Status: I was seriously almost asleep when this came to me :D

The World Unseen

Gut Feeling

It wasn't long after I had the freedom of my own car that I noticed things started changing in my both my lives. "Jason...has anything strange been going on in your world?" I asked,turning in my chair and facing him. Jason looked over at me before staring back up at the ceiling.

"There's been some stuff but nothing I'm worried about. You'd know I would tell you if something big and bad was going on" He said,turning over and staring at me. I sighed,sliding down from the chair and onto the floor,placing my chin on my knees and playing with the laces of my shoes.

"But..what if what's happening isn't big and bad but small and utterly horrible?" I asked,lifting my eyes and staring at him again. Jason sighed,fidling with his hair "Honestly Jason...I just can't help but have this feeling something utterly horrible is going to happen and there won't be anything I can do" I added,causing him to stare at me rather intently. He knew about my gut feelings ,how they never came out wrong.

"I don't know Alice,I mean I can go do some searching but I can't promise you anything" He said,sitting up and standing. My head followed him,leaning back against my desk. A smile fell upon my lips as I stared up at him.

"Thank you Jason,It means a lot to me" I said. Jason just shrugged and disappeared from my room,I looked at the clock on my night stand before picking myself up off my floor. Turning my computer off,I changed my cloths and slid into bed. I wasn't looking foreward to school the following morning but I was excited nonetheless,finally able to drive myself there and back.

Time Elaspe

"Alice! Alice wake up! Wake up!" I heard someone yell in my ear,thinking it was my father I jumped up and earned myself a cold shiver and a sharp cry of disgust from Jason "Alice! You know I hate it when you do that!" He exclaimed,backing away from me and running his hands over his body or lack there off. Wrapping my blanket tighter around me,I turned and faced him.

"What's going on Jason? You never wake me up this early" I said,reading my clock at three am before looking back at him,I went to ask him another question but the look on his face stopped me dead. I quickly stood up "Jason..Jason what's going on.." I said,worry washing over me.

"I can't tell you Alice but whatever you do...don't let you dad leave for work this morning,you have to make him late" He said with sad looking eyes.

"Jason I can't do that! he's got to take mom to work as well!" I exclaimed,keeping my voice a harsh whisper so not to wake my parents. Jason shook his head and it looked like he was going to cry.

"Alice please...I don't care what you have to do just make them late" He said franticly before disappearing. Staring at the spot he just stood I begun pacing my room,trying to figure out what on earth Jason was talking about.

"Alice? Honey what are you doing up?" I heard my father through my door before it opened and he peeked in. i turned and faced him,bitting my lip "Alice..what's going on?" he asked,walking in and over to me worriedly.

"Dad...Please don't think I'm crazy or anything but can you and mom leave late for work this morning? I have this really bad feeling something bad is going to happen" I said,staring up at him. My father stared down at me before sighing.

"Alice sweetie we can't...if we're late again we can lose our jobs" He said,sitting on the edge of my bed. Walking over,I quickly joined him and laid my head on his shoulder "If it'll make you feel any better,mom and I can take a different way to work today.." he said,rubbing my back.

"Please...and make sure you both message me when you get there..please dad" I begged,staring up at him. Giving me a warm smile,he nodded his head and kissed the tip of my nose before standing. Wishing me good night,he disappeared from my room and down the hall.

Falling back on my bed,I stared up at the ceiling and let out a long sigh just before falling back to sleep.

It wasn't long after I had the freedom of my own car that I noticed things started changing in my both my lives. "Jason...has anything strange been going on in your world?" I asked,turning in my chair and facing him. Jason looked over at me before staring back up at the ceiling.

"There's been some stuff but nothing I'm worried about. You'd know I would tell you if something big and bad was going on" He said,turning over and staring at me. I sighed,sliding down from the chair and onto the floor,placing my chin on my knees and playing with the laces of my shoes.

"But..what if what's happening isn't big and bad but small and utterly horrible?" I asked,lifting my eyes and staring at him again. Jason sighed,fidling with his hair "Honestly Jason...I just can't help but have this feeling something utterly horrible is going to happen and there won't be anything I can do" I added,causing him to stare at me rather intently. He knew about my gut feelings ,how they never came out wrong.

