You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter TwentyFour

Excited about my trip with Brendon, I had almost completly forgotten about actually packing. His parents had recently moved, so that they were now living in a secluded cabin in the mountains, so I had had to pull out my flimsy box of warm clothing. It only had two sweaters, an old puffy jacket, and gloves.

My duffel bag was sitting, gaping open, on my bed,a lot of room still left in it. I sighed, not feeling up to packing anymore. I sat down at my desk, signing in to my AIM.

The harsh light from the computer was hurting my eyes, I had been aimlessly surfing the web for the past two hours. Shaking myself out of my stupor, I swirled around in my chair and faced the room. My bag was still open, with some clothes lying next to it.
I needed some company.

I dialed Brendon's number, but it went to voicemail. I listened to a short guitar solo, then the beep came. "Hey Bren," I said into the mouthpiece "Its Lex. I'm here packing, and I'm getting superly bored. Wanna come over? Kay, call me back. Adios!"

Instead of throwing myself back into the hard work of packing, I went into the kitchen and pulled out one of those ridicuously small tubs of Rocky Road. I licked my spoon feverishly with every dip. Izzie was out DJing, so I was all alone. And extremly bored, as previously stated.

"Duh," I whispered to myself as I pulled out my phone and dialed Ryan's number. He answered on the fourth ring.



"Hey, Lex." he laughed

"Wanna come over? I'm bored."

"Sure, I'll be there in ten."

"Sweet! Bring Rocky Road, I just finished my last carton."

I hung up, happy for some company. Throwing out the now-empty contanier out, I headed for the living room, turning the TV on to Fuse.

Ryan walked threw my door fifteen minutes later, a black grocery bag in hand. I jumped up to hug him, taking the bag. I got spoons for us and we sat down, watching the No.1 Countdown and eating.

"So are you excited about your trip tomorow?" Ryan asked coyly, glancing quickly at my reaction.

"Damn. I forgot all about packing." I returned to the scene of my despair, slightly helpless. It was now 11 o'clock at night and I had nothing done.

Ryan followed me, eyeing my messy room. "Want some help?"

"Love some." I mumbled, digging through my T-shirt drawer.

Ryan threw socks and random shirts into my duffel, as I covered T-shirts and jeans.

"So, are you going to tell me yet?"

I smacked myself on the forehead. I should have invited Spence over. Ryan grinned patiently. I knew I wouldnt be able to distract him, Ryan was way too quick for that.

"Uh no?" I tried, smiling slightly.

He frowned, winding his arms over his chest. I sighed, sitting down on my bed and patting the space next to me. He sat, watching my face.

At that moment, I needed to tell someone.I couldnt hold this up any longer. I was going to explode if I did.

"I know what your probably thinking, that I've romantically fallen in love with Brendon. Well, I havent. Its just a stupid infautation. Its really nothing to get worried about." I said in a rush, dizzying myself.

Ryan cocked an eyebrow and shrugged, "Okay."

He got up and went back to packing. I stared at him dumbfounded. I had been ready for a cross-examination, the likes of which to make lawyers cringe in shame. It was not like Ryan to just let something like this go.

"Thats it?" I asked, mouth agape.

He turned and shrugged again, "Yup."

"No penetrating questions, no hour-long probbing, just a shrug?"

"Well, like you said, its just nothing. Right?"

"Er, yeah, right." I amended quickly. Ryan turned back to my open drawer. If it hadnt been for my temporary daze, I would have relized what that small grin on his face really meant.


I let out a groan of annoyence. My eyelash curler was stuck to a glumpy part of my mascara. Pulling it firmly, the curler came loose, temporarily picking up my upper lash, letting it fall back to my eyeball with a pop. I scowled, absolutly hating when that happened.

"LEXIE!" I heard Brendon yell, and next thing I knew, he was bounding into my room, bouncing on the soles of his feet excitdley.

"Bren!" I squeeled, just as excited, hugging him as we both jumped up and down.

I got my duffel bag and ran with him out the door and to his car, truely excited to get away for the weekend with my best friend.

We both slid on our matching plastic red sunglass once inside his car, grinning like fools. Brendon popped a CD into the player, turning up the volume.

"Sinonara Las Vegas, Hello vacation!" Brendon yelled.
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i just cant keep away from this story for long. its official:i have no life ;D

so comments would be pretty sweet.