You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Twelve

Naomi hovered over me, smugness all over her face.
"I told you that you'd get sick!"
"I know I know." I groaned.

My nose was congested, throat sore, and head aching. Yes, my little stunt with Brendon had left me with one of the worser head colds. After placing my steaming soup infront of me, she left with a fleeting smile.
I settled myself, bowl of soup in hand, movie playing. The steam drifted up and into my nose, clearing it for the time being.

"Ahhh." I sighed, closing my eyes.


"Come in." I grumbled. Was two seconds of alone time too much to ask?

Brendon stumbled in, a tissue wrapped around his nose. Instantly, my bad mood evaporated. I smiled.

"I blame you." he barked, his voice just as raspy and coarse as mine.
"Aww, is wittle Brendy sicky?"
"Yes." he pouted, sliding under my blanket and taking the soup. He sipped it, then let it rest just below his nose, as I had.
Within no time, Brendon was snoring. I rolled my eyes and tried to push him off of me, but that was impossible if I wanted to keep my blanket. Brendon was a notourius blanket-hogger.

I stole back my soup and finished it, the warm liquid temporarily helping my throat. I leaned aginst him, my eyes trying to focus on the movie.
I was distracted by something entirley different.
Brendon smelled so good, even for a sick person. I wondered how that could be-almost every time your sick you get that sick-smell. You know what I mean? Well, I'm pretty sure I smelled like a sick person right now, but Brendon smelled the same. Shampoo with a light hint of cologne. It was relxaing.
I breathed in deep, trying to capture the scent. But the sudden intake of breath made the coughing come.

I was coughing away, my lungs feeling like they were on fire. Brendon jumped awake, backing away from me as if I could give him cooties. Yeah, too late for that.

My eyes were streaming as I looked desperatly for my water bottle. Bren shoved it in my hand. I drank greedily, until the fire inside my lungs stopped.

"You sound like a toad." he smirked.

"Yeah well, you dont sound any better."I spat.
He laughed, his smile crinkling his eyes.

We spent the entire rest of the day watching movies and being sick together. I was glad for no interupptions.After all,my time with Brendon was limited. Who knew the next time he could ran away on tour? I wanted to clutch onto him for as long as I could. It seemed like a perfectly brilliant plan to me, at least.

Izzie walked in, wrinkling her nose at our sight.
"Ew, sick people."
"I wuv you Izzie!" Brendon cried, jumping up and racing after her with a used tissue. She screamed and ran into the bathroom, locking the door. He sat back down, wheezing from the little effort.

I must say, we had made quite the little comfortable area. I had pulled my mattress from my room, laying it right infront of the TV. About ten blankets were piled on top, with pillows and tissue boxes stuck in between. We hadnt moved all day, but it was perfect.

"Come here Bren, lets take a nap."

"Mmm yeah." his eyes sparkled and a goofy grin spread across his face, eyebrows wiggling.

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so i figured updating might make my day less worse =[

comments would really help <3