As Long as You Love Me

Knowing Them - Ashley

I would not really term it as an unsurprising instance in my life.Mark the wrods - my life. The most infamous,misunderstood and misjudged girl in class - who would want to be with me?Well,to be frank,my life's not all that bad. But I am not exactly your regular person. I am special. That's why everyone is so downright jealous. I am talented. I'm beautiful. I'm lucky.I'm a good student. A good friend. I manage to balance evrything. Studies.Aerobics and dance. Psychedelic rock band lead guitar. Tennis. School newspaper. Student Council. Who would hate to be me? Nobody but myself. I'm the most freaking unpopular person. And I don't give a damn. Which is why a few popular people hate me. Which is why I hate myself as I cannot stand it if I don't get along with anyone. Story of my life.

I don't like underestimating anyone , particularly my own self. That's the only problem with me , if you go by - The Walking Dead as Meg Cabot would put it. I do not fucking understand why?Deterioating sensibilities of people.

I'm well-liked among my peers,yeah. People who have known me know the real me - they would not say that I'm gross.But then again ,deterioating sensibilities of people. If downright unlealthy and sick people can be termed as - ' hot' , 'sexy' , 'fit' - then I do not understand why my case should be much of a problem.

Any which way - who would propose to me?Well, the cutest 'IT' guy of class,it turns out.