You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Seventeen

To say I was freaking out is an understatement.
I knew Brendon was only trying to calm me down, but he was pissing me off instead.

"Alexis will you please just stop it!" he barked, exasperated.

We were driving back from the Hospital, currently stuck in traffic. I knew I should calm down, but whats the point? So what if I hyperventalated myself to death? It wouldnt make a worldy impact.
My kunckles were stark white as they clutched onto the sides of my seat, my hair crazy and uncontrolable. My breathing was erradic and far beyond control, and to top it all off I had ugly red blotches all over my face.

"What do you want me to do Brendon! I just got fired!" I wailed.

"You need to 1)Start breathing like a normal person cause your freakin me out and 2)Stop mellowing in this and get over it!"

"I dont know what I'm going to do," I whispered, my hands clutching my face, "Izzie cant possibly pay for the apartment herself, we'd always split the cost. I only have enough money saved up for the next month or so. I need to get a job like right now. I wont be able to pay for food, oh no I'm going to be homeless." I ended with a shocked sigh at what my life would be like from now on.

Okay, so I most likely wont be homeless, but it could still happen!

Brendon chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Lex, your not going to be homeless! Besides we already agreed on what would happen if Betsy decided to get rid of your no-good clumsy ass."

I shot him a dirty look. He was most deffinatly not helping.

"And what did we decide Mr. Knowitall?!" I spat.

"Your going to come live with me." he said simply.

I stared at him confused, until memory of our conversation made its way to the front of my brain.

He snorted, glancing at my face, "Just tell me already."

"My shift managers cutting 20 people this week." I sighed

The car he was controlling swerved off the road. He looked at me, worry etched into his facial features.

"Its okay Lex, you can alwasy stay with me if things go bad." he grinned

I smiled, messing his hair.

"How do you do that?" I asked, taking the controller and getting him back in the game. Jon was just ahead of us, his yellow Porsche speeding.

"Do what?"

"You always know what to say to make me feel better."

He shrugged, taking back the controller and winking at me, "It's a secret."

I felt elated at the thought of staying with Bren. My reaction must have been all over my face because he laughed.

"This is going to be great!" he said excitdely, bouncing up and down in his seat.

"Wait, what will Kat think of this?" I sighed, my happy-bubble bursting.

He frowned and shrugged, "Guess we'll find out."

"What about Izzie though? I cant just leave her."

"I guess not.." he sighed. "Just promise not to worry about it anymore okay? Its all going to be fine, we'll figure this out."

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. I breathed a sigh of relief, my Brendon-in-shining armor saving the day.


I was almost afraid to face Izzie. No, thats an understatement. I'm absolutly terrified. After all she had done for me, I go and get myself fired. Pathetic, I know.

"Izz?" I called out tenativly.

She shouted from her bedroom. I took a deep breath and pushed her door open. Dresses of every size, shape, and form were thrown haphazerdly across her room. I could just make out the train of her unfortunate electric blue bridesmaid dress from our Aunt Sadie's wedding. And that little black cocktail dress I had always wanted to borrow.
Her head was just visible behind a piles of reject dresses, the kind that you will never ever wear again. At least in public.

"Izz we need to talk."

"Shoot." She was busy doing something with her hands, but I couldnt make out what it was. I propped myself on the edge of her bed, next to a peach tube dress.

"I kind of, got fired today."

Yeap, that caught her attention.

Izzie yelped, jumping up to glare at me from behind her red-rimmed glasses.

"Fired! What the hell, Lex!"

I knew this wasnt going to go well.

"Well, they had to cut 20 people off the paycheck, and aparently I was one of them."

"Oh my God, I cant deal with this right now!" She belowed. I winced.

"We have that stupid party tomorow night, I cant find Matt anywhere, and I stil dont have anything to wear!" she continued.

I gasped. I had forgotten all about the party. Again.
Shoot, now that I think about it, I dont have anything to wear either.

"Wait, where's Matt?" I asked.

"I have no clue, I havent seen him since the night we went quading, he took Kat home, then I dont know!"

"Huh, well whatever. We'll talk about this after the party, I forgot all about it. I dont even have a present or dress or anything."

She nodded. "Matt better be coming, otherwise I wont have a date."

"A date? I dont think your brother counts as a date." I looked at her weirdly.

"No, stupid. The invitation says 'couples only'. We need a date. Leave it to our family to come up with something lame like that. Its probably a subtle way of humliating us. Who are you taking, by the way."

I groaned. Why must my family be so lame?! If I didnt show up, they'd haunt me for the rest of my life. If I did go, I needed a date.

"Bren!" I called, leaving the room.He had, as I suspected, his head stuck in the fridge. He stood up, a spoon dangling out of his mouth, ice cream carton in hand.

"Brendon Urie!" Furious, I put my hands on my hips and glared ta him. "That is disgusting. And thats my ice cream!" I smacked the spoon from his mouth and grabbed the carton.

He grinned devilishly. "You know, if you're trying to scare me off by glaring like that its not working. Its actually really sexy."

My cheeks burned red as I slammed the fridge door shut, carefully tucking my ice cream out of view. I turned to see him still grinning at me, his eyebrows wiggling up and down.

I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm.

"Would you grow up already." I mumbled, my words coming out a little softer than I'd expected. "I need you to come to an anniversary party tomorow night."

"Kay, cool." he shrugged.

"And now we go shopping." I grabbed his hand and wheeled him out the door.

"No! Please anything but shopping!" he wailed, straining against my grasp.

"Ha ha! Take that, Urie!"
♠ ♠ ♠
and do i make it so clear, does it seem so simple?

so yet another update for my lovely readers :] i've become obssesed with this story, i cant help it.

please, for the sake of brennybears birthday yesterday, comment me! =D ahaha