You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter TwentyEight

"Happy Birthday!"

I jiggled the box containing Mrs. Urie's present from Brendon and I. She flushed, jabbering away about 'not making a big deal' out of her birthday. Brendon pushed her lightly onto the couch.

She opened ours first, squealing when she reliezed what it was. Me and Brendon had gotten her two plane tickets for her and Mr. Urie to take a vacation to Florida.

"Oh, you two!" she was clutching her chest, fanning herself with the tickets. I laughed, pecking her on the cheek. Brendon hugged his mother tightly, rocking her back and forth.

"Aw, see your still a mama's boy at heart." I cooed, pinching his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah." he mumbled, casually wrapping an arm around my shoulders. My heart stuttered and stopped like it always did when he touched me. Only this time, it was doubly embarrising that I was standing in the same small room as his parents. My face flushed, large red spots blooming on my cheeks.

Brendon's mom opened the rest of her presents, carefully folding the wrapping paper for later use.

"I love it all, thank you so much." she said breathlessly when she had finished, trying to clasp the new diamond braclet Mr. Urie had just given her.
I smiled at the scene, Mr. Urie helping his wife while Brendon watched, a hand on his mothers shoulder.

"Okay, lets go eat!" Brendon clapped hsi hands together, bouncing on the balls of his feet. We were celebrating at a nearby resturant, Chateau La Mer.

The trees rolled past lazily as I looked out the window of the Urie's car. Another car zoomed past us, the only one I had seen since being up here. Brendon's mom had explained that there was a small town about 30 minutes from their house.

She turned on the radio, a very familiar voice flowing out of the speakers.

"Is it still me that makes you sweat
am I who you think about in bed
when the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch his chest..."

I gasped, poking Brendon's arm "Its you!"

"I know Lex," he laughed. The song reached the chorus, the powerful beat making the carseats vibrate.

Mrs. Urie spun around, gasping. "Brendon Boyd Urie!"

Brendon held up his hands in a shocked defense, "What!".

"Am I hearing these lyrics correctly? Are you singing about a women? Are you singing about sexual intercourse?"

I had to clasp my hand over my mouth to stifle the laughter. A small grin spread on Brendon's face. He glanced at me quickly, sending me into a fit of giggles which I covered up as coughing.

"Why yes mother, I am."
I swear, Mrs. Urie looked like a tea kettle just then. Her face boiled red and furious. I sniggered loudly, having to cover it as a cough again. No one was paying any attention to me anyway, so it didnt matter.

"Brendon Boyd, if you werent out of my reach, so help me God, I would smack you right here. Have you no sense of propriety!"

"Mom, its a song."

"Yes, but a dirty song. I would have never imagined! I forbid you from even thinking those thoughts from now on, do you hear me?"
We pulled up just infront of Chateau La Mer.

"I've done more than think, mom."
Brendon had jumped out of the car before his mother could even react. She sat there, mouth agape. I jumped out after him, chuckling softly. Brendon was grinning superbly, his busy eyebrows raised.

Mrs. Urie shot out of the car, smacking her son over the head.
"Ow! Ma!"
"You deserve it. I dont want you thinkiing about anyone that way ever again. And for the love of God, dont sing about it!"

"Ma, It's over and finished. I'm not going to stand here and discuss my sexual life with you! Get over it, I have thought about girls that way." His eyes flickered to mine, flicking back as quickly as they had come.

Suddenly, this wasnt so funny any more.

"Okay lets go inside?" My voice cracked as I spoke. The Urie's all nodded, following my stumbling, light-headed walk into the resturant.
♠ ♠ ♠
short.sweet.mega-importante. ;D
i love you all who've commented....

more comments=very speedy update :] ahehe

so .. i thought you all would like a very special treat
this fuckin cracked me up ! XD
