Status: update is in progress.



I catch his cold fist in my palm as it flies toward my face. I grip hard and force it down, bringing my free hand into a fist and throwing it at his chest. Anastas sidesteps away and leaves me unbalanced, the force of own punch bringing me to the ground. I don't stay down long. I bring myself up again and run at him, attempting to throw all my weight against his but he's much too quick and steps aside once more and allows me to fall down to the ground, dirt and grass staining my dress.

"Your moves are wild, yet predictable. You are much too aggressive," he says calmly as he offers me his hand. I sigh and take it and pull myself to my feet. I brush off some loose grass from the fabric but the stains will forever remain.

"How will you win a battle if you're not aggressive?"

"You be calculative. You think. You see their move before they make it, and then you counteract it," he breathes as if it were as simple as the sun in the sky. "Once you know your move, then you put force into the attack."

I inhale and breathe in self control and confidence along with the cooling air. I pull myself into an offensive position, feet apart and fists bawled and ready to strike. Anastas catches on quickly and makes for me, knuckles honing in on my face. I don't block it but I focus hard and try desperately to slow everything down and think. Surprisingly it works and I have just enough time to ponder his move and duck over to the left and throw him off balance. By the time he regains his footing, I've positioned myself in a definite stance, ready to take on anything. He comes at me again but I do not duck. My fist races forward and he stops his assault just before I would have hit his stomach. Anastas grins.

He steps away with a bow of his head and I break my stance and relax for a moment. However, I should have learned by now that training is never done until he proclaims it over. Just as I am off guard the faery comes for me yet again. His eyes are set in determination. I have zero time to move, no time to focus. Anastas hits me full force with his body and knocks the both of us onto the ground. My back makes impact first with a force that knocks the wind out of me. Even without the ability to breathe, the battle is not over. Not yet.

While struggling for air, I work my arms under him and get my palms against his chest and push him off as hard as I can. Once free, I recall my training and do not stand right away. I roll onto my stomach and project myself off the ground and then take off running. I stop a little ways away and turn to face my opponent. He stands at a good distance, a grinning visage evident in the fading daylight. He does nothing at first and I take it upon myself to launch the offensive. I stride toward him slowly at first and then take off at an incredible speed, knocking him flat onto his back. As quick as I can, I straddle his chest with his arms pinned by my knees. I raise a fist and slam it toward Anastas just as he calls out.

"Stop!" My fist comes to a stop just an inch from his face. "You are a formidable foe, Miss Deerly. You've improved most impressively."

I chuckle and get to my feet and help him to his. He bows his head in thanks and moves off toward our training shed. Suddenly the sound of hoofbeats could be heard coming up the manor path. My mentor and I turn and watch as a large ivory carriage pulled by winter white steeds stops before the manor. I start forward with a puzzled expression, Anastas slowly trailing behind me.

As we near the carriage, the gold-trim door flies open and an attractive older man stepped out before us, taking off his silver helm. He was tall with deep black hair that had began to turn gray in some spots. He had deep, intense blue eyes and wore plated armor over ringmail, silver shimmering in the sunlight. A rather large claymore hung at his side, sheathed but intimidating nevertheless. Behind the knight comes a familiar face; hollow green eyes and auburn hair, a golden circlet encrusted with emeralds atop his head. It is the king himself, King Avedin. His knight helps him down from the carriage and onto the soft earth.

"King Avedin," I greet him with a smile and a bow. "How very nice to see you again."

"And you as well, Skye," he replies. Skye thought of their last encounter only a few days prior. He'd promised to send one of his servants or advisors to speak with Uncle Edwin about the mechimals. When no one had come, I had initially given up hope. Yet, here he is in the flesh, ready to do what he promised.

"I had thought you were sending an advisor of yours. You didn't have to trouble yourself make such a journey."

"Nonsense!" the king shouts, his smile pleasing to the eye. "You live but a few miles out of the capitol city, and I had decided matters important as this require my personal attention." Avedin glances behind him at the manor, drawing the view in through his eyes for what seems like an eternity. He gives his attention back to me with a raise of his eyebrows. "Is your uncle inside? I trust he knows that I was to be coming?"

I blush, shaking my head. "My Uncle is indeed inside, but your business is a complete surprise to him. I wanted to make him happy and I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Then a surprise it will be," mumbled the knight. The king shot him a look.

"Ah, yes, my bitter companion. This is Ashper Cometsea, commander of my Royal Guard. He accompanies me on all travels and resides in the castle so that he may protect my well being," he shot his knight another look before continuing, "But often forgets his place."

"It is very nice to meet you, sir," I tell the knight. A smug look fills his eyes but the silence remains. I hear Anastas clear his throat.

"Your Majesty, I will lead you to Master Silversmythe now, if you wish," offers Anastas. The king gives a slow nod and lets the faery take lead and trails behind, the knight a short distance behind the king with a read hand on the hilt of his blade. Grin across my lips, I follow behind and watch as Anastas leads the king into the workshop and then carries on his own way towards the kitchen.

