You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter TwentyFive

"R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me, R-E-S-P-E-C-T, take care, TCB, ohhh!"

Brendon was singing on the top of his lungs, thrumming the steering wheel to the beat. The windows were rolled down all the way, letting large gusts of wind swirl into the car, ruffling up the map I was trying to read.

I pushed my black hair out of my face angrily, trying to smooth the paper down.

"Come on, Lex sing with me!" Brendon sang inbetween the 'sock it to me's.

"Bren, you just passed the exit." I said calmy, pointing at the window to the passing exit.

"Shit." He swerved and U-turned until he was pulling onto the exit. The road had been deserted for the last four hours, the only thing keeping us company were the tall spruce trees on either side of the road.

He drove down a long path, coming out onto a small dirt road. It lead to a small cabin, nestled on a wide expanse of lawn. I could just make out Brendon's mom already standing on the porch, waving frantically. Brendon sighed next to me, shaking his head.

"Into the lions den." he said glumly as I chuckled darkly.

He swung the car neatly infront of the house. I gathered my things and hopped out, stretching. The air up here was crisp and cold, filling my lungs thirstily. Everything looked so crystal clear, nothing was clouded by pollution or blocked by an obnoxious light-up sign.

Brendon's mom attacked us instantly, slamming into my middle, knocking the wind out of me. I laughed and hugged her back.

"Its really great to see you, Mrs. Urie." I said, pulling back to peck her on the cheek. She pinced mine, then went to hug her son. It took ten minutes to pry her off of Brendon, then we headed inside.

"Alexis," his father said, hugging me also.

I took in my surroundings. The cabin was so different from their other house. It had a lot of little knick-knacks, bringing their personalitly into the house. I smiled hugely.

"I've got dinner just about ready for you two, so why dont you just go unpack and then we'll eat, sound good?" Mrs. Urie asked, smiling at me. I nodded, hauling my duffel bag up the stairs in the direction Mr. Urie pointed out for me.

Brendon followed, dragging his suitcase behind him lazily. I was staying in the room at the end of the hall, Brendon directly oppposite me. I opened my door, greeted by a cozy little bed and dresser, both in a luscious dark wood.

"I hope mom's making steak," Brendon mused as he set his suitcase down on my bed and left. I pulled my bag over to the dresser, turning it upside down and dumping everything pell-mell into a drawer.

Brendon reapperaed, scraping his bed along behind him. He was red in the face from the strain, setting the bed down near mine, pushing it against the wall.

"Uh Bren? What're you doing?" I laughed, scratching my head nervously.

"Sleeping in here. Duh."

Of course.


Mrs. Urie set a plate infront of me, heaping with steak, mashed potatoes, corn, stringed beans, and gravy. My mouth watered at the sight, and I dug in. Brendon had alread inhaled most of his potatoes before his mother had even sat down. Once the steak hit my tongue I sighed in pleasure. Mrs. Urie chuckled to herself, smug. Her cooking was eaisily the best I had ever tasted in my entire life.

"So, Alexis, Brendon tells me you've had quite the last couple of months." Mrs. Urie started conversation.

"Uh, yeah I suppose." I was too distracted by the juicy steak in my mouth to answer clearly.

"Well, I would think so! After finding this old bag of dirt," she waved her fork in Brendon's direction as he scowled, "in a coffeeshop, then having him almost kill you on thoose damn bikes."

Brendon had set down his fork, chewing slowly. I shook my head violently. "It wasnt his fault at all, I wasnt holding on correctly." Brendon shot me a 'thank-you' look as his mother nodded solemly.

"So, you dont mind sleeping by yourself now do you dear?" she asked lightly, though her tone was off.

"Uh no why?"

"Well, I just hoped that maybe...well that maybe you two would be, you know.." she trailed off, waving her knife between Brendon and I.

I blushed fiercly, swallowing a piece of steak whole. I didnt dare look at Brendon. I clutched my hands underneath the table for something to do, the heat on my cheeks continuing to come in waves.

"Mom," Brendon groaned. "We're not doing it! Leave her alone."

I cleared my throat loudly, glancing up. Brendon had his head in his hands, furious.

"I'm sorry, its just that I dont understand why-"

"Mom!" Brendon yelled again. I scratched my head uncomfortably, not looking anyone in the eye.

Mr. Urie jumped in then, wheeling the conversation in another direction. Brendon contributed vehemently, determined not to let it slip in that direction again.

I sat quietly picking at my food, not quite hungrey anymore. Was it such a bad idea? Was it such a disgusting thought that he had to react that way?

Dinner ended somewhat tensly. I scraped off my plate and washed it quickly.

"We'll see you guys in the morning, Night." Brendon said to his parents, kissing them both on the cheek and taking my hand. He lead me upstairs to our shared room, his hand acting like a warm portector on mine. Once inside them room, he dropped my hand and went to his suitcase, taking out his clothes and neatly placing them in a drawer.

"Sorry about them." he mumbled, blushing faintly.

I rolled my eyes, pretending to be coy. "Dont worry about it. It happens almost every year." I breezed.

"Yeah, your right." he agreed.

It was true, now that I think about it. I cant remember the last time his mother didnt ask us if we were together. We had both brushed it off laughing, but not this time.
This time I had acted like a complete fool. This time Brendon had been angry.
♠ ♠ ♠
and so do you see, is it that obvious...?

hopefully you guys arent getting too bored with this story that i'm posting so often.

&&i've noticed i have more subscribers than people if you could comment ? XD
thanks to all you who have commented btw <3

so i'm off to lay out in the sun...first warm day of the year ! =D