You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Eleven

Going back to work was harder than I'd thought. I had almost completly forgotten about it, if not for Izzie's questioning on the cute intern who was just starting. I had completly convinced myself that it was summer, or vacation, or something like that. So here I am, trudging up my stairs, trying not to faint from exhaustion.

I beamed with joy when I opened my door to find Brendon lounging on my sofa.

"There you are! Where'd you disappear to today?" he frowned, pulling me down next to him.

"I had work." I laughed, "Some of us have to actually do that."
He chuckled, I leaned my head on his shoulder and yawned.



"Your always tired." he laughed, stroking my hair.

Rain pattered angrily against the window, the winds howling like wolves. I shivered. The weather had turned uncharactoristically cold in just a few hours.
Brendon pulled me closer, wrapping his warm arm around me. I sighed happily, warmth spreading through my body. My eyelids started to droop, my breathing becoming deeper.

"Lexie," Brendon shaked me and I looked around, disoriented. "Isnt that your car?"

He was pointing out of the window across from us, where a tow truck was clearly visable. And there was my little Coop, attached to the back.

"Shit!" I jumped up and raced out the door, Bren at my heels.

"No, no wait!" I shouted at the driver, who was just pulling away. Rain shoaked through my clothes with ease, my hair clung lifelessly to my head. The driver pretended not to notice, instead just speeding off without a second glance. I spun around, infuriated.
Lucky for me, my foot caught on the hem of my jeans, sending me spirling downward. I fell off the sidewalk and into a huge puddle. The water was deep enough to lap over my head, filling my mouth with dirty, foul-tasting liquid. I spluttered and coughed up the water, pushing my hair out of my face. I was pretty sure my nose was running too.

Brendon was infront of my face then, appearing completly out of no where, taking me by surprise. He was biting his lip, no doubt trying not to laugh. I was very aware of the fact that I was still sitting in the puddle. I blushed, though glad you probably couldnt make it out under all the water. Brendon pulled me to my feet, still searching my face for any signs that I was hurt.

A strange sensation stole over me, and I started giggling. It soon turned into a full-blown cackle. Right there in the middle of the street. Taking my cue, Brendon laughed with me. People running past to escape the rain stared at us, probably deciding wheter or not if we had escaped the nut house.

I clutched on to Brendon's shoulder for support, now positivly wheezing. I'm sure tears were streaming down my face, but the rain made it hard to differentiate where the water was coming from. A malicious thought formed in my head, bubbling and churning until I couldnt help it anymore. I dipped my leg back into the puddle and kicked, the water coming up in a splash and smacking Brendon head-on. He was stunned for a second, before he kicked too.
And there, right in the middle of the street, we had a war.

I kicked from every possible crevice of water, Brendon scooping out the water and throwing it in my face. I screamed, turning away from the rush of ice cold water.
He ran into me, hitting me on my side. We both fell on the ground, wrestling each other. He had my arms pinned over my head, blowing raspberries into my face.

"Ew! EW! Brendon get off!" I kneed him in the stomach and managed to get up, sprinting for the door. He was directly behind me, trying to grasp my flailing arms.

I wrentched open the door, stumbling blindly into the tiny lobby-like area, Brendon burst in behind me, knocking against me, and sending us both into the wall.

I was laughing beyond the point of tears, my head buried into his chest. He was shaking, from the cold or laughter i didnt know.

"Brendon? Alexis?"
I jumped, the sound of Jon's voice catching me completly by surprise. I turned to see him and Naomi standing just inside the door, wet and shocked. I burst out in another fit of laughter.

"See, I told you the two crazy people playing in the rain were lunatics..." Jon muttered.
"Hey!" Brendon said defensivly, before cracking up again.

I heard an odd, rattling noise, and it took me a while to notice it was my teeth chattering.

"Okay, lets get you guys upstairs. What were you thinking? Your both going to get sick!"

Naomi hearded up upstairs, wrapping us in blankets and forcing us down on the couch. We were both still giggling, for what reaosn I have no idea.

Even though my bones were probably frozen solid and my body permantantly stained with wetness, I couldnt help it. I was beaming for no particular reason besides feeling happy. Jon looked worried for my sanity.

"So, y-y-y-you g-g-guys wanna hear what L-l-lexie did?!" Brendon mocked, his teeth chattering widly.I groaned and buried my face in the warm blankets as he retold my oh-so-graceful fall.
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hehe well at least i thought this was cute. ;]

sooo comments ?