Status: In Progress.

Running From Lions

I Can't Go On Like This Forever

I looked out of the window at the scenery that passed by as John drove us to where the tour bus was waiting. The rest of the guys were going to meet us there. I still couldn't believe I was finally going with them. It couldn't have happened at a better time either. It was my opportunity to escape for a while. When we informed our parents, they were actually okay with it. They thought it was a good idea for me to get out and have fun. They also knew my brother and the rest of the guys would look out for me.

We made it to our destination after a while. John parked the car and we both got out and walked to his trunk where our bags were.

"What did you put in your bags, Jae?" John asked as he got mine out along with his. "Bodies?"

"No, but I'm sure I could fit your tiny ass in one of them so shut up," I said.

He picked up our bags and began to walk after he wiggled his ass at me. I shook my head as I followed him to the bus I would be calling home for a while. Garrett and Kennedy were standing outside of the door.

"There's my best friend!" Garrett yelled as he pulled me into a tight hug and lifted me off of the ground. "It's nice to see you out in society again. How long has it been?"

"Too long," I said as I hugged him back.

"Are you ready for this tour?" he asked as he placed me back down on the ground.

"Yes," I said. "I'm glad I finally get to go with you guys."

"We're glad to have you," he said as he smiled. "It doesn't seem like we see you much anymore."

"I've just been busy," I lied.

"Suuuure," he said. "With what?"

"I don't know," I said, shrugging. "Stuff."

"Hey, the driver's ready when we are," Pat said, poking his head outside of the door. "Let's get this show on the road."

"After you," Garrett said to me.

I walked to the door and up the steps. John had shown me the bus before so I already knew what to expect. It was a nice little set up. I walked over to the couch and sat down between John and Jared as the bus came to life.

"You'll get to meet All Time Low tomorrow," John said to me. "We're meeting them at the venue."

"Okay," I said as I laid my head back.

"I think you'll like them," Garrett said. "They're some crazy dudes. Especially Jack."

"Yeah," John said. "He's crazy that one. Really fuckin' hyper."

"Yeah, he really is," Garrett said. "You and Zack should get along well. He loves photography like you do, Jae."

"That's cool," I said. "I brought my camera."

"That's good," John said. "You love taking pictures. You haven't taken any in a while."

"I just haven't been in the mood," I said as I shrugged.

"Well, get in the mood," Jared said. "I miss you following us around with your camera."

"You said it got on your nerves," I said as I looked at him.

"Yeah, but in a good way," he said.

After Jared had said that, John's phone started ringing. He dug it out from his pocket and checked the i.d.

"Hey, man," he said when he answered it. "What's up?"

The rest of the guys and I tuned John's conversation out and continued to talk. He was on the phone for a little while before he finally got off and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Who was that?" Kennedy asked.

"Oh, it was Nathan," he said. "He wanted to know if we left already. He also wanted to know if we brought Jae along with us."

I winced at the name John had spoken and felt my body begin to tremble. I couldn't take hearing that name. I clinched my hands to my sides tightly as my heartbeat quickened.

"So," John said, "what do you want to do, Jae? We have some movies and games."

I didn't say anything as I tried to get myself to calm down.

"Jae?" he asked.

"I-I don't really feel like doing anything," I said as I stood up. "I-I feel like taking a nap."

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah, j-just tired is all," I said.

"Okay then," he said looking at me carefully. "Your stuff is sitting in front of your bunk so you'll know which one it is."

"Thanks," I said and quickly walked to the back where the bunks where.

I closed the door behind me and leaned against it. I closed my eyes tightly and took deep breaths to calm myself down. Images began popping into my mind. Images I did not want to see.

"Go away," I said, quietly. "Go away."

They began to fade after a couple of minutes. I opened my eyes again and ran one of my hands through my hair. I walked to where my bunk was slowly and got inside. I closed the curtain behind me and laid on my side facing the wall.

Nathan, one of the guys friends, was the one who had raped me. He was the one who had changed me and caused me to be the way that I was.

I felt tears in my eyes as I hugged my knees tightly to my chest. The tour hadn't even started yet and already I was acting this way. The tour was suppost to be my chance to try to forget about it and move on.

Why couldn't it just simply go away? I knew I couldn't go on that way forever.
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I hope all you like it. I changed Jaelynn's character picture in case any of you didn't already know. I also mentioned she had blue eyes in the first chapter, but changed them to green. Thank you to everyone who has read, subscribed, and/or commented. I really appreciate it :). Please comment and let me know what you think of the story so far.