Status: comments are nice as well :)


Stories Behind These Scars

Being dragged out of bed, harshly cuffed, and pushed through the hallways gave me sometime to think of what possessed this jerks to so rudely wake me up. Once we were outside they threw me in one of the transporting vans and sat on either side of me. Haha. They thought I would try to escape. They should think that.

The van began moving. "Where are we going?" I asked. The guard to my left just rolled his eyes, the one to my right grunted. I sighed. Guess I'll just have to wait it out. When we arrived, the guards grabbed me by the elbows and dragged me out of the van.

I Iooked around to see we were heading inside a fairly large building. I confused look flashed across my face. "Gotham's..Police..Station?? Why?" Once again, nobody gave an answer, just dragged me into the building and ended up throwing me into a long room with a small metal table with a lonely chair. It wasn't the first time I'd been in this dimly lit questioning room. I sauntered over to the chair and sat down.

A familiar looking man stepped into the room and looked at me with a sad smile. "Hello, Ms. Zane." Jim Gordon said softly. I stared at him for a moment, he hadn't changed much in the three years I had spent in Arkham Asylum. "Hello, lieutenant Gordon."

He cleared his throat. "It's Commissioner now. And we have to talk to you, we have questions for you." with that he turned and left the room.

My eyes wondered the room. What they hell did they want now? Out of the shadows walked the Dark Knight himself. Oh goody, it was The Batman himself. I watched him as he manuvered around the table and faced me. I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Can I help you with something?"

"What do you know who the joker, Sage?"

I leaned back in my chair and my mouth opened slightly as if I were going to speak. But, I just didn't know what to say. I knew a lot about 'the Joker'. I wasn't going to tell him everything, but I might as well entertain the idea, let him know who I am, without even giving names.
I closed my mouth slowly then opened it again to talk. "Yes, I knew him. Why are you asking me about him?" I was really confused. Why would they bring me all the way out here to question me about him? There was no need for them to cut at my scars. Unless... The light bulb came on then and I frowned.

"You want to know personal information." my voice was flat.


His voice was so rough. It sounded so unnatural, it almost bothered me. It would've if I didn't already talk differently. That's part of the reason nobody could figure out who I was. I never spoke in my real voice, never told anyone my real name or whrere I had come from.
"What do you want to know?" I asked with a bored look.

"You look similiar. And I know you have, or had, a connection with him. What is he to you?"
I chewed on my lip and eyed him. How would he know? Oh well.. " He was my husband. And our scars were made by the same.." I narrowed my eyes, it wasn't easy to say it, but.."..person."

He nodded. "Tell me."

I started chewing on my lip again. " was quite a while before this." I swished my index finger around in a circle. "Gotham, I mean. We lived in a pretty big city that we lived in. Everything was fine with us, We were..happy. Really really happy. We were starting a family together. Our baby was about a year old, cutest thing you'd ever see in a lifetime."I sighed. "Then one night, we heard a little sound, like glass breaking. We ran out of our room, he went to check the living room where the front door was, I went to check on the baby. But, what I found is something that would horrified at what I saw once I opened that door."

The Batman frowned. "What did you see?"

"I saw..pieces.. And a man with a long knife. He was grinning, when I looked down to what was in his other hand. It was a small severed limb, still bleeding, dripping onto the floor. I looked around the room, there were other severed limbs. All of them small. It was so sickening, and the smell was.. horrendous and I couldn't take it anymore. The contents of my stomach flooded out as my knees buckled. He started to laugh. I looked up slightly at his feet. There in front of him was a small hand with the wrist still attached. On that little wrist was a silver bracelet with our baby's name on it. Then it hit me, what he had done. I let out a blood curtling scream. He lunged at me to shut me up. He jumped on top of me, pinning my arms down with his knees and pushed the knife towards my face, yelling at me to stop screaming. But, I couldn't. So he took the knife to my face, I screamed louder and began thrashing around trying to get him off of me. But while I was doing that his hand slipped and he accidently cut open the underneath of my chin multiple times. I started crying as he brought the knife up again. He forced my eyes closed and cut a single line going through the middle of my eyelids."

I brought my right hand up to my face and traced the vertical scars that started from the top of my brows and ended at the bone under my eyes, careful not to mess up my war paint.
"He spoke then. He said 'Close your eyes, mommy. I'll help you close your eyes so you won't have to look anymore.' Then he swiped the knife horizontal across my eyes." I moved my hand over and felt along the egde of the long scar.

"How did he get his scars?"

"He heard me screaming and ran up the stairs to see what was wrong. I screamed for him to watch out because of the insane man that had attacked me, but it was too late and the man took him by suprise and tackled him as he came in the doorway. They ended up falling down the stairs. When I crawled out in the hall I could barely see. From what I could see when I looked down the stairs was that man on top of him holding the knife to him just as he had did to me. When the man saw him look over at me with a look of...hmmm.... I think it's called 'dread'..I think.. He put the knife in his mouth and said 'We should put a smile on that sad face, dad, so you won't have to frown anymore.' and he ripped the knife across his face and began cackling at the sight of him. He leaned closer so he could make another mark on his face. It looked like he was trying to write something. I collasped, and when I woke up the man was gone and my husband and I were on our way to the hospital." I finished.

"So he lied about where his scars came from. He never told any of you what actually happened did he?" I questioned him.

He shook his head slightly. "What about his name? Where he lives?"

I scoffed and folded my arms across my chest.

After he realized that he wasn't getting an answer he turned and opened the door to speak to the officers.

"She's not gonna talk unless we make her. But I can't hit her. And I wouldn't suggest having one of your men do it. She can be very dangerous." Then he left and Lieutenant Gordon came back into the room.

"We're just going to have to take you back to Arkham now, Sage. You could've had a chance of getting out of there if you'd helped us." he paused for a long time as if he were waiting for me to change my mind and snitch.

I stood. "Well, I best be going back. I need my sleep you know." I smirked at him.

He looked at me fruststrated then stepped aside so the Asylum guards could come in the room. They grabbed my arms and led me out. My wrists were starting to hurt a little.
The ride back to Arkham was, once again, silent.