You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Two

Piles upon piles of junk were pilled high around me, so high that I couldnt even see Naomi walk in the door.

"Alexis! I'm here to help with the- what the hell happened here?!" she laughed, obviously seeing my pile of junk.

"I cant get out." I laughed feebly. I really was stuck int the middle of all this. If I tried to climb over th epiles, they would surely fall and make an even bigger mess.
Naomi just laughed and helped me move things out of the way.

"Okay, lets sort through this stuff now.." I was finally free, and had plopped down next to a pile of old high school memorabilia.
My old yearbook was still in good shape, and my class jacket looked pretty good, but in obvious need of washing.

We spent the next three hours sorting through all my old junk, throwing most of it out. It was kind of interesting to remember how everyone used to look back in high school. We spent a good half hour just shifting through the yearbook, pointing out our old friends. Me and Naomi had both gone to high school here in Las Vegas.
I took a load of wash down to the washroom, eager to wear my old jacket for who knows what reason.

"I should get going, Alex. I got work tomorrow." Naomi sighed, glancing at her watch as we stood in the dingy washroom unloading my laundry.
We said goodbye, me heading back upstairs to conqeur the boxes full of clothes.


I was faintly aware of something cool on my cheek and a low, throbbing pain in my neck. I jolted upright, forgetting for a second where I was. looking around, I reconized the unfinished boxes piled around me. Obviously I had fell asleep while midway through my box of pants, as they were scattered around underneath me haphazerdly. The clock read 7:46.
It was going to be a long day.

I pushed my sticky hair away from my face and rubbed my eyes, Deciding a caffine fix is what I needed, I grabbed my keys and old class jacket and headed to the Starbucks right next to my building.

From the funny looks the Starbucks janitor was giving me, I relized I must look like complete shit, with my sticky not brushed hair and old tattered jacket. I shurgge dit off. Its not like I'd be seeing any of these people ever again.
I got in line behind a large man, trying to breathe only through my mouth in an itempt to stifle the strong smell of body odor he was omitting. Looking around, I saw a tall man just finishing his order. He had his back to me. He had on black skinny jeans and a green hoodie, his black hair sticking out in all directions. I leaned to the left in order to get a better look.
He paid the man behind the counter and turned around, sipping his coffee. The cup covered most of his face, so I had to lean even more to try and get a glance.
I was leaning so far over now, even the slightest thing would throw me off balance.
He removed the cup from my face and glanced casually around, locking eyes with me.
I gasped.
The shock sent me tumbling to the ground, banging my head painfully on the ground.

He was directly over me now, staring at me disbelivengly. One look into his eyes and I knew it was true. I beamed, pushing myself into a sitting position.

"Brendon?" I tried.

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thanks for readingg :]

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