You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter TwentySix

"Lexie, Lexie wake up!" Brendon was tugging on my arm, trying to wake me. I groaned, scrunching up my eyes. I had barely slept last night, and I could just tell that it was the crack of dawn.

He kept tugging, rolling me over onto my back. I groaned again, rubbing my closed eyes. Reluctantly, I peeked through my closed lids. Brendon was kneeling next to me, his face excited and impatient.

"What?" I yawned.

"It snowed!" he cried, running to the window. Sure enough, a thick blanket of snow had covered the immense lawn. I gasped at the whiteness of it all, how it sparkled under the newly-risen sun.

I jumped up and joined him at the window, now excited myself.

"Come on, lets go!" Brendon said, grabbing my hand and steering me downstairs and into the kitchen. His mother already had our breakfast laid out on the table. We both sat down and inhaled our food, not stopping to drink.

"Wheres the fire, you two?" Mrs. Urie laughed.

"It snowed!" We cried in unision, rushing back upstairs. I yanked open my drawer and pulled out the only winter clothes I owned. Brendon had already stripped down to his tank top and boxers, searching for his sweatpants.
Awkwardly, I excused myself to the bathroom. The thought of being half-naked in the same room as Brendon made my heart skip.

The snow really was magnificent, I dont know why I dont spend more time up in the mountains. It glistened and sparkled, a perfect fluffly blanket. Brendon sprinted out of the front door, his feet immediatly sinking a good two inches. I followed, tripping and stumbling in the deep snow.

Brendon was laughing, rolling something in his hands. Before I could see what he was doing, a snowball collied with my face.

I yelped, not ready for it. Giving him the evil eye, I packed together my own snowball and hit him square in the jaw.

"Argggh!" He yelled, rushing forward. He collied with my middle, sending us both flying backwards.

"Bren! You asshole get off me!"
He ignored me, shoving snow into my face and hair mercilessly.


Me and Brendon sniggered and stumbled back into the house. Mrs. Urie came to greet us, shaking her head.

"Sometimes I think you two should still be 12, spending five hours playing in the snow..." she trailed off, taking our sopping wet coats into the washroom.

"But we are 12, Mom!" Brendon cried after her, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

My face was flushed and raw, my hair all over the place and knotty. But, like always, Brendon looked perfect, the pink tint in his cheeks and messed-up hair making him look like a God.

"Maccoroni and cheese with fish sticks?" I asked, gazing up into his face.

"Affirmative." We both agreed with a nod. He lead me into the kitchen, rolling back his sleeves. I located the pan as he found the maccoroni. Together, we filled the pan with water and set it to boil.

Brendon cracked his knuckles and sat at the table, whipping out a deck of cards from nowhere. "Care for a round of blackjack?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Your on. And to make it more interesting, lets play for money."

I groaned, sinking my head into my hands. Brendon had gotten abnormaly good at blackjack, wipping me completly clean.

"When did you get so good?!" I grumbled, getting up to pour the maccoroni into the pot.

"When your stuck on a tour bus for months with only a bunch of immature guys, you need something to pass the time."

I chuckled, turning the pot handle inward toward the stove. The loose sleeve of my oversized sweater brushed against the flame. Almost immediatly, my sleeve singed, sparking along the hem.
I shook my sleeve, trying to stop the sparking. Instead, a burst of flame shot out, lighting the edge of my sweater on fire.

"Brendon!" I screamed with horror, shaking my arm in an attempt to stifle the flame. It only grew worse.

Brendon appeared before me, his face set in lines of concentration. He swiped the sweater off me, throwing it on the ground. There, he stomped on the sleeve until the flame was estinguised. I was up against the countertop, cradling my arm.

"Are you okay, did it burn you?" Brendon asked seriosuly, taking my arm. Across the top of my hand was a nasty burn. I breathed deeply, taking the pain calmy.

Brendon shut off the stove and lead me into the bathroom. He propped me onto the sink. With a wet cloth and BurnHeal in hand, he dabbed at my wound.

"Sorry," I whispered.

He rolled his eyes, "We cant take you anywhere, Lex. You always find a way to do something completly ridiculous."

I smiled ruefully. It was true, you'd think the clumsiness would have grown out of me by now. His hands dabbed mine gently, applying the cooling gel. I could feel the calloused tips of his fingers, sending shock waves through my body.

"There all done." he said quietly, wrapping my hand in a bandage.

"Thank you." I whispered, staring into his eyes.
He stopped moving, staring back.
His hands were still around my arm loosly, his thumbs rubbing back and forth over the bandage.
Neither of us moved.

Shaking himself, he nodded awkwardly and put away the BurnHeal. I sighed, hopping off the counter.

"I'll be right back, I'm gunna see what Ma's cooking for dinner. I think thats enough for the maccoroni." He said, leaving for the washroom.

I nodded to myself, taking the oppurtunity to check my phone. I had one voicemail, from Ryan.

"Hey Lex," he said, "Its Ry. I'm just calling to make sure everythings cool, you know. So call me back."

I scowled. Did he not think I could handle myself alone with Bren? I erased his message and flounced off in the direction of the washroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
something wicked this way comes

so i got my AP cover of Panic !%#&@
you can thank that for this update .
