You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Thirteen

Brendon was a snuggler. You sit down next to him, hes right up against you. You walk next to him, he needs to hook his arm in yours. You are nice enough to let him share your mattress with you when he refuses to go home sick&alone, and he snuggles.
His arms held me losley, but everytime I moved, he gripped me tighter, he legs were winding their way into place with mine, too.

Yeah, you could say I was trapped.

Not that I'm entirley complaining though. He was nice and warm, and comfortable too. His breath was hot and moist on my neck, making those little neck hairs stand straight up.

He was humming in his sleep. Humming a sweet, lullaby-sounding song. I sighed, letting my eyelids droop and letting the lullaby take me away.

I woke up not too long after, my throat burning for a drink. I carefully released my arm from Brendons grasp and drank my nearby water bottle.
He stirred next to me, smacking his lips together. I giggled, sending his eyelids flying open.

"What?" he rolled over and propped himself up on his elbow.

"You hum when you sleep." I giggled again. Jeez, silly school girl much? Whats wrong with me? Strong Tylenol, I guess.

"I what?"

"Hum! It sounded like a lullaby." I restrained laughter.

He gripped my wrist and then he was there, not two inches from my face.

"You have a problem with that?" He breathed. His breath smelled sweet, his face so close I could make out every single one of his long eyelashes.

My breath was knocked out of me, and somehow, I'd forgotteen how to talk. My mouth gaped, eyes wide, heat rushing to my cheeks.

"I-um...A" I blubbered.

He smirked and let me go, laying on his back and staring at the ceiling.
I layed next to him, oxygen slowly reaching my brain. I gulped air deeply, trying to regain control over my body.

The front door banged open and I jumped off the bed, landing hard on the floor. I heard Brendon chuckle, more than likely shaking his head pittyingly.

"Hey Ry, whats up man?" Brendon said, greeting Ryan at the doorway. Yeah, that key was being taken away for sure.

"Hey Ryan." I mumbled, still pink in the face.

"Do you guys even know that its 4 in the afternoon?" Ryan yanked open the curtains, which immediatly unleashed sunlight. Me and Brendon both flinched, retreating backwards. Ryan just shook his head and said, "And I'd thought you'd like a heads up, Kat's coming over here. And pretty soon, I probably just beat her here."

"What! Coming here.!" I shriecked. Ryan looked at me weirdly. Brendon hopped up and went to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and blowing his nose.

"Lex, you okay?" Ryan asked, still giving me weird looks.

"Yeah, fine!" I replied. My voice surprised me, it was high and hysterical, taking on a few octaves. Ryan frowned, searching my face. "Why?!" I spat, hopefully sounding as annoyed as I felt.

"I dunno, you look all flushed, and your eyes are all weird."

I shrugged and tried to laugh. Yeah no luck, still sounded like a maniac. Ryan sat down beside me on the mattress, stealing searching glances every now and again.

A loud knock on the door, followed by "BRENDON!"

"Are you hiding something from me?" Ryan whispered in my ear. I flinched, shaking my head madly.

Brendon rushed out of the bathroom and threw open the door. Kat stood there, looking dishevled and still gorgeous. I relized with a pang that I was in a holey, oversized shirt and boxers. Not even wanting to think about my hair, I quickly tuned in to their conversation.

"Kat, what are you doing here?" Brendon sighed, opening the door wider for her to come in. She stood there, her feet stuck to the floor, lips pursed.

"Why didnt you call me! I didnt even know where you were!"

"Honey, I called you last night!"

A teeny, tiny twinge shot through me as I reliezed he must have waited until I was asleep. Embaressed, I let my head fall to look at my hands.

"Yes, but I didnt know you were here. I'm your girlfriend, I should be the one to take care of you when your sick!"

"Alexis was sick too, and I wanted some sick person company." He winked at me.

"Ironic that your both sick at the sick time, huh?" she drawled.

"Well, having a water fight in the rain dosent help much." Ryan interjected. Brendon's head ducked just an inch as Kat's face contorted in rage.

I mumbled "Bathroom" and escaped as Kat screamed her obnoxius head off.
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yumyum update !
ahehe ;]

so it seems everytime i put on pretty.odd. i have a sudden urge to update this story.

please some feedback?