You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter TwentyNine

I walked into the den quietly, dressed in a pair of Soffee shorts and a cami. I almost reeled over in shock, Brendon was standing there, playing Guitar hero, in only his boxers.

I stood back to watch him play, his broad, bare shoulders blocking most of the screen. He was very good, but you could say I'm biased.
When the song ended, I clapped at his high score. He turned around, brushing a lock of stray hair out of his eyes.

"Thank you, thank you." he bowed.

I rolled my eyes, switched off the game and plopped down on the couch. Brendon sat next to me, taking control of the remote. His bare arm brushed against mine. Immediantly, I felt goosebumps rise all over my body, being so close to a half-naked Brendon.

"I cant belive this is our last night here." I said, my voice forced and cracky. In my defense, it was quite hard to concentrate.

"Ugh, I know. I dont wanna go back. I wanna stay here with you!" he weaved an arm around my shoulders, grinning. I forced a smile, too nervous to do anything else.

"I feel like we should be celebrating." I mumbled.

"America's Next Top Model marathon!" Brendon cried, setting down the remote.

I shook my head sadly, "You are one strange boy."

He winked in reply, sending my heart into nervous palpatations. "I'll get popcorn." I stated awkwardly, unwinding myself from his grasp. I padded into the kitchen quietly, not knowing if Brendon's parents were still awake. With the popcorn popped just right, I returned to the den, closing the door behind me.

"Hey!" I snapped. Brendon was sprawled out along the couch, his feet hanging over the side.
"Move over you big oaf!" I dumped the popcorn bag on the coffee table and placed my hands on my hips, glaring at Brendon's amused face.

"You know, I'm pretty sure I told you this already, but that face dosent scare me. You look extremly sexy."

Blushing like an idiot, I took charge and sat down, hard, on his bare stomach.
"Uhh! Get off, fat ass!" he groaned.

I smacked his bare chest, glaring. Instantly, my hand stung from the skin-to-skin contact. Brendon raised an eyebrow, before launching himself forawrd, his hands grazing my sides.
I yelped, kicking and screaming for the tickling to stop.
We wrestled to the ground, hitting and kicking each other playfully.

All of a sudden, Brendon was ontop of me. He pinned my arms over my head, straddling my hips and twisting his legs around mine so that I couldnt move. He held his face inches from my own, his expression triumphant, his eyes sparkling with something I couldnt recognize.

"You win." I breathed, ephasising the double meaning behind it.
Brendon grinned crookedly, never faltering eye contact.

I leaned my neck forward, so that our faces were closer that they'd ever been before. Every single one of Brendon's faint freckles were visible, our faces just barely apart.

Brendon's eyes widened, that something burning strongly in his eyes again. I relized with a jolt of adrenaline that it was desire.
His grip tightened around my waist and arms.

I parted my lips softly. I could feel the heat from Brendon's breath rocket against my lips. He was breathing very heavy, but never once did his eyes sway from mine.
His lids drooped as he took a quick, final breath, leaning in.

"Brendon are you in here?"

I screamed bloody murder. Brendon jumped off of me so fast it was a blur.
Brendon's mom was at the door, knocking softly.
She let herself in, smiling serenly.
"Sorry if I scared you two," she said, " I heard an awful lot of comotion, were you two wrestling again? Well, I'll leave, I best get back to bed." She left as quietly as she had come.

Brendon was staring at me, shock and helplessness flooding his eyes.
He left, following his mother, leaving me to sit in my own kind of agony.