You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Thirty

Brendon was already in bed when I came up to the room.
He was laying on his back on the left side of the bed, as far as he was able to go.

I didnt bother undressing, I just slid into the bed nervously and stayed on the far right, rigid as a board. I waited for his warm arms to encirle around my waist, for his hot breath to make the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up, for the comforting hold he always provided me.
Nothing came.


"Have a safe trip home!" Mrs. Urie hugged me once more. I patted her back softly, stifiling a yawn. I had gotten zero sleep last night. Brendon also had dark circles under his eyes, but they didnt look anything like the ugly bags I had.

We packed our stuff into the trunk and made our way seperatly to the front of the car. I hesistated opening the door, why was this so awkward? Well, it was obvious why, but I still couldnt shake the thrill that last night had given me.

"So, any preferences on music?" Brendon asked me, smiling a small, tentative smile. We pulled out of the long driveway and turned onto the main road. I shook my head, not even looking at him.

He put in a CD, and immediatly the Beatles flowed through the speakers. He sung along with the lyrics, thrumming his fingers against the wheel as if he wasnt the least bit uncomfortable. I guess it was just me then.

I didnt look at him the entire time. I kept my eyes fixed on the road ahead at all times. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brendon's eyes flicker to me every ten minutes or so, as if looking for something to say.

I decided to look. It couldnt hurt, right? Just a simple glance, it wont mean anything. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, turning my head slightly and taking a quick glance at him.
At that exact moment, he was looking at me.

We both jumped, our heads flying back to their original possitions. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm myself down.

"Come over later, okay?" Brendon asked me. We had pulled up infront of my apartment building, finally, and I was itching to get out. I furrowed my brows not really knowing what he was asking. "Ryan and the guys are coming over cause we havent seen them in a while. Just come okay?"

I smiled. "Alright." I dont know what made me do it, maybe it was the heat or the exhuberent look on his face, but I leaned forward and kissed him softly on the cheek, quite close to his mouth. "See you later, then."

I hopped out of the car, leaving a very red-faced and stunned Brendon behind.

Ryan, Naomi, and Izzie were all sitting on my couch when I walked in. I groaned inwardly, I seriously needed some alone time. They all jumped up when I walked in, beaming. All except Ryan who was looking at me suspiciously. I let a large chunk of hair fall infront of my face to hide it from his scrutinizing gaze.

"Why havent you been answering our calls?"
"We missed you so much!"
"How was it, whatd you guys do?"

I could hardly keep up with their questions, just smiling in the presence of my friends. Izzie grabbed my bags and took them to my room happily. God, its good being home.

"Sorry, I didnt get much service up there." I half-lied. Naomi nodded solemly, pulling me down onto the sofa. Ryan remained his quiet compsure, waiting to get me alone, I'm sure.

"So guess what, I'm finally officialy moved in with Jon! I unpacked the last box on Friday!" Naomi squeeled, jumping up and down and clappinig her hands, not hiding her excitment one bit.

"Oh my god! Thats great!" I hugged her, jumping up and down with her. Izzie returned, only to say she had to leave for work.

"I better get going too," Naomi said, "But I'll see you later at Bren's, right? Kay, bye love. Bye Ry!" she took off out the door.

I cleared my throat nervously. Ryan was still staring at me, waiting. I half smiled at him. "S-so how was your weekend?" I knew it was a lost cause, but tried anyway.

"Did you honestly have no service up there?"

"Yes!" I cried in defience.

"What did you do?" he was talking very slowly, as if to a child. He knew how to pull anything out of me. Even though I wasnt that great of a secret-keeper in the first place.

"Oh, you know, went out to dinner for Mrs. Urie's birthday, played in the snow, burned my hand trying to cook maccoroni and cheese, the usual." My face muscles were'nt letting me smile. I was way to nervous.

He squinted his eyes. "Somethings wrong, your all twitchy and nervous. What arent you telling me?"

"Why do you have to read me like a fucking book all the time Ross!" I yelled in anger, throwing up my arms. My anger ebbed very quickly, being replaced by something I wasnt prepared for: sadness. It filled my body and weighed me down, not to mention the rejection that had joined the party. I let myself sag againist Ryan's chest. He rubbed my arm softly.

"Its okay, just tell me Lex." he whispered. Yes, Ryan Ross can get anything out of me.

"We almost, almost kissed."

"What do you mean almost, is that even possible?" he sounded angrey.

"His mom walked in right before we, you know." My voice cracked at the memory, at the shocked look on Brendon's face. The almost kiss was my fault, and we both knew it.

"Lex, this is bad. You cant let that happen again, okay? He's in love with Kat, I just dont want to see you get hurt. Please, just promise me that okay?"

I sighed, nodding, not knowing anything else to do.

"Alright, honey, It'll be okay. But now we have to go to Brendon's or else all the good chips'll be eaten."

what a peaceful world we live in
♠ ♠ ♠
super long&fillerish. whateverrr mannn. ;D
seeing as most everyone i know how gone away for spring break&had left me alone&boreed, i ahve nothing to do but update.

so how u guys feelin bout this so far ? i got huge plans for this storyyyy ! :D

thanks for reading ! comment ?