You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Nineteen

Nothing made sense anymore.

I sat on my bed, staring at my upturned hands, my mind blank except for one thing.

I couldnt figure out what had happened to me tonight, so the best conclusion I came to was that I had had heartburn from the BigMacs. Understandable enough. They were full of fat, anyway.

Satisfied, I pulled off my dress and pulled on boyshorts and a sports bra, too hot to wear pajamas. I snuggled into my bed, pulling a light blanket over my head.

As soon as I closed my eyes, Brendon's face appeared infront ofmy eyelids.

I yelped and sat bolt upright, panicking.

What was wrong with me?!

I sank back into my pillows, eyelids closing hesitantly.

It couldnt have been heartburn, that was just stupid. I sighed as I remembered his expression, soft and tentative. His eyes were big and mushy from underneath his long lashes, his hair soft and messy. The small, almost undecetale blooms of color on his cheeks when I had met his gaze.
Then my heart had jumped.

It was the weirdest thing, it had never really happened to me before. Sure, I saw a lot of guys that attracted me, but my heart had never, ever reacted like that. In that moment, I had wanted to jump over the counter that divided us and...

Stop. I told myself firmly, smacking myself on the forehead.


When I woke up I was groggy, feeling like I had only slept for two hours instead of seven.

I stretched and padded my way to the shower. The hot water scalded my back, but I needed the pain. The sharp relif back into reality.

The minute I got out of the shower, my phone rang.
I hurried to pick it up.


"Lexie!" My stomach flopped as he said my name.

"Bren, hey."

"Whatcha doin?" he asked. Thank God this conversation wasnt in person, because clear horror was on my face.

"I, uhm, just got out of the shower?"

"Ahh I missed it, I wanted to join." he fake-pouted. My heart flopped over, and I let myself laugh nervously.

"So come over tonight!" he yelled, "Come, come,come over!"

"Okay Bren, how many Red Bulls have you had this morning?" I laughed, trying to keep it light.

He paused, then replied "Enough. See you later."

He hung up, leaving me staring at my open phone in horror. How could I face him in this state?! I needed to drive this stupid thing from my head first, I couldnt see him.

But I couldnt help the excited bubble that had started growing in my stomach. I wanted to see him, and bad. Smiling to myself, I yanked open my closet and got dressed.

I smoothed down my shirt for the hundreth time as I stood infront of Brendon's door.

Kicking myself, I relized just how absurd I was being, and let myself in.

"Bren I'm here."

He ran and took me into a brief hug, but it still knocked the wind out of me. So much for the pretend-like-your-fine plan.


I took the Red Bull from his hand and shook my head in disapproval, throwing the can in a nearby garbage can. He winced slightly, but soon forgot about the loss of his drink.

We sat down on the couch, Brendon chatting about some stunt Spencer had pulled last night. I nodded along and laughed when he did, not really paying attention.

I was trying to fight the newly formed monster in my chest, the one urging me to jump forward and...

Stop. That was the fourth time I had had to stop myself from those thoughts.

"So, you wanna watch a movie?" he asked. I nodded in relif and went to pick out a DVD.

Finally, I came back with Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He raised his eyebrow, but I just shrugged.

Brendon turned off the lights, and suddenly I was hyper aware that he was sitting so close to me. I could practically feel him breathing.
I clasped my hands together and stared forward, my back rigid.

I heard him chuckle. "You seem really tense, you want a back rub?"

"No thanks." I choked in horror.

After a half hour of gruesome deaths with a chainsaw, Brendon wound his arm around my waist, pulling me closer and halfway into his lap.
I resisted the urge to groan. He was making this all that more harder.

His breath was on my ear, sweet and warm. I shut my eyes, trying to block out everything around me. I heard him draw in breath sharply when someone jumped out from behind a wall, slicing a girl cleanly in half.

Without me concsensly deciding too,my body relaxed and I leaned my head on his chest, resting my hand on his thigh. I surprised myself at how normal it felt, at how wonderful. With a burst of determination, I squashed whatever monster was lurking inside me.

I giggled lightly when Brendon held in a gasp.

"Are you scared Bren?" I whispered.

"Yes." he whispered back, holding me tighter. My free hand found one of his and interlocked with his fingers.

Brendon screamed just as the movie ended, horrified at the last scene. I laughed and tilted my head to look at him.

We made eye contact, and the monster was back.

I blushed deeply and diverted my vision.

"I should go, its getting late.." I yanked myself from his grasp and got up, edging to the door.

"What! You cant leave me here alone! What if I get killed by a crazy chainsaw guy!" he gasped in horror. I had to stare at his nose.

I sighed again, torn. If I stayed, I was sure I'd only be suffering. But he wanted me to stay, that had to count for something right? Plus if I didnt, he might catch on...

"OKay, I'll stay." I made a snap desision. Then instantly regretted it.

"Good." he mumbled, pulling me back onto the couch and placing me squarley infront of him.

He buried his head in my neck, wrapping his arms around me.

His breath sent shivers running down my spine. His touch sent sparks flying.

I stared, wide eyed at the wall opposite me.

I was still wide-eyed and shocked in the morning, not having slept or moved an inch.
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thank you all for reading yet again :]

so a question: u guys think i'm posting these to fast? i just cant help it..i'm so addicted! XD

feedback= :D