You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter TwentySeven

There was something about being seperated from civilization that calmed me. In the Urie's cabin, everything was so quiet and peaceful, you didnt get the blaring of horns in the middle of night. And the air was so clean and fresh.
The sky was even more beautiful at nighttime, with the stars shining like tiny nightlights above the endless expanse of trees.

I am currently laying on the low roof outside of mine and Brendon's room, hands behind my head and staring up at those tiny twinkling lights.

With a fleece blanket wrapped around me and a large furry hat warming my head, I wasnt even the least bit cold. From this height, I could make out the snow angels we had made this morning perfectly.

Ryan had called me two more times in the last four hours. I hadnt picked up once, I didnt know what he expected anyway. I needed a break, Ryan always knew exactly what I was feeling all the time, but I dont think I want to hear it aloud just yet.

"Uh Lexie?" I jumped, sliding down a little. Brendon was sticking his head out of the window. Grinning, he dissappeared, only to reappear seconds later in a puffy white coat and slippers. He clambored up, laying down next to me. The warmth from his body displaced the air, sealing out any leftover coldness.

I gave him a smile beforing returning to my stargazing. The light breeze ruffled his hair, stray locks falling infront of his eyes.

"Wanna play a game?" he asked, rolling onto his side and propping his head on his hand. I knew his overly hyper self wouldnt sit still long. I nodded, trailing the Big Dipper with my eyes.

"Lets play that question game, where one person asks a question and the other has to answer it completly truthfully."

"Kay." I smiled, liking the sound of it. "Go first."

"Alrighty," he smirked evily, "How do you make that amazing pasta sauce of yours?"
I gasped, glaring into his eyes. He laughed, tapping his foot in anticipation to my relply. He knew that that was my best kept secret, really the only secret I had kept form him since 9th grade. "I dont want to tell you."

"You have too though, its the game! Come on, tell me!"

"Fine." I sighed, already hating it. "Ragu."

Brendon let out a loud cackle, slapping his knee. "Ragu! And here I thought you were some Sauce God or something!"

"Okay." I snapped. "My turn. Where are my black True Religion skinny jeans?" I couldnt help but smirk evily. Those jeans have been missing for weeks, and I was almost absolutly positive they were tucked away in the back of Brendon's closet. All I needed now was a confession.

"Oh, I believe someone named Ryan Ross stole those. Hes been wearing them whenever your not around. Matter of fact, hes probably wearing them right now."

"No!" I yelped in horror. Brendon nodded solemly. I was never getting those pants back now. Once Ryan finds a pair he likes, theres no turning back. "Those were the best jeans I had! Ryan now owe's me a total of four pants, and the hat he stole for the tour!"

"Did you honestly like my mom's bean salad?" Brendon asked.

"Er, no. I'm sorry that was just gross." I whispered just in case she could hear me. We both laughed at the sidedish we had had to eat for dinner.

"Is it weird having, like, adorning fans?"

"Sometimes, especially when they chase you around wanting youto sign their stomach."

"Why did you visit Cliff when I was gone?"

"I dont know, lonley I guess."

The air had changed between us, it wasnt the former care-free laughter. We were both suddenly serious, staring into each others faces.

"Did you honestly miss me when I was on tour?" Brendon whispered, his face set.

"Yes, more then you can even imagine."

He frowned, playing with the hem of my sleeve. "I dont believe you."

My eyebrows shot up in defience "You dont believe me? How could I not miss you Bren, your my best friend. I'm the one who should be asking that question."

He scowled even more, looking away form my eyes. "And whys that?"

"Brendon Urie,"I rolled my eyes, "Your a huge rock star, almost everysingle household knows your name. Girls all over the country drool over the very ground you walk on. Whats the point in remembering an old klutzy, ditzy friend form back home?"

"Dont you ever say that again." He shot fiercly, grabbing my hand and returning my gaze. He was upset, his brows furrowed and mouth pulled down.

I half smiled, not being able to move when he was this close to me.

"Do you love her?" The question shot out of me, I dont even know where it came from. I guess it was always there, hidden beneath the more important things I was worrying about.

He paused, face expressionless. "Yes." he said calmy, dropping my hand and returning to laying on his back. I sighed minuetly, turning my head away from those seductive big brown eyes.
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so comments just make me want to update :] comment&i shall update ! lol

*off to go read my AP Panic cover for the millionth time again XD*