You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Fifteen

I pulled on my lime green scrubs. I absolutly hated this color, but my shift manager, Betsy, thought it would be adorable if all our scrubs matched.
So now I get to see over three hundred people indisgusting lime green scrubs all day.

It was a generally mellow day at work, so I took over the desk infront of the ER.

"So, Alexis," said Yani, a quiet girl who worked the desk regularly.

"Hmm?" I replied, too distractded by the forms I was filing out.

"Uhm how've you been?"

I resisted from rolling my eyes. Yani was unbeliveibly shy, just carrying out a normal conversation was hard for her.

"I've been great, how about you?"

"I've been good."

Silence follwed. See, unbelivably shy.

"So are you worried?" she asked, this time in a whisper.

I looked up puzzled, anxiousness clearly visible all over her face.

"About what?"

"About the whole cutting thing. I really dont think its nessecary, I mean, to just kick people out of their jobs because theres one too many of us.."

"Hold on." I held up my right hand, trying to keep calm. "What are you talking about?"

"Betsy's going to cut 20 people out of our department. She thinks 50 workers are too much, but it is an ER...."

I was too busy trying to breathe normaly to listen to her ranting about the ER.
Twenty people?! Thats insane!

I must surley be getting sacked. Betsy never liked me, but I did my job good. Except for that one time I knocked over that tray of blood from the blood drive...
Or when I accidentaly triped over that old man's LifeSupport cable and almost sent him into cardiac arrest.

I knew being clumsy would cost me one day.

"Alexis? Are you okay? You dont look so good..." Yani asked worridly.

I just nodded, too sick to open my mouth. She just shrugged and went back to work.


I came home to a full apartment. Jon and Brendon were playing PlayStation while Kat and Naomi watched. Spencer was dealing cards while Izzie, Ryan, and another boy played poker.

"Lexie!" Brendon called happily from the couch. I smiled wanly, taking off my coat.

"Alexis, its great to see you again." The man I hadnt recognized playing poker was Matt, Izzie's brother. He had gotten skinnier and more lanky, if that was possible, from the last time I saw him.

"Oh! Matt hey!" I hugged him quickly. He smiled and went back to playing cards.

I went to sit by Bren, pretending to be watching their game, but all I could think about was work.

If I got fired, what would I do? I didnt have much money saved up, just enough to last a couple of months. Should I start looking for other jobs now, get a head start?
I scowled at the TV.

"Lexie, whats wrong?" Brendon whispered in my ear.

"Nothing." I muttered.

He snorted, glancing at my face. "Just tell me already."

"My shift manager's firing 20 people this week." I sighed.

The car he was controlling in the game swerved off the road. He loooked at me, worry etched into his facial features.

"Its okay, Lex you can always stay with me if things go bad." he grinned.

I smiled, messing his hair.

"How do you do that?" I asked, taking the controller and getting him back in the game. Jon was just ahead of us, his yellow Porsche speeding.

"Do what?"

"You always know what to say to make me feel better."

He shrugged, taking back the controller and winking at me, "Its a secret."

Jon and Naomi whooped as Jon's Porsche crossed the finish line first.
Izzie walked infront of the the TV and announced that we were going to dinner.
Everyone got up, grabbing their coats and heading to the door. I picked up my keys and wallet.

"Uhm, Lex." Kat giggled from beind her hand.

"What." I narrowed my eyes. I didnt like the way she was laughing, like she knew some inside joke that I was too stupid to understand.

"Are you really going out like that?" She giggled again.

Anger flared inside of me. I was about to snap back at her when I caught sight of my reflection in the window. I was still in my lime green scrubs, only now I had brown stains on my knees from tripping while getting out of the car.
I looked likke a complete mess, my hair pulled back in a messy bun, my bangs getting frizzy.
I muttered a 'No.' and ran to my room. I was humilated, how could I forget to take off these hidious thing before I left?!

The only thing halfway decent I could find to wear was a deep blue V-neck shirt and a denim skirt.
My hair was too far gone to do anything presentable to it, so I left it in the bun and straightned my bangs real quick.

Hoping I hadnt taken too much time, I flew back into the living room. Brendon was waiting for me, texting on his phone. When I came in, he smiled and shut his phone, holding out his arm. I hooked my elbow through his.

"They left already?"

"There waiting in the car. By the way, you look great in that shirt." he smirked.

I blushed, leading him out the door and to the stairs.

Matt seemed to be getting along great with the guys, its like they had known each other for years.
"Would you look at that, Kat's keeping her talons to herself tonight." Ryan whispered in my ear as the waiters cleared our table and handed the check to Jon. Sure enough, Kat hadnt released her talons on Matt yet, instead keeping them clamped together as he told her about his job in Atlanta.
We all payed our share and headed out the door.

"Hey, lets show Matt what being from Vegas is all about. Lets go quading!" Spencer proclaimed excitdely.
Everyone agreed quickly and before I knew it, I was in thecar, heading to the outskirts of the city, where Spencer's favorite quading place was.

Oh no, oh no no no.

We pulled up before I knew it, hadnt this ride been longer the last time?
Everyone piled out.

"Uhm, I think I'll just stay in here thanks." I said weakly from the backseat.

"What! You cant stay Alex! Come on, it'll be great!" Matt said eagerly, trying to pull me out.

"No, I'm fine thanks I'll just wait here."

They all complained, but I didnt care. There was no way I was getting on one of those ridiculous bikes and driving it over the sand dunes. No freakin way.

"I dont get it, why dont you want to come?" Matt asked, pouting.

As if any of them needed a reminder. The last time I was here, it was just me, Ryan, Spence and Brendon. I took a dune too fast and ended up crashing, sending me to the ER with a broken leg.
I was not going to relive that again. Especially not infront of Kat.

Matt persisted to try and get me out. I dodged his attempts, pressing myself against the farthest window. Did they not remember my klutziness? It wasnt that hard to forget, with me falling down almost every two steps I took.

Suddenly, Ryan jumped into the car and pinned me down. Brendon grabbed my flailing legs and pulled. I screamed, hitting and kicking anything that I could reach. They half carried-half dragged me out of the car and to the waiting quads.

"NO! GET OFF ME!" I bellowed, hitting Ryan hard in the stomach. He buckled, letting my top half fall to the ground while Brendon supported my bottom half. My head hit the pavement with a crack, red spots blooming infront of my eyes.

"Oh shit, are you okay Lex?" Ryan said, appearing into veiw. There were three of them, I didnt know which one to talk to.

"This is exactly why I dont let you carry me, Ross." I spat.

He smiled, taking my hand and planting me somehow on my feet. I swayed briefly, but it wasnt as bad as I thought. No doubt the throbbing lump on the back on my head wouldnt go away anytime soon, but it could have been worse.
Too bad he hadnt knocked me out, then I could have escaped the quads.

As the owner of the quad shop explained how to use the bikes, I slowly but surley edged my way to the rim of our group. If I took off when they werent paying attention, I could make it back to the car and lock the doors. I took a tentative step toward the van. No one moved. I took another step.
Concluding I was good to go, I wheeled around to face the car.

Like only I could, I stumbled on my own feet. Jon finally saw what I was doing and had my arm before I could even take another step.

"Dont think your getting away that easy, Sauyer" He laughed, towing me back to the group.
I groaned, letting my head drop. Ryan was already on his bike. This was so not good.

"Come on Lexie, you can ride with me." Brendon offered, grinning. I groaned again, how could I say no to that face? I did feel a teeny bit safer as I went to stand next to him,because his bike was slightly smaller than the others.

"Well then who am I going to ride with?" Kat whined. Huh, I guess I must have forgotten she was here.

"You can ride with me." Matt offered gallently, looking at her sheepishly. She shrugged and hopped on his bike.

"Oh stop it Lex it wont be that bad." Brendon cooed. I just sighed and swung my leg over the bike, planting myself right behind him.

"You might want to grab my waist, baby." he laughed, revving the engine.

"If you go slow enough I wont have to." I spat, placing my hands on either side of the bike. He chuckled and revved the engine again.
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wao so longass chapter...but i love it.
thanks to all the people commenting :]
please please comment...i'd like to know what you all think about whats happened so far. next chapter is really exciting&i cant wait to post it XD