Don't Look Back

A little Altercation

My hand rested on the palm of my hand as the teacher droned on with her monotone expressive voice about algebraic formulas, geometric shapes and countless calculating problems that I refused to understand. Math had never been my strong point in school and no matter how much I paid attention numbers just never got through to me. It was either you got it or you didn’t and I sure as hell didn’t.

I could still feel eyes on me as I sat in my seat towards the front row. Whispers could be heard but by now I was used to it. I was the new kid so of course I was going to be talked about for a little while.
It was the whispers that were hushed with ‘Matt’s girl’ and ‘Look out she’s Matt’s’ that seemed to catch my attention more than anything. I didn’t know that by simply talking to him that I would cause such a distraction in their lives or that he was even that much of a big deal in the first place.

I looked up towards the clock to see just how much longer I had to sit through this torture and let out a sigh of relief as I heard the bell ring right on time. I quickly put my book into my bag and scribbled down the assignment before I exited the room, grateful that I wouldn’t have to step foot in it again until tomorrow.

I slipped my bag over my shoulder, more than rushing to leave but I was stopped short as someone called after me.

“Hey new girl!”

I let out a small curse under my breath as freedom was snatched away from me but none the less I turned around and faced who ever had wanted to talk to me.

A girl who looked to about my age was walking towards where I was standing. She was about my height and had short blonde hair that sat comfortably on her shoulders. If I were to guess I would say that she was probably a size 3 in jeans.

“Yeah?” I said as politely as I could, maybe she would notice the sarcasm in my voice that I wanted to leave.

“You’re the girl that just moved here from Missouri right?”

Well did you see anyone else turn around when you said new girl? I thought as I fought the urge to roll my eyes and re-adjusted the strap on my shoulder. I don’t know what it was about this girl but I just got this vibe that I knew I wasn’t going to like her. The stuck of look on her face only seemed to further my suspicions. “Yeah…we just got here about 3 days ago.”

I made another attempt to leave but all she did was follow me down the hallway. “Well that’s nice…so I saw you walking with Matt this morning. Do you like him?”

I side glanced at her as she continued to follow me. “Yeah I guess you could say that. Why?”

She shrugged her shoulders as I secretly continued to size her up, wondering why she was so interested. “Oh nothing, just though that I would give you a little warning about him.”

I had stopped in my tracks now. “A warning? What is he a serial killer or something?”

I’m pretty sure she noticed my sarcasm now. “No he’s never killed anybody, unless you count the poor girls hearts through out the school. He’s a player sweetie so stay away from him.”

The urge to roll my eyes was too great at this point. Who was she to tell me who to judge? “A player huh? Why were you a victim or something?”

She put her hands on her hips as she stared me down. “No I was not a victim. He was MY boyfriend for the past 3 years so I know him better than anyone. And I’m here to tell you that he’s out of your reach…so listen to what I said and keep your distance.”

I let out a small laugh at her feeble attempt to try and intimidate me. I knew exactly who I was talking to. “Oh so you must be Valary, the slut I’ve been hearing so much about this morning.” She dropped her jaw at me calling her what she was but I just continued to speak before she had a chance. “Well Val, let me let you in on a little secret. I heard what you did to Matt and I’m here right now to tell you that I think you’re a little tramp. You didn’t deserve Matt when you had him so you must be a real dumb bitch to screw someone else when you were with him. There’s nothing I hate more than a cheater and from what I’ve heard you fit that description perfectly, sweetie.

She still stood there in shock as I continued to tell her off, her nails digging into her sides as they rested on her hips. “Well new girl…you may have won Matt over with your charm for now but we’ll see who he finds more irresistible by the end of the week. You don’t know who you’re dealing with and neither does he. I’ve still got little Matty wrapped around my finger whether he wants to admit it or not…so I’d watch out if I were you.”

I let out another scoff at her lame excuse for intimidation. “Yeah and that’s why he calls you a whore every chance that he gets too. You don’t scare me Valary.”

I stood my ground as she took a step toward me, thinking that she might throw a punch if I wasn’t careful. “Just watch your back new girl…” she scowled as she started to walk away. “you never know who might knock you down if you’re not looking.”

I rolled my eyes once more as I walked in the opposite direction that she was going. I knew if I talked to her any longer a fight was sure to break out and I already promised Matt that I wouldn’t…well for now anyways.

I meant it when I said that I wasn’t afraid of her. I’ve dealt with plenty of girls like her in the past and they all turned out to be the same. All talk but no action to follow it up; I wasn’t too worried.


Lunch went by just as smoothly as I had hoped. Ana introduced me to her boyfriend Zack and he really was just as nice as she had described him. I got to meet the infamous Johnny ‘Christ’ as well and I couldn’t stop laughing as the guys continued to pick on him throughout the hour. He seemed to take it with humor though so I guessed that it was natural to them. The only problem was that Matt had not shown up at all. I wanted to tell him that I had a little ‘altercation’ with Valary but Ana said that she had her last class with him and had been called down to the office…no doubt for the fight that he had gotten into this morning with Quinn.

After lunch I told everyone goodbye and made my way to my human anatomy class on the third floor. I was surprised to see that Zacky had this class as well but I was more than grateful that it was him instead of someone like Val or Michelle. We had to do a lab today so he said that I could be his lab partner since I didn’t know anyone else. I thought that was really nice of him and also I felt relieved that he knew what he was doing because the assignment we were required to do was completely new to me and I would have failed it if he wasn’t there.

The class ended and I said goodbye to Zacky as I went to the Psychology room. To my deep dismay Val and Michelle were there as well, dubbing this my least favorite class already. Thank god Brian and Jimmy had this hour with me though. They let me sit in between them after I explained what happened with Val and I couldn’t help but laugh after Jimmy said that we were even now from his little ’incident’ earlier this morning.

After what seemed to be an annoying long staring contest between Val and I the class ended and I made my way to my final hour of the day. Art with Mr. Davidson in room 232. He seemed a little senile to me but the rest of the students adored him. Especially one guy named Cameron Rackham, one of the guy’s friends and the guy that I had asked Matt about in study hall. We sat at the same table during lunch but didn’t really talk as we were both too busy laughing at Brian and Zacky pick on Johnny. Luckily I was assigned to his table as Mr. Davidson called Cameron his ‘star student’ and that if there was anyone to help me, Cam was the one I should go to.

Today was the last day to finish the project that they were working on, which was self portraits, and since Cameron was already finished 2 days earlier we got a chance to talk and become further friends. I found out that he has a girlfriend named Pam and she was in a grade just below me so that made her a junior. He was really nice as well and he kept me laughing pretty much the whole time with stories about the guys growing up. My favorite being that Rev used to live in a Laundromat.

“So you mean to actually tell me that Jimmy Sullivan used to dry and wash clothes for people?” I laughed as I continued to clutch my side.

Cameron was probably laughing just about as hard as I was now. “Well no he didn’t wash their clothes but he would just manage the front desk as people came in and out…well he was supposed to anyways. Most of the time he was sleeping or had his head phones connected to his little TV/VCR combo thing that he brought in.”

I was still laughing hysterically as I bent over to catch my breath. “I could only imagine people’s faces…having all their clothes turn pink if he actually attempted to wash anything.”

“That actually did happen once!” Cameron laughed and that only caused me to bust up laughing harder than I already was.

“Cameron shut up you’re gonna make me piss myself!”

We sat there like that laughing and joking around with each other as the bell rang, making me let out a small groan as I was having a really good time.

“Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?” he asked me. “You’re coming over to Matt’s for practice right?”

I nodded my head as I slipped my bag over my shoulder for the last time that day. “Speaking of Matt do you know what his last class is? I thought I’d try to catch him before everyone leaves.”

He slipped his bag over his shoulder as well, following me out the door as we walked into the hallway. “Um I think that he has Math this hour. Try looking down the hallway and take a left as you get to the stairs.”

I gratefully smiled at him as I let out a small wave of goodbye. “Thanks Cam. I’ll see ya around.”

He waved good bye as well and I took off on in the directions that he had given me. I was just about at the end of the hallway but I was nearly knocked down by a guy who was flying around the corner.

“Whoa I’m sorry.” The stranger said as he grabbed my hand right before I fell. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

Obviously. I thought but I just shook my head at him as I smoothed out the wrinkles in my shirt. “It’s alright. No bruises or anything.”

He smiled as he stuck out his hand for me to shake. “My name’s Quinn by the way.”

I snapped my head up at him as he said his name, my hand already feeling dirty as he had grabbed it. Reluctantly I shook it anyway in a sad excuse to be polite. “Treva.”

“Well that’s a really pretty name. Were you named after a goddess or something?”

I almost puked as he tried to flirt with me. He had a girlfriend and here he was giving me cheesy one liners. I knew at that moment him and Val were perfect for each other.

“Sorry no I wasn’t.” I said with a fake smile, re-adjusting my bags on my shoulders which he had knocked off. “But I got to get going so I’ll see ya around.”

“Wait,” he said as he put a hand on my shoulder. “Can I get your number or something? Maybe we can hang out sometime.”

I shook his hand off my shoulder and took a step back from him, trying to make my way for the stairs like Cameron had instructed me to do. “Sorry Quinn I’m busy this week. Maybe your girlfriend can do something with you to pass by the time.”

He took a step towards me just as I had backed off, giving me a vibe that I probably wouldn’t be able to shake him as easily as I had hoped. “Well she’s busy getting her nails done with her sister…besides she’s a bitch.”

“And what makes you think I’m not?”

“Want to give me a chance to find out?” he said as he tried to be smooth. I once again just rolled my eyes and before I knew it I was backed into a wall and no where to escape.

“Quinn back-” I began to say but thankfully someone was already coming to my rescue.

“Get the fuck off of her!” I heard Matt yell as he grabbed Quinn by the collar and threw him back and away from me.

Quinn fell against the rail that circled the commons from above and looked back to Matt with fire in his eyes. “What, afraid that I might steal another one of your girls Sanders? Get the fuck over yourself.”

I looked back to Matt to catch his reaction and saw that he had him by the collar again, pushing him against the wall. “If I ever see you near her again I swear to god I will make you wish you never even fucking thought about it.”

Quinn looked as if he were getting ready to punch Matt in the face but all he did was simply push him off. His scrawny muscles were certainly no match for Matt’s and I think that’s the only reason he didn’t fight back that much…he knew he’d get his ass kicked.

I watched Quinn walk away, flipping Matt off as he went and I found myself shaking in the hallway. A fight almost broke out over me and that’s the last thing that I wanted to happen…especially if it involved Matt getting hurt.

“Hey come here…” Matt said as he walked back over towards me, cradling me in his strong arms. “He didn’t hurt you did he?”

I shook my head as I slightly rested my head against his chest. “No…he just kept asking me for my number and I wouldn’t give it to him. And then I told him to go play with his girlfriend and that probably pissed him off.”

He continued to try and soothe me as I stood there in his arms, the familiar smell of his spicy cologne overwhelming me once again and I began to calm down. He bent over to pick up my bags that had fallen as I was backed into the wall and he handed them to me with a small apologetic smile. “You sure you’re alright?”

I took the bags from him and attempted to return the smile, probably only turning out to be a weak excuse. “Yeah I’m fine…really don’t worry.”

I knew he didn’t believe me so I wasn’t surprised when he offered me a ride home. “No it’s alright.” I said as he started to walk with me down the hallway again. “I’ll just catch the bus or something. I don’t want you to waste gas on me.”

He looked at me as if I were crazy. “The bus? Oh no I’m definitely giving you a ride home then. No girl of mine is going to ride that piece of shit.”

I smiled as he called me ‘his girl’, smiling only wider as he put his arm around my shoulder to pull me close as we walked by Quinn’s group of asshole friends. No doubt seeing that his arm was wrapped securely around Valary as we passed, as if nothing had just happened a few minutes ago. I made eye contact with Valary and we just stared at each other until she was out of my eye sight.

We walked to Matt’s truck and he waited until we were both inside before he asked me the question I knew he was going to ask.

“What was that about?”

I shook my head with a tiny huff as I looked out the window. “Oh nothing…I just had a little conversation with your ex earlier is all.”

I waited for him to start the truck but he just sat there with a shocked expression. “You did? When did this happen? What did she say to you?”

I lightly chuckled at his assortment of questions. “Yes I did, it happened right after 4th hour and she just said that I should ‘Watch my back.’”

He rolled his eyes as he looked out the window for a moment, probably to see if they were still in eyesight, and then he looked back to me. “Are you kidding me? Did she say anything else?”

I shook my head with a wave of my hand, wanting him to realize that she didn’t get to me. “Yeah but it really doesn’t matter. I told her she didn’t intimidate me and that she was a whore for what she did, but in all honesty she doesn’t scare me one bit. I can already tell she’s simply talk and that’s it.” I put my hand on his forearm to try and calm him down, this time giving him a real smile. “Believe me Matt…it‘s alright.”

He didn’t say anything but I saw that his eyes were traveling down to my hand and I could tell that he was studying the diamond ring that I was wearing. “Where did you get that? It looks really expensive.”

I looked down at the ring as well and smiled as I remembered who gave it to me. “It was but it’s been in my family for a really long time…my grandmother gave it to me when I was fourteen.”

He gently took my hand in his as he brought it closer to see, letting out an impressed smirk. “It’s not like a…promise ring or anything is it?”

I shook my head with a small laugh as I let him hold my hand, enjoying the skin on skin contact. “No it’s not a promise ring. My grandmother was just very sick when she gave it to me. I’m pretty much the last girl in the family so she thought it would be right that I have it. I’ve never taken it off except for when I’m cooking or if I have to clean it.”

He smiled as he slowly released my hand, making me feel suddenly cold as I could no longer feel him. “Well it must mean a lot to you then.”

I nodded my head as I returned his smile. “It is.”

We continued to sit in silence for a few minutes, it wasn’t awkward but surprisingly comfortable as we gazed at each other. “I should probably get you home now.” he said softly, putting his key into the ignition to start the truck.

I took in a small breath, realizing that I had almost forgotten to breathe as I sat there beside him. I put my seatbelt on and smiled wide as he turned the radio on, Chevelle’s Well Enough Alone blaring through the speakers.

The car ride home was spent listening to the radio and singing alone to any song that we knew, making both of us laugh as we really had no idea about one of them, so we just made up our own. I enjoyed spending time with Matt. He made me laugh and any guy that can do that pretty much already has my heart.

But all good things come to an end therefore making me let out a secret groan to myself as he pulled up into my driveway.

“Your mom’s not gonna get mad that I gave you a ride home is she?” he asked as he put the truck into park.

“Nah she shouldn’t.” I said as I took off my seatbelt. “She knows I would drive myself but my car is still being driven here from Misery.”

He let out a small chuckle as he raised his eyebrow at me. “Misery?”

I playfully rolled my eyes and grabbed my bags from the floorboard. “It’s what I used to call Missouri…Misery, Missouri get it?”

He nodded his head as he laughed. “Oh I got it but I just thought it was very clever.”

I laughed with him as I slipped the straps of my bags over my shoulder once more. “Well…thank you for the ride home Matt. I really appreciate it.”

He smiled at me as he shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. And also expect a ride home until you get your car by the way.”

I started to argue with him about it but he put his hand up to silence me. “Shush. Just say ‘Thank you Matt, I would love a ride home.’”

I playfully crossed my arms over my chest as I continued to smirk at him. “You’re never gonna let me have my way about anything are you?”

He shook his head as he laughed again. “Nope. Get used to it little lady.”

Once again I playfully rolled my eyes and bent over to give him a hug. “Well thank you again. I’ll see you tomorrow alright?”

He hugged me back but as I pulled away he put his hand on mine to stop me. “Wait…um could I get your number maybe? You know to call you later to see what your mom says about you coming home with me for practice?”

I smiled at his nervousness and took out a pen. “Sure you can.” I took his hand in mine and wrote out my number in the palm of his hand, going a little slow so that I could have an excuse to touch him again. “There you go.”

He smiled as he looked down at it, turning his head to look at me as he pulled me into another hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I really hope your mom says yes about practice.”

I hugged him back, smiling wider as he did so. “Yeah me too. I so excited to see what you guys sound like.”

He laughed as he pulled back. “Well I’ll call you later tonight. Bye cutie.”

I gave him a wink as I opened the car door, shutting it behind me and waving as he pulled out of the driveway and back down my street.

I have to call Amber!