"It worked!" came a shout just as I am about to follow the king into the workshop. I turn and see Pierre bounding down the steps, excitement written in every step. I suddenly feel a mess, hair out of place and dress stained from training. Pierre pays it no mind however but hugs me tight, freezing my skin at his touch. It was a welcomed cold. "You got the got king to endorse the mechimals, didn't you?"

"It seems that way," I say with a giggle. The two of us pull our bodies from us but stay connected at the hands, his thumbs running over the knuckles of each of my fingers. His eyes throw off feelings of admiration and affection and make me feel silly and forget myself for a moment.

"I'm proud of you, Skye. I am." I look down at my feet. He squeezes his hands in return, pressing reassurance back into my body. "Look at me," he paused as I looked up into his lavender eyes, "I am proud of you and all that you do, all that you've done. You came here under unfortunate circumstances and started off so shy but I'm happy to see that I've watched you change. You're not that girl any more, not the timid one. You're bold and willing to try things and willing to chase after not only your own dreams but the dreams of those you love."

"You really think so?" I ask, my voice softer than I remember it ever being before. What is about this faery that makes me so nervous? Despite his mood swings had angered me in the past, he has been making a noticeable effort to get me to let him in again, and I feel myself opening up to him again- slowly but surely. There is just something about Pierre that makes me feel as if everything in the world is pure, that every fiber of my being is decent and whole, and most importantly that the void caused by my parents death could truly be crossed and healed. He makes me feel like a whole person.

"Of course I do. You're so open minded and brave. When things with those boys at school got rough, you took up training and from what I can see, you are becoming more and more like a warrior each day. You also helped Edwin into a stable state of mind, and have made him so happy. This is sure to be icing on the cake, believe me. Everything you've done since you came here has made a difference," his says softly, glancing down at our hands. For a moment we focus on the others hands as we clutch to them but the sudden realization that we are holding hands sets in and we part immediately.

"So, uh," I blush and try to change the subject. "Should we go see what's happening?"

Pierre shakes his head. "This is best handled between Edwin and the king. I'd hate to interrupt."

I nod in agreement and so we wait. It only takes but a few more minutes before the door opens and Uncle Edwin and King Avedin walk into the foyer followed by the knight Ashper. Uncle Edwin is sweating from hours of work but his fatigue is masked with his utter joy. The king laughs. "You are a good man, Silversmythe, and have a quality product. I had nearly forgot that my farther had done business with you before I inherited the throne. Your automatic stone heating systems works wonders for us this time of year."

"That is good to hear," my Uncle grins. "I am glad to have the king's favor."

Avedin merely nods. "But of course. Unfortunately, I have other things that require my attention today, so I must be off. I look forward to seeing you all soon." Avedin adjusts the circlet on his head before barking at the commander of his Royal Guard. "Ashper! Let us take our leave," he orders and a moment later the pair are gone.

Silence lingers in the room as we all think of what to say to one another. Pierre is beaming from ear to ear and Uncle Edwin's hazel eyes are balanced yet brimming with tears. In one sweeping motion he pulls me into a tight hug and squeezes me tight, his chin stubble brushing the nape of my neck. "Oh, Skye, thank you."

"You're welcome," I whispered into his shoulder. "I just want to see you happy."

Uncle Edwin pulled away just enough to look me into his eyes. I see her in his face; my mother. They have the same eyebrows and the same curly dark hair, much like my own. He has her eyes. The way they gleamed when she had felt proud of me or the sparkle they held when she told me they loved me. Though I'd been around Uncle Edwin for a few months it has finally just sank in that he was a brother to my mother, they hold the same features. They have the same compassion and love for me.

"You make me happy, every day since you arrived at my door."

I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss my Uncle on the cheek. "What did the king say?" I ask, trying hard not to see my mother in his eyes and save myself a few tears.

"He said that he would love to endorse the mechimals and before he considers buying any of his own, he wants me to do a complete presentation of them. In King's Square!"

"What's King's Square?" I ask curiously.

"It's one of the oldest places in Everstile. When the Kingdoms first rose and the First King of Humans was without a castle, it came to his attention that he needed some sort of meeting place where he could discuss the most important things with his people- laws, taxes, and the like. The First King had a 30 foot tower built with a large balcony that extends over a large square piece of land. His subject would meet below him and he would rule over them. Over the years, it's been updated to look and feel more elegant and is only used when the king sees it vital or important to the Kingdom's way of life," explains Pierre, "It's quite the honor."

"I'm so happy for you, Uncle," I squeal and kiss his cheek once more. "When is it?"

"In five days time," he smiles sweetly. "It's all thanks to you Skye. I owe this all to you."

"You don't owe me anything," I tell him. "We're family, remember? Family help each other realize our full potential and fulfill our dreams. You'd do the same for me."

He looks me up and down and closes his eyes, the sweetest expression on his face. "I'd do anything for you, Skye. You're the greatest niece I could ever ask for."
♠ ♠ ♠
I have been gone a long while for this story. I am happy to inform you that I have completed mapping it all out, so the updates will be a bit more frequent! Like, possibly every week or two!