You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter TwentyOne

My feet slapped the pavement as I raced into the coffeshop, already late for meeting Naomi.

She was sitting in the only booth in the whole place, periodically sipping her caramel Latte. Her brows were furrowed and she looked extremly worried.

My stomach sank as I remembered her breathless, anxious tone on the phone this morning, when she had called and insisted to meet her here.

I slid into the booth and peered into her eyes.

"Nai? Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing really, well yes, but not for some weird reason, well, now that I think about it its completly absurd, I dont want to.." she babbled, playing with an empty sugar packet.

I sighed, grabbing one of her hands in mine. "Naomi, just tell me. Whatevers bothering you so much cant be unimportant."

She bit her lip. "Jon asked me to move in with him." she whispered.

I gasped excitedly. "Thats so great Nai! I dont believe this!" I was grinning like a fool.

She grunted, staring at her Latte. I stopped my excited babble, confused. Her face resembled someones whoose loved one had just died, not the face of someone who should be celebrating.

"I dont get whats wrong, honey." I stated, trying to pry it out of her. Naomi can be very stubborn when she wants to be.

"Well, its all so fast, isnt it? We've only been dating like two weeks and he wants me to move in with him? Its just absurd, I cant do it.."

"Naomi Walters," I rolled my eyes, "You are one stubborn person. You have no idea how much Jon is in love with you! You two should have been together years ago!"

She shot me a death glare, spitting "He dosent love me."

"Nai what the hell are you talking about? Do you not see the way he looks at you?"

She relaxed, and I could see the forming of a smile on her face. "You really think he loves me?"

"I know so." I stated bluntly. She beamed and drew me into a hug.

"Thats it then, I'm going to move in with him. I wanted to so bad but I didnt know what it would mean and..." she started babbling again.

I sat back and listened to her talk about Jon, nodding and laughing at the right times. My mind wandered to the night of my uncles birthday party.
The way Brendon had looked at me that night, how he told me that I looked beautiful, it all made my head swim with pleasure and my stomach convulse. It was like my body couldnt figure out how that made it feel, happy or sad, excited or scared.

I was replaying that scene of the night in my head now, how he had looked sheepish and nervous. The lock of hair that had fallen into his eyes, softening his gaze. My heart skipped and stuttured now, even though I wasnt looking at him. His face had looked so perfect...

"Alexis!" I was pulled back into reality by an exasperated Naomi. She was glaring at me increduoulsy.

"Hmm?" I tried to sound inconspicious, but it didnt work.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked slowly, examining my face.

I blushed deep red and started fiddling with a napkin.

"Okay, who is he." she said, leaning forward, excited by this new bit of gossip.

I bit my lip as I blushed deeper. I knew I could trust Naomi with my life, but I didnt want anyone knowing about my stupid lust-crush on my best friend. It didnt mean anything anyway, so why get her excited over nothing?

"No one. I dont know what your talking about. Come on, lets go back to my place and get dressed, Ryan's having some sort of party tonight."

She sighed as I dragged her outside and through the short walk to my apartment.

My clothes were thrown about my room so that there was no visible surface at all. My closet was bare and forlorn looking, having just been stripped of its contents. I ran my fingers through my hair anxiously, trying to keep calm.

I had absolutly nothing to wear. All my clothes were either too obnoxious, or too normal, or too dressy, I couldnt find the right medium.
Naomi was sitting on my clothes-covered bed, watching me with bewildered eyes.

"Why are you so worried anyway? Were just going to Ryans." she asked, a hint of curiosity in her question. I shrugged and spotted a potentional shirt.

"Aha!" I exclamied, now picking up pieces of clothing on the floor, inspiration hitting like a lightning bolt.

I scurried into the bathroom, pulling on a red denim skirt, with a black tee and a tiny black vest. I slipped into my candy apple red flats, grabbing my cell phone.
I knew my hair wasnt going to look different if I tried to style it or not, so I quickly ran my fingers threw it and put on my aviators.

"Wo-ho, someones looking hot tonight." Naomi wolf-whistled. I rolled my eyes and led the way to my waiting Coop.

