Don't Look Back

Plots and Schemes

*Val’s POV*

I walked beside Michelle as she droned on about her latest story of Jeph, me only smiling every once in awhile to pretend like I was listening. He’s all she ever talks about lately so I have decided that I no longer care. I had other things to worry about. Such as how I was going to keep Matt away from Treva and vice versa. I hadn’t trusted her ever since I had laid my eyes on the bitch. The way Matt would look at her when she talks, that almost memorized gaze. It made me sick as I remembered that he used to look at me like that. He could hardly take his eyes off of me and I thrived on it.

I don’t know why I had slept with Quinn. Probably from all the beer that he had brought over but I know I’ll never forget the look in Matt’s eyes when he caught us. A mix of betrayal, anger and sadness all mixed into one expression. He never talked to me again.

Michelle was still going on with her story about Jeph’s new tattoo but I stopped short when I heard two familiar voices coming from around the corner. I grabbed Michelle’s shirt and pulled her against the wall beside me as I tried to listen. The voices belonged to Zacky and Treva.

“What the hell is your problem?” she harshly whispered to me, making me put my finger over my lips to tell her to be quiet.

“Shut up will you?” I whispered back to her. “I want to see what they’re talking about.”

“Who?” she asked but simply rolled her eyes as I told her. “Oh come on Val just leave the girl alone. You need to get over him already.”

I hit her shoulder to shut her up. “Shh!”

I ignored her glare as I turned my head back to the voices, hearing that Zacky was asking her about coming over to practice. A pang of jealously ran through me as I heard that. I had always been the one to go help them. Not her.

She said that she would be since matt was giving her a ride and I gritted my teeth with a balled up fist. Were they trying to replace me with this whore?

Now she was asking him about the bonfire tonight, his reply being that they were all going at 7. I was supposed to go with Quinn but he can’t go now as he’s grounded from being caught with pot under his bed. Looks like I have a new reason to go now.

I waited until they said goodbye to each other before I turned around to face Michelle again. She had her arms crossed over her chest and didn’t look very happy with me.

“Don’t even think about it.” She said before I even had a chance to open my mouth. “I won’t do it Val.”

“You don’t even know what I was going to say.” I defended, crossing my arms over my chest as well.

“Well if it involves spying on Matt at the bonfire than count me out. I’m not gonna waste my Friday night spying on your ex-boyfriend.”

“We’re not going to be spying on him.” I said with a hint of persuasion. “I’m just going to try to talk to him is all.”

She raised her eyebrow at me with a small snort. “Oh yeah? And you really think he’s going to let you? Treva is going to be there and he’s practically stuck to her side. There’s no way.”

I innocently smiled at her as I put my arm around her shoulder. “Oh but there is a way big sis. I’m just going to need some assistance.”

“I said no.” She bellowed, shrugging my arm off of her shoulder. “I’m not helping you in anymore of your little schemes. Plus if Quinn or Jeph finds out what we’re doing they’re going to be pissed and I don’t want to have to sort out another fight between Avenged and the guys.”

“Well they’re not going to know unless someone tells them. Plus if you don’t help me I’ll tell Jeph about your little ‘escapade’ with Haner last month.”

She narrowed her eyes in a glare as she looked at me. I stared back at her with the same gaze but eventually she gave in.

“Fine,” she murmured. “but this is the last time. You can’t keep blackmailing me about that.”

I smiled in triumph as I put my arm around her, walking us up the stairs. “Of course not. Last time and I’ll leave you alone.”

She re-crossed her arms as I heard her utter a quiet “humph.”

I walked us down the hallway and stopped a few feet before we got to the door so that I could go over the plans. She stopped behind me but I knew that she was still mad.

“Now all I need you to do is keep Treva away from Matt as I try to talk to him. Give me at least 5 minutes.”

She rolled her eyes as she re-adjusted her bag that was hanging on her shoulder. “And just how am I supposed to do that huh? She doesn’t like me.”

“No she doesn’t like me. Tell her that you’re on her side or something. Make up whatever you have to.”

She bit her lip as she looked slightly towards the ground, then back up to me. “I don’t know Val…this just doesn’t seem right. Why can’t you just leave them alone and be with Quinn? I thought you loved him.”

“I do love Quinn.” I lied. “but I just don’t like this girl. She thinks that she can come here and just take Matt’s heart like that. I mean what if she’s just going to hurt him or play him?”

She rolled her eyes again. “Cause that’s exactly what we’re not doing.”

I glared at her sarcasm “Do you want me to tell Jeph?”

She sighed as she slowly shook her head, looking down at the ground again. “No…”

“Then cut the attitude.” I threatened. “You will help me or I’ll make your life so miserable you’ll wish you would have listened to me.”

She didn’t say anything else as she continued to look at the ground. I knew I had won the argument but I still felt bad. Putting my hands back on her shoulders I made her look at me, gently putting my hand under her chin to lift her head. “Look I’m sorry alright? I just need you sis…you’re the only one I’ve got left.”

Her glare that she had been holding slowly melted into a softer tone, a small smile gracing her lips. "I’m sorry too…I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”

I smiled back at her, pulling her into a small embrace. “Alright then…let’s go to class before we get into trouble.”

With a nod of her head she let me go and I followed her into the classroom. I would make up an excuse later.