Don't Look Back

A New Beginning

Looking out the window of the car I couldn’t help but smile as I knew that I was finally returning home. I was coming back to the warm beaches all year round, the friendly people and most importantly I was coming home to my old life.
The day my mother told me that we were leaving Missouri I thought that I might have had killed her in the enormous hug that I gave her. We had lived in that godforsaken state for close to 12 years now. 12 years too long in my opinion. The only reason that we had moved there in the first place was because my mom was a lawyer and her job required her to move around occasionally for the cases that she took. Her last case had gone on for close to 5 years. Defending a man who had been charged of murdering his wife and kids. It killed my mother to have to defend him, we both knew he was guilty and apparently so did the jury. So when he was found to be sentenced to life in jail my mom lost her job. She quickly bounced back and found a job at a different law firm but after awhile she decided that she had, had enough. Her life had been served to defending the innocent or defending the guilty but after 12 years of not being able to tell which side was actually right she walked away. And I was so happy that she had too. It gave us more time to catch up with each other again. Her old job used to take up so much of her time, leaving everything else like spending the weekend with me or going to her friend’s houses on the back burner.

So she promised me the day she handed in her 2 weeks notice, the day that she would change her life that her and I would have a fresh start together. A new beginning that would hopefully change our lives for the better. A new life that brought us back to our old home. Huntington Beach.