Status: In Progress.

Running From Lions

Too Much

The next day, the guys and I were all hanging out in the lounge area of the bus. I was laying on the couch with my legs across Pat's lap. I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. My mind was in overdrive, but I had grown used to it. It was rare that I got a good nights sleep.

"Tired, Jae?" Kennedy asked me.

"Yeah," I said as I opened my eyes. "I didn't sleep very well. I guess it's the change."

"Yeah, you'll get used to it," John said from his spot at the table where he was playing a card game with Jared.

"I suppose so," I said. "What time does the show start?"

"Seven," Pat answered. "We'll be going up first. You can watch us from backstage."

"Throw me a drum stick will ya, Pat?" I asked him.

"Of course," he said as he smiled at me.

Before long, we were pulling into the venue where the guys would be playing. I could already see All Time Low's bus parked outside the back of the building from the window I was looking out of. A couple of the guys were outside. I could see one of them skateboarding while another one was talking on his phone. The driver parked the bus close to theirs and turned it off. Pat moved my legs from off of him and stood up. I stood up and stretched then walked outside where the rest of the guys were heading.

"Hey, Zack," John said as Zack came to us.

"Hey," he said as he stopped in front of us. "What's going on?"

"Not much," John said. "You guys been here long?"

"A little while," Zack said and then looked at me. "You must be Jae. Nice to have you with us."

"Nice to be here," I said.

"Garrett!" someone suddenly yelled.

Before I could even progress what was happening, Garrett was tackled to the ground by Jack who had came out of nowhere.

"What the fuck?!" Garrett asked.

"Miss me?" Jack asked as he batted his eyelashes at him.

"Not really," he said. "Now get off of me!"

Jack did as he said and helped him up from the ground. Garrett brushed himself off as he glared at Jack. Jack looked over at the rest of us and noticed me. I was hoping I wouldn't get the greeting that Garrett had just received.

"You must be Jaelynn," Jack said as he walked over to me. "I'm Jack."

"You can call me Jae," I said, "and I already know who you are."

"Have you been stalking me or something?" he asked me with a curious look.

"No, I listen to All Time Low."

"Damn," Jack said, looking disappointed. "I thought I had my own stalker there for a second."

"Nope," Garrett said. "She's my stalker. Isn't that right, Jae?"

"Sure," I said.

"Jack!" I heard someone yell behind me.

I turned to find a pissed off looking Rian. He was glaring at Jack.

Oh, shit," Jack said. "Well, I got to go. It was nice meeting you, Jae."

He ran off before I could reply as Rian ran after him. I didn't know what he had done, but it obviously pissed Rian off. I could already tell that John and the rest of the guys were right about them being crazy. I watched Jack being chased for a little while. It was pretty amusing.

"Crazy isn't he?"

I jumped as I turned to find Alex standing beside of me. I hadn't even realized he was there until he had spoken. He smirked and held his hand out to me.

"Jaelynn, right?"

"Yeah," I said as I stared at his hand for a moment, but finally accepted it and shook it, "but you can call me Jae. Everyone else does."

Well, Jae," he said as he let go of my hand, "nice to finally meet you. The guys have talked about you."

"Nice to meet you, too. The guys have talked about you as well."

"Good things I hope," he said.

"Well, they told me you were all crazy," I said.

"Good enough for me," he said as he smirked. "First time being on tour, right?"


"We'll make sure it's memorable for you," he said as he smiled at me.

"Umm, thanks," I said.

Alex just stood there looking at me for a few moments making me feel uncomfortable. I didn't like being stared at.

"Somebody help me!" Jack yelled as he continued being chased by Rian.

"Well, I better go break those two up," Alex said. "I'll see you later, Jae."

I watched as he ran in the direction Jack and Rian were going. They all seemed like nice enough guys. A little too much to handle perhaps, but nice.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope all of you like it. Thank you to everyone who has read, subscribed, and/or commented. I really appreciate it :). Please comment and let me know what you think of the story so far.