You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Three

"Oh my God Brendon I dont belive this!" I was still flat on my back, grinning up at him. He was laughing as he extended his arm for me to grab.

"You've never been the most coordinated person, Lexie."

I'd forgotten he used to call me that.

We both laughed awkwardly and stood facing each other. He hadnt changed at all from high school, except a new hairstyle. His smile was exactly how I remebered it.

"So do you wanna come over for lunch or something? We really need to catch up." The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"Yeah great."

We walked outside and up the stairs to my building, making small talk. It felt so good to see him, its been almost a year since I last saw him, and thats a lot compared to how unseperable we used to be.

I swung my door open, and then slammed it right back shut, frozen. Thank God Brendon had stopped to look at the weird clown picture hanging in the hallway. How could I invite him up here, with my apartment looking like a bomb just exploded?

"So are we going in?" he laughed, noticing I was still standing stock still with one hand on the doorknob.

"Uhm...well maybe we could just go out or something? I just moved in here and forgot I had all this unpacking to do so its just a little messy..."

"Lexie, I've known you how many years now? I think I can handle a little mess." he was still laughing, obviously not taking the hint from the look on my face.

"I know this really great resturant, its not too far, so lets just go.." I made the mistake of taking a step away from the door.
Brendon flew swiftly pass me and swung it back open.
I'd almost forgot how stubborn and oblivious he was.

Mortified, I watched as he took in the piles of clothes and worthless crap, a smirk on his face. It was just a matter of time before he took off running and screaming.

"Hey, you've still got that lamp! Are you keeping it?" he had grabbed my old '60s lava lamp off the nearest pile, bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly.

"No, I was gunna give it away, you want it?" I offered. It was just a stupid lava lamp, I never saw what he liked about it.

"Are you kidding? Of course I want it!"

Shaking my head, I scooted around various piles and made it to the kitchen unscathed. He followed, grinning form ear to ear.

"I didnt know you would still like that lamp." I chuckled.

"Some things never change." he winked.

I pulled open my fridge, appalled at how little there was in there. Moving past empty MinuteMaid containers and Izzie's low-fat yougurt packs, I found a slighty tattered Frozen Pizza box. I held it up, shaking the contents. Brendon grinned and nodded, claiming the pizza worthy.

I guess some things never change, then.
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ha ha ! two updates in one day ! whoo-hoo

^go check out my quizilla page !