You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Fourteen

I let myself into Ryan's apartment, shifting through his mail.

"Ryan?" I called out. He sauntered into the room with Spencer right behind him, both talking animatedly about some song.

"Hey doll." Ryan punched me in the arm. I slapped him back, throwing the mail in his face.

"Theres the mail I was only so kind to pick up for you."

I followed them onto the deck. The view from here really was amazing, you could see almost all of Las Vegas. I sighed, leaning against the railing.

I wonder if Brendon and Kat got back together. I hadnt seen them since yesterday, when Kat stormed into my apartment. Brendon had looked so mad, but I knew he would give into her eventually. Most likely, she had that charm over people. That charm that could make someone do anything for you, make someone melt at the sight of your smile. Kat had evetything, and she knew it. A tiny pang of jealousy shot through me. I wish I had that kind of effect on people. There was a better chance of being hit by lightning three times than that every happening.

"Lex!" Ryan shouted, poking my arm.


"Whats with you! You were just staring off into space, I called your name like four times."

"Oh, sorry. Just thinking."

He eyed me wierdly again. I just cleared my throat and hurried to sit next to Spencer on the only bench out here.

"So, any great plans tonight?" I asked, pulling my mind back to the present.

"Nope, got any ideas?" Spencer said, excited.

"How bout a movie? I wanna see that new one with Natalie Portman."

"Great, I'll call Jon and Bren. You call Nai."

"Okay...hey, has anyone actually seen Jon or Naomi latley? I saw them a few days ago, but only for like 20 minutes." I asked aloud. Now that I think about it, I hadnt gotten any calls from either of them.

"I havent seen them since the last time you guys were here and Jon took her home..." Ryan replied, an evil look in his eye.

Catching his drift, my mouth fell open in surprise.

"You dont think..."

"Yeah, I do."

"Oh my God finally!" I said excitdley, almost bouncing in my seat.

'Uh, care to fill me in guys?" Spencer said, his eyes darting between the two of ours trying to catch some unspoken detail. "You know, when you guys read each others minds like that, its kind of creepy."
Me and Ryan were two busy to answer him. At once, we both put our heads together, as I dialed Naomi.

She picked up after the tenth ring, out of breath.

"H-hey." Naomi said, breathing heavily.

"Hey Nai, its me Alexis." I put on my cheeriest voice. "Lets go out to eat, I'm starving!"

"Um, I'm kind of busy right now actually..."

"What are you doing?" I asked, Ryan snickered in the background. Spencer was still completly lost, giving up and calling Brendon.

"Oh, you know, cleaning the apartment."

"Great! I'll come over, I'm in the mood to clean."

"NO! I mean, well, I guess if you need..."

"Naomi are you with Jon?" I asked bluntly.

There was scuffling on the other side and a whispered argument.

"Yeah, would you look at that! He just came in to help. What a coincidence. Ha ha."

She was such a bad liar, it was pathetic. Ryan grabbed the phone from my hand and whispered huskily into it,

"Naomi, are you and Jon having hot steamy sex right now?"

She gasped. I sniggered, putting speaker phone on.

"Look, we dont really care about how you and Jon are fucking each other," Ryan continued,"But we're going to the movies tonight. So, if you can keep those hands off each other for only two hours then we'll see you there."

He shut the phone, delighted with himself. We both wooped and high-fived.

Spencer came out and stamped his foot, obviously impatient to the fact he was outside of the joke.

"Jon and Naomi are finally fucking!" Ryan yelled, making the old lady on the sidewalk below us look up and shake her head. Ryan took my hand and spun me around, both of us dancing as Spencer tried to soak in the sudden news.


The movie theater was packed with teenagers and little kids running around, excited to see the new Disney movie or whatever it was they watched. I watched as a girl with long shiny black hair down to her waist chatted with another child, this one a male. They both must have been around 8 years old. The girl was talking animatedly to the boy, gesturing with her hands, her face alight. The boy was noddinghis head along, a smile on his face. Suddenly, another child came inbetween the two-this one with shocking red hair-and tugged the boy away from the black-haired girl. The girl stopped mid-sentence the smile slowly edging off her face. Rearranging her features, she skipped off to join the rest of her group that had entered the movie.

I dont know why, but it really disturbed me. All the little girl wanted to do was spend some time with that boy, only to have him whisked off when she was getting to the good part of the story? It seemed awfully mean that the boy would do that to a friend. I was scowling before I knew it, the scene throwing me into a bad mood.

"Ready to go Lexie?" Brendon called from the ticket booth. I nodded and walked over, still contemplating that poor little girl in my mind.

"Okay so that Natalie Portman movie you wanted to see-"
"The Other Boleyn Girl." I interjected.
"Right," he continued, "Well, they only had like five tickets left so me, you, Kat, Spence, and Ryan are going to see that while those humping gorillas over there are going to see some scary movie."

I laughed when he pointed to Naomi and Jon, who were busy making out in the corner. I picked up an empty Popcorn cup and threw it at them. They broke apart, Naomi clearly irritated.

"Not infront of the children, guys!" Ryan yelled. Naomi grinned maliciously and continued to suck Jon's face off.
I rolled my eyes and led the way into the movie.

This movie had me completly captivated. It wa such an intricate story, the one with new dramas unfolding every minute. Spencer was slouching low in his chair, probably asleep.
There was this odd moaning sound every couple of minutes, and it was really starting to piss me off when it inturrupted one of Mary's lines, and I missed something important.

"What the hell is that." I hissed at Ryan, who was sitting attentively in the chair next to me, as captivated as I was.

"Huh? Oh, its probably them over there." he said with obvious disgust.
I glanced in the direction of where he had pointed.
I really wish I hadnt.
My stomach fell a thousand feet, my hands suddenly clammy.
Kat and Brendon were making out, Kat practically in his lap.

I forced myself to look away, trying to refocus on the movie.
Yeah, that didnt work.


I returned home to find Izzie there, to my immense surprise. She smiled warmly at me, but her smile fell at once.

"Whats wrong Lex?"

"What? Nothing." I muttered, placing my keys and cell phone on the table, taking off my coat.

"You look all pale, and sad."

"I'm fine." I snapped. I did not look sad.

"Okay, okay." she held her hands infront of her in defense. "Oh guess what!"

"What?" my head was throbbing. I didnt feel like playing her stupid little games, I just wanted to sleep.

"Matts coming out, for my parents anniversay party!" she gushed.

"What party?" Had she told me about a party...

"My parents wedding anniversary! You know, next Saturday? Well, Matt's coming tomorow and staying until then!" she said, a little exasperated.

"Oh! Great I havent seen Matt in ages!"

Matt was Izzie's brother, a tall, gangly-looking thing. We were never close, matter-of-fact I only talked to him at family stuff.

I shrugged off her persistant "Are you Okay"'s and retreated into my room, slamming the door and closing the blinds. The dark made it eaiser to concentrate on my thoughts-deffinatly not what I wanted to be doing right now. I yanked my iPod off my dresser and blasted a random song so loud it hurt my ears.
But it worked,I wasnt able to think. Of anything or anyone.
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feedback please?? i'm feeling very neglected