"I don't know Alice,I mean I can go do some searching but I can't promise you anything" He said,sitting up and standing. My head followed him,leaning back against my desk. A smile fell upon my lips as I stared up at him.

"Thank you Jason,It means a lot to me" I said. Jason just shrugged and disappeared from my room,I looked at the clock on my night stand before picking myself up off my floor. Turning my computer off,I changed my cloths and slid into bed. I wasn't looking foreward to school the following morning but I was excited nonetheless,finally able to drive myself there and back.

Time Elaspe

"Alice! Alice wake up! Wake up!" I heard someone yell in my ear,thinking it was my father I jumped up and earned myself a cold shiver and a sharp cry of disgust from Jason "Alice! You know I hate it when you do that!" He exclaimed,backing away from me and running his hands over his body or lack there off. Wrapping my blanket tighter around me,I turned and faced him.

"What's going on Jason? You never wake me up this early" I said,reading my clock at three am before looking back at him,I went to ask him another question but the look on his face stopped me dead. I quickly stood up "Jason..Jason what's going on.." I said,worry washing over me.

"I can't tell you Alice but whatever you do...don't let you dad leave for work this morning,you have to make him late" He said with sad looking eyes.

"Jason I can't do that! he's got to take mom to work as well!" I exclaimed,keeping my voice a harsh whisper so not to wake my parents. Jason shook his head and it looked like he was going to cry.

"Alice please...I don't care what you have to do just make them late" He said franticly before disappearing. Staring at the spot he just stood I begun pacing my room,trying to figure out what on earth Jason was talking about.

"Alice? Honey what are you doing up?" I heard my father through my door before it opened and he peeked in. i turned and faced him,bitting my lip "Alice..what's going on?" he asked,walking in and over to me worriedly.

"Dad...Please don't think I'm crazy or anything but can you and mom leave late for work this morning? I have this really bad feeling something bad is going to happen" I said,staring up at him. My father stared down at me before sighing.

"Alice sweetie we can't...if we're late again we can lose our jobs" He said,sitting on the edge of my bed. Walking over,I quickly joined him and laid my head on his shoulder "If it'll make you feel any better,mom and I can take a different way to work today.." he said,rubbing my back.

"Please...and make sure you both message me when you get there..please dad" I begged,staring up at him. Giving me a warm smile,he nodded his head and kissed the tip of my nose before standing. Wishing me good night,he disappeared from my room and down the hall.

Falling back on my bed,I stared up at the ceiling and let out a long sigh just before falling back to sleep.

Time Elaspe

When i woke again later that morning,my parents had just left for work. having heard their car leave just as I opened my eyes,I clenched them shut tightly and prayed they made it to work safely. I couldn't lose my parents,they were all I had left.

"Alice,get up before your late for school" I heard Jason speak,staring down at me from above the bed. Opening my eyes,I glared up at him and threw a pillow through his head before standing up and shuffling my way towards my closet.

"Your parents left a few minutes late this morning just so you know" He added,swooping down from my ceilling and appearing in my closet. Pulling a shirt from a hanger along with my favorite jeans,I shot another glare at him before disappearing into my bathroom "Awww,Alice don't be mad at me" Jason whined from the other side of the door.

"Jason,you woke me up at three in the morning to tell me something you could have done by messing with the car" I called,pulling on my pants before taking a brush through my hair and pulling it into a pony tail.

"No...I had to tell you,I couldn't have done anything with this was up to you" he spoke,staring at me as I opened the bathroom door and grabbed my socks from my drawer. Sitting down on the edge of the bed and pulling them on along with my shoes.
"Why? You normally involve yourself in everything else" I remarked,tying my last shoe before standing and grabbing my bag and keys. Following me from the bedroom,Jason remained floating at shoulder height.

"Only when it involves you do I get in Alice...these are your parents so I can't do anything. I have no connection with them" He said,staring at me as I walked through the kitchen and out the front door,locking it then turning to my car.

"Oh right,no bothering anyone else but me" I said,staring at him. Jason just nodded and appeared inside my car. Taking the hint,I climbed in myself and headed on towards school. Unaware of just how much of a turn my life was about to take.