I had to knock four times before Ryan answered his door. He hugged us both and pulled us inside. Naomi instantly squealed and ran over to Jon, who immediatly began sucking her face off.I blanched at the sight.
There were two extra guys there tonight, one tall and blonde, the other dark haired.
Guitars were perched around the room, and music was playing softly in the background.

Ryan pulled me over to the two men I didnt know, nodded to the blonde one and said, "Lex, this is The Butcher, The Butcher, this is Alexis." I giggled as he shook my hand and raised his eyebrows.

"And Lex, this is Micheal, Micheal this is Alexis." Ryan continued. Micheal shook my hand too.

A pair of hands closed around my eyes, as someone whispered "Guess who."

A shiver ran down my spine. I would reconize that voice anywhere.

I pulled at the set of hands and turned, hugging Brendon quickly. He pouted, complaining I wasnt playing the right way. I rolled my eyes and patted his cheek before taking off in the direction of the couches.

Brendon had caught me completly by surprise, I hoped I hadnt looked too suspicious. Brendon glanced at me from across the room and winked. My stomach flopped and my head spun dizzily as I tried to smile back.

The main objective was to avoid any contact with Brendon. If I could just survive the night, then I could also avoid any question as to why I was blushing and tripping over my words like an idiot.

Someone touched the small of my back and I jumped, almost dropping my glass of soda. Ryans worried face came into veiw and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Whats going on with you tonight Lex? You jump a mile a minute if someone talks to you, and your barely even talking to anyone. Brendons hurt, you havent said two words to him tonight. And plus you have that pink blush on you cheeks. That only happens when you have a scerect your too afraid to tell anyone."

I scowled at him. Ryan Ross could read me like a book.

"Nothing wrong Ryan I'm completly fine." I spat.

"Yeah right." he rolled his eyes. He was about to say something else, but was cut off by Spencer.

"Ryan! Get over here and play with Bren. Butcher wants a song." Spencer laughed, throwing a guitar towards Ryan.

Because Ryan wasnt looking and the guitar was threatening to crash onto the floor, I did something I would have never done. I actually reached forward with both hands, trying to catch it.

The guitar stumbled off my fingertips and began to fall again. I scrambled for a hold on it, taking a step forward, only to trip on an abandoned soda bottle. I flew forward, catching myself, but kicking the guitar in the process, sending it flying into the couch where it collided with another guitar.

Everyone was silent. I looked around wildly. Then Ryan laughed. Soon, everyone was howling with laughter, slapping their knees, rolling on the floor, the whole sheebang.
I frowned at the lot of them, fixing my skirt and putting my hands on my hips.

"And that, my friends, is our own personal clown." Spencer said inbetween gasps of laughter. I scowled and smacked him over the head.

I tapped my foot imaptiently, waiting for them to be done cracking up at me. My face was an unappeasing red color, blotchy and flushed. So much for not making a complete fool of myself tonight.

"Oh, I'm sorry for laughing Lexie." Brendon said, resting his hand on my shoulder. I jumped and shook it off, walking over to a recliner and sitting down. My heart was still racing, thumping loudly and obnoxiously inside my chest. Brendon looked hurt and confused, but didnt say anything.

"Okay okay, enough of this. I want to hear a song Brendon!" The Butcher exclaimed. Everyone settled in a chair and turned toward Brendon.

He picked up the only remaining guitar and strummed it, making sure it was in tune. He cleared his throat and looked at me, winking. I gulped and looked away from those beautiful eyes.

His voice carried through the room effortlessly. I had no choice but to look at him, it was impossible to look away. His face was scrunched up in concentration, his hands strumming the guitar with expertise. I sighed happily, settling my head on my hand.

He put so much soul, so much meaning into his singing. His voice went higher with ease, his lips moving hypnotically. I stared in amazment and awe.

Catching myself, I cleared my throat and looked away. If anyone had saw me staring at him like that...well it wouldnt be hard to figure out what was happening.

I caught Ryans eye. He was staring at me, eyes wide and mouth ajar. Wordlessly, his eyes flickered to Brendons then back to mine, raising his eyebrows.

Oh shit.
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so i absolutly love this chapter so much i had to post it. its deffinatly one of my favorites XD

thanks for reading :]