Status: comments are nice as well :)



I lay down on my bed for a while, staring at the ceiling.

All the 'dangerous' inmates had cells with brick walls on all sides exceot for the door. The Door was titanium with a barred window, and the rest of the wall was a seemingly unbrakeable/bulletproof glass, so that the guards can see everything you're doing. But you can still hear when someone is talking to you becuase of the tray slot in the wall and the small holes for the guards to speak to the inmates.

It wasn't some pretty castle either, where everything was peaceful and quiet. There were always noises. The moaning of the others, the rambling of the unquiet in straight jackets...

"Psst. Sage!" the hushed voice caught my attention almost immediately.

I sat up. "What is it, Jonathan?" I mumbled sleepily.

He was crouching down behind the glass of his cell. Looking at me then turning his attention back to what was going on down the hall.

Jumping off my bed, I did the same. When I pressed my face to the glass to look down the hall the guards were putting two new inmates in their cells. They looked like clowns, or some type of circus folk.

"It's the Joker.." I whispered.

Jonathan looked over at me. "And his sidekick."

"Sidekick? Who is she?"

"Her name is Harley Quinn, or Harleen Quinzel. I guess they're some sort of 'thing'." he said casually.

Rolling my eyes as I stood and walked over to my bed. "Pshht.. I'm going back to sleep."

When I layed back down, I layed on my side to face the wall. At the moment I had no idea what was going to happen next, I had no idea how he was going to react. All I really felt like doing then was puking up all the contents in my stomach. I ran my fingers over the wall slowly. "Looks like there's a new game to play.." I whispered then let sleep consume me.


"Time for breakfast!" a guard, by the name of Louis, banged his fist against my cell, causing my eyes to shoot open. I groaned as I got off the small bed, that thing was so uncomfortable.

"Hurry up, Zane, you ain't got all morning!" Louis shouted and banged his fist against my cell again. I glared at him and walked over to the entrance of the cell. I stuck out my hands, waiting for them to be cuffed.

Once the cuffs were firmly in place we walked down the hall towards the cafeteria. We passed by the Joker's cell on the way but he didn't say a word. His eyes just got wide as he watched me being escorted by.

The guards let me be when we arrived at the cafeteria. When they did I went and got my tray and food, then sat down at one of the round tables on the far side of the room. Jonathan, Edward, and another patient named Charlie were already seated and talking.

Jonathan got quiet when I sat down, which made me give him a questioning look. He shot the look right back at me and poked at his oatmeal. "You were acting really strange last night..
What happened?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Jonathan.: I shovled a spoonful of oatmeal in my mouth and swallowed.

He frowned slightly. "You were so peaceful when you were sleeping. I've never seen you sleep without at least screaming or thrashing around in your sleep since you've been here. Something happened. You know it's true, Sage."

"You're too paranoid, Scarecrow." Edward mumbled.

Jonathan looked at him for a moment then turned back to me. "I know what I'm talking about. And I also think I know what changed..."

I Shifted uncomfortably and stared down at my food. "Shouldn't you, as a friend, be glad that I had a decent night's rest for once?"

He started to reply but he stopped to stare at something on the other side of the room. As a matter of fact I noticed the whole room had gone quiet.

Sighing in annoyance, I turned around to look at what was attracting everyone's attention. I should've known it would him. And of course that, uh, girl... What's her name? Harley? Yeah,
it's Harley.

"Come on, Mistah J" she said cheerily and sat her tray down at a table far from us, with no other people sitting at it.

The Joker was rambling on and on about something while the guards where shouting to be quiet. A grin was plastered on his face as he looked around the room at the faces of the other inmates. Most of them looked scared. The others, those similiar to me, were staring at him like he had just laughed at someone who'd be diagnosed with cancer.

Harley was all over him. She reminded me of a prostitute, well kind of.

Seeing her all over him made me want to puke. I didn't like seeing another woman all over him, like that. Was it wrong of me to think this? I didn't think so. I mean, I was his wife. Technically, I still am his wife, since there was no official divorce.

"Sage" Jonathan whispered soothingly and gently laid his hand over mine, making me put down the spoon that had been in my hand. I hadn't realized exactly how tight my grip had been. I exhaled and closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened them Jonathan rubbed my hand a little with his thumb and slid his hand back.

SIghing I looked back over at Joker. His smile had faded and his eyes were locked with mine.
He pushed Harley off him, never breaking his stare. She looked pissed and jerked back to see where he was staring. Finally, she saw me and her eyes narrowed and she made an ugly scowl.

I grinned and waved at them then turned back around and happily finished my breakfast.