You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Sixteen

Before I could react, the quad shot forward toward the dunes. I scrambled to stay on, Brendon whooping and screaming at the speed.
The wind whipped at my hair, pulling it out of its bun and sending it flying everywhere.
I fell backwards again, but miracuously stayed on the bike.

Flinging my arms around Brendons waist, I scooted forward and clung onto him for dear life. I pressed myself into his back, burying my head into his shoulders.

I could of sworn I heard him sigh, but it was probably just the wind.

We raced up and over the dunes, Brendon increasing speed.

"BREN SLOW DOWN!" I screamed, we were going so fast I couldnt even close my eyes.

He whooped and edged the quad faster. I screamed and hugged him tighter, squeezing my thighs against his. He laughed and turned his head.

His eyes were shining, a smile lighting up his face. I couldnt help beaming back.

He raised his hand to touch my cheek.
His other hand slipped on the brake.
The bike stopped short and then started up again, swerving and bucking uncontrolably.

My bloodcurdling scream ripped through the air, breaking the moment.
Brendon was cursing, trying to regain control of the bike.

"BRENDON!" I screamed desperatly.

Suddenly, there was nothing beneath me. I was flying through the air.

I landed on my side, my arm bending underneath me painfully. My head hit something hard. Then it went black.


I could hear a faint beeping noise. Something uncomfortable was attached to my inner elbow.

I opened my eyes slowly, taking in the brightness of the room.

"Oh thank God, Lex, your awake!"

Brendon's face appeared before mine. His face was light up by a relieved smile.

"Water." I croaked. He nodded and thrust a straw into my mouth. I drained the cup before speaking again.

"What happened? All I remember is falling..."

Someone in a white lab coat walked into the room.

"Ah, your finally awake." said Dr. Kroner. He pulled my Health Records out of his coat. It was quite big, I noticed.

He jotted something down and left without another word. I turned back to Brendon, who was clutching my hand and staring at me as if I might break in a second.

"Bren, what happened?" I said more firmly now.

He sighed, launching into the story. He spoke so fast, I had to concentrate to get all the words, "I messed up. I'm sorry Lex. My hand slipped and I put too much brake on. The bike was uncontrolable, I couldnt get it back. Then we hit a bump, and you just went flying."

He wasnt looking at me, instead talking to my hands.

"You landed on your wrist," he continued, indicating the bulky white thing wrapped around my right wrist. Woah, didnt notice that before. "Dont worry, its just a sprain. It'll be better by Friday. But somehow, you managed to hit your head on a rock. A rock in the middle of sand dunes! Only you Lex...."

I frowned.

"You've been unconciouss for almost a day now."


"A w-whole day?" I managed. I didnt see that one coming.

"Yeah. I'm so, so sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you. really, you just say the word and its done. God, lexie you scared me so bad. I thought I'd killed you." he whispered, moisture building in his eyes.

I took his chin with my good hand, lifting his head up to meet mine.

"Its not your fault Bren. Dont wory about it. Besides, worse has happened to me. You couldnt have killed me.I'm completly fine!" I smiled, trying to make him feel better.
It worked, he smiled back.

"Come on, the doc said once you wake up you can leave. I'll take you back to your place."


The sprain turned out to be much more of a hassle that I would have thought. The brace was bulky and uncomfortable, prohibiting most everything. And since I was a righty, that didnt help much either.

What I was more worried about was that it was now Wednsday.
And I couldnt go back to work until Friday, when the brace came off.
And Friday is when Betsy is making the cuts.

I did everything I could think of to keep myself occupied. I watched nearly all the movies I owned, but none of them caught my intrest.

Thursday passed in a blur of frustration and impatience.

Friday morning, Brendon drove me to the hospital to get my brace off.

"Alexis Sauyer." He said, grabbing my shoulders and staring me down. "You need to stop this. They have no reason to fire you! Everything is going to be okay!"

I lead the way down to the Employee's room. Brendon held my hand as I walked over to the mailboxes.

There was a small envelope in mine.
My throat closed and I closed my eyes, refusing to go forward.
Brendon, however, had other ideas.

He pulled me forward, muttering something unintelligible. He stuffed the envelope in my hand.

I opened it as slowly as possible.

Alexis J. Sauyer,

Due to recent low budgeting, the hospital has been forced to reevaluate its employee's. I'm sorry, but you will not be asked to work for the Las Vegas Memorial Hospital any longer. Please empty your employee locker by the date shown below.

Daniel Whitmore,
Head of City Medical Care

The paper fell out of my hand as I sagged against Brendon.
♠ ♠ ♠
and her eyes never fail to stop his heart

so two updates in one night...pretty proud of myself. i have 27! chapters of this already posted on quizilla, and i wanna catch up on here really fast.

so comments on how you feel about the story so far? its only fair that you should comment, after you read. ;D