Don't Look Back

A Close Call

I found it very hard to keep my head propped up during 6th hour the next day. I was in science and the teacher was lecturing to us about neutrons and protons…how exciting right?

I looked to my left and saw that Zacky had the side of his face pressed against his hand, eyes closed and a small line of drool escaping the corner of his bottom lip. How attractive. There was no doubt in my mind that he was sleeping so I gently nudged his side to wake him up. If I was going to have to sit through this torture he was going to join me.

“Hmph.” He groaned as I nudged his shoulder. “What do you want?”

“You were drooling on your paper sleeping beauty.” I whispered to him with a silent laugh.

He rubbed his eyes as he fully sat up in his seat, quietly yawning as he did so. “How long was I out?”

I tried to hide my smile as I noticed the small red mark on his cheek, most likely to have been formed where his hand had been resting. “Only about 10 minutes.”

He noticed me smiling at him as he checked his watch, cracking a small smirk himself. “What’s so funny?”

I shook my head as I put a hand over my mouth to cover my giggle. “Nothing.”

He playfully took my notebook with a laugh. “Tell me or your little diary will go to journal heaven.”

“No please Zack give it back.” I pleaded, my tone serious now. That notebook held all my thoughts that I liked to write down…the most recent were of Matt. If Zacky read them I know he would tell.

“Ooh did you write about your boyfriend in here?” he teased, holding the small notebook out of my reach.

“Zacky please give it back!” I demanded. “That’s for my eyes only.”

“Well then I have to read it now.” He joked, turning his back to me as he opened the cover.

“Zack!” I yelled again, trying my hardest to reach it but it was impossible as he kept it too high out of my reach.

I was becoming angry with him now. I knew he was only joking but I seriously didn’t want anyone else to read what I had put in there. Most of it was extremely private. Luckily I was saved by the teacher.

“Can you two explain to me why you have decided to so rudely interrupt my classroom?”

We both turned to the teacher as he began to scold us and I took this as my chance to seize my notebook from Zack’s hands. He looked disgruntled as I made my move but I just stuck my tongue out at him.

“Stay after class.” The teacher announced and I shoved my notebook into my bag with a huff.

“Good job.” I said, giving him a look of appeasement.

He mouthed a sorry with a solemn expression but I just turned my head from his direction, trying to ignore him until the class ended.

10 minutes later the class came to a close and I began to put away all my stuff as the bell rang. Zacky did the same and I waited for him until it was all put away. Slowly we made our way over to the teacher’s desk, hands in our pockets and trying to avoid the teacher’s glare.

“Well,” he pressed. “Explain yourselves.”

I opened my mouth to explain but Zack beat me to it. “It was my fault Mr. Garrison. I took her notebook and caused her to yell. She didn’t do anything.”

I felt shocked and a little flattered as I heard him take all the blame. No one’s ever done that for me before.

Mr. Garrison turned towards me now. “Ms. McDonell is this true? Did Mr. Baker take your notebook?”

I didn’t know what to say as I glanced over at Zacky. He gave me an expression that read Just say yes… but I felt bad for letting him take all the blame…even though it was all his fault.

“Ms. McDonell?” He asked again, a hint of impatience in his tone. “Did he or did he not take your belongings?”

I let out a small sigh as I slowly nodded my head. “Yes sir but it’s really not a big deal. He was only joking.”

“Well I understand that Treva but I can’t have you two interrupting my class just whenever you feel like it. I don’t know what goes on in the classrooms back in Missouri but here in Huntington I have no tolerance for it.”

I tried my hardest to not roll my eyes as he preached to us. He said a few more things but by this point I could tell that Zacky was no longer listening and neither was I. He kind of reminded me of my dad when I was in trouble.

We both muttered silent yes sir’s as he was done with his little speech and left the class together, grateful that we only got off with a warning.

“Why didn’t you let me take any of the blame?” I asked him as we headed down the busy hallway to our next class. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“Yes I did,” he said as he hitched his backpack higher onto his shoulders. “I was the one who stole it.” I lightly blushed as we made it to the stairs, the spot where we would have to separate as I had a class on the next floor. “But for the record I thought your poems were really good.”

The blush in my cheeks became a little darker as I smiled at him. “Oh god, you actually read one?”

He laughed as he casually leaned against the wall. “Well yeah. And like I said I really liked it.”

I smiled at him again as we stood in the stairwell, taking the time to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. “Those are actually songs…not poems.” I confessed.

He raised his eyebrow in interest as he looked at me. “Are you serious? Are you in a band or something?”

“Was.” I stated a little glumly. “I had to quit when I moved but I still like to write.”

“Well that’s cool.” He said. “I mean not awesome about having to quit but that you like to write. I’m a songwriter myself.”

I chuckled at his proud smirk. “I know. Matt let me read one of your songs. You’re really talented.”

“Well you know how I try.” He said a little cockily, making me laugh as he pretended to brush dust off of his shoulders. “But no,” he began again. “Matt and Jimmy write a lot too. I can’t take all the credit.”

I was about to ask about Brian or Johnny but I was interrupted by the minute bell, making me groan as I knew that the double-mint twins were in my next class.

“I’ll see you later then.” He smiled as he started to walk down the hallway, only to turn around to ask me a question. “You’re still coming over for practice after school right?”

I smiled back at him as I nodded my head, already a third of the way up the stairs. “Yeah I’m going right over there since Matt is give me a ride. You’re going to the bonfire aren’t you?”

He nodded as he slowly started to walk backwards. “Yep. We’re all heading over there at about 7.”

I nodded again as we waved goodbye to each other, both of us sprinting in different directions before we were late.