You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter ThirtyOne

"So Ry, what have you been up to? I feel like I havent seen you in years." I chatted as me and Ryan made our way up the stairs of Brendon's apartment building.

"Not much," he shrugged, "Practiced guitar, I had some vocal lessons, some more guitar."

I rolled my eyes. "Do you ever do anything else?"

"No." he answered, somewhat confused. I chuckled, shaking my head.

We came to Brendon's floor. The butterflies overtook all other feeling in my body. Why hadnt I changed?! I still had on my loosest jeans and a hoodie, not the most flattering. I patted my hair down quickly and checked my breath. Not bad.
"Are you okay, with like going in?" Ryan asked quietly, after watching my frantic self-check.
I shrugged, there wasnt much I could do anyway.

Things would go back to normal, I was sure of it. We would pretend like it never happened. It was like some kind of invisible, unspoken pact, one that I could never break even if I tried.

Ryan knocked lightly on his door, rapping his knuckled smartly until they were slightly red.
We stepped back a little, waiting.

The door was thrown open suddenly, causing my jaw to drop to the floor. Kat was standing before us, clutching a blanket to her bare body. She was smiling radiently, her hair all over the place.
It wasnt too hard to guess what she had been doing.

"Hello!" she squeaked, stepping into the hallway. She hugged me quickly, still laughing. I didnt make any effort to hug back, I was frozen in shock.

She let go of me and hugged Ryan, pressing herself against him. He looked extremely uncomfortable, and in the end had to pry her off of himself. She stood there, beaming. Brendon appeared behind her, pulling a worn blue shirt over his head. He was smiling also, as he not-so-discreetly grabbed Kat's ass as he reached her.

"Hey, man." he nodded in Ryan's direction. His eyes found mine, and instantly his smile ebbed. He hadnt noticed me, he didnt know that I was there.

"Lex," he squeaked before clearing his throat.

My heart was stabbed, a million little knives puncturing its surface until there was nothing left. My hands were shaking and I hoped to God that I wouldnt start crying.
Lex? Since when didnt he call me Lexie?

"Come in!" Kat squeeled, beaming at me.

Me and Ryan obeyed, there really wasnt anything else to do. Kat squrried off to get dressed.
Thankfully, Jon and Naomi showed up not too long after.

Brendon's hair was messed up to perfection, and I couldnt help but wish that it was me he had come home to, that it was me he wanted.

Spence was the last to show up, as usual. I greeted them all like I would any other day, my wounded heart thumping away like a broken metronome.
Kat returned, brushing her long hair lovingly.

"So, Bren, you have fun visiting your parents?" Jon asked as we all sat in the living room. Ryan sat next to me, giving my hand a quick, reassuring squeeze