "Wait i just have to ask you one question." "It's gonna have to wait until tomorrow. Love ya, goodnight." She opened her bedroom door and ran inside. "Hm. I wonder why she's acting so strangely." I mumbled sarcastically. I just shook my head and went back to my room. I laid down and started watching a Housewives marathon. I ended up staying up until 2:30am, that's when Chris walked through the door. I just stared at him as he took off his coat and shoes. Then he finally looked back at me. "Still mad?" "No." "So why are you giving me the death stare?" "Because Stacey claims that you two dated." I said waiting for his denial response. "What?" He answered quickly. "Oh my God, is it true?"

"Abby it was only-" "Ohmg! How? When? Why?" "Abby it was a long time ago. Way before i met you. I didn't even date her. I was more like a fling." I gasped. "No wonder she's always so flirty around you. Wow Chris. I never thought you could sink so low." I got up and walked to the bathroom. "Abby please don't start this. I'm really tired." "Then go to bed Chris!" I yelled from the bathroom. He opened the door and stood in the doorway. "I can't believe you didn't tell me. That right there is some serious baggage." "I didn't tell you because i knew you would react like this. Now can we please just drop this? It's over, it's not like i'm still seeing her so just let it go." "I don't want to see you around her. Not even talking to her." "Fine. Now let's go to bed." He grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. We laid down and got comfortable. "Chris i'm not sorry for over reacting." "..okay." He mumbled. "But i do love you." "..love you too." He mumbled again. "Weren't we suppose to have a little fun tonight?" The next thing i hear is him snoring. I turned away from him. "Why doesn't this surprise me."

Then next morning Abby and Chris went through their morning routine but once again Abby was off work. She walked Chris to the door and kissed him goodbye. Then Jon came out of his room, shirtless. Abby just stared at his body as if he were an Adonis. She sighed and came back to reality.

(Jonathan's POV.) "Off work again?" I said as i passed by Abby. "Yeah." "Cool. So your free this mornin'?" "Yeah. I just planned on sitting around the house, working on a new article." "Sounds boring. Why don't you come to the gym with me?" "Me?" "Yeah. You look like you could use a tone up." I said laughing a bit. She looked down at her self. "Is it really that bad?" I laughed. "Abby it was a joke. You look fine. I could just use a fun partner." "Well okay.." "Great. Well go get ready we gotta be out of here in an hour." "Okay." She said walking back to her room.

15 minutes later she came out in a pair of gray tights and a tight white t-shirt that really gave her boobs a nice preview. Not that i was looking or anything. "Ready?" "Yeah." She looked down at her outfit. "Am i dressed properly for the occasion?" "Abby, we're just goin' to work out.." "Right. Okay let's go." She grabbed her bag and headed out the door. I studied her body as she walked passed me. Wow Cass should tone up a little more like Abby.

When we got in the car there was an awkward silence, so i decided to break the ice. "So Abby, i'm guessin' you've never been to the gym before." She turned from the window and looked at me. "Yeah. I don't really have a reason to go as you can see." "Yeah i can see alright." I mumbled. "What?" "Huh? Oh nothing." She gave me a suspious look then turned back to the window. Damn did i really just say that? I cleared my throat. "Umm..so does Chris ever go to the gym?" "Not really. He should though. I would love to have a six pack back in my life." "Hm. Cassie used to have a six pack." She turned away from the window and laughed. "I know. She's my bestfriend remember?" "Oh yeah." I said with a little laugh.

We finally arrived to the gym. Thank God. We got out and walked inside. "So Jon, how does this work? Will i have to pay?" "Nope. It just so happens that i brought you on 'Bring a Friend Day'. Don't worry, your free for the day." "Awesome."

"Since i'm a regular customer here, and since the owner of the gym Carly has a crush on me, she lets me have a couple special privileges." "Does Cassie know about that?" "Yeah. She always tells Cassie that i won't be hers forever. And when i get snatched up its gonna be by her. Carly's hot and all but she's not my type." "Wow. So do you and Cassie ever plan on getting married." "Well, we've talked about it but never made anything official. I really like how things are now. Why get married in my eyes." "Oh. I see."

I nodded and put both of our things in my locker. "Okay you can spot me on the bench." "Okay." We walked back out the the weightlifting area and i layed down on the benchpress machine while Abby stood over me.

"Do i really need to do anything?" She asked as she watched me. "Yeah. Just make sure this thing doesn't fall on me." "Got it." "Hey Jon. I see you got another one." Lenny, another frequent customer, said as he walked over to us. "Who's this?" "My sister in law. Abby this is Lenny. Lenny, Abby." "Hi. Nice to meet you." "Damn, same to you. It's not to often when you get to hang out with your sister-in-law. Damn Jon you get one hot one then you move on to the sister." "Oh no-" "No Lenny it's not like that. She's married." "Yeah i am." "Oh i see. This is an affair." "No no no." "Lenny! Don't you have muscles to work out." "Right. See you around Jon and hot sister-in-law."

I laughed. Abby looked down at me with concern on her face. I quickly stopped. "Oh Abby don't mind him. Lenny's pepped up on steriods. He never can understand anything." She exhaled with relief. "Good. I mean for my sake." I started laughing again. "I get it."

After a half hour of benchpressing we moved on to the treadmill. I had already started and I was watching Abby as she tried to start her machine. "Abby?" "Yeah?" She replied as she continued to press random numbers. "Need help?" She looked at me and her cheeks were rosy red from her embarrassment. "Yes please." She laughed. I stopped my machine and went over and started hers. "If you wanna go faster then just press this button. And to stop it you press this red button." "Thanks a lot Jon." "No problem." "Heh, I told you i've never been to the gym." "Yeah I thought you were kidding. So hey, do you wanna grab some lunch." "Sure. I could eat right about now." "Cool. We can stop at the Cafe down the street. I eat there all the time." She looked at me and smiled. "Okay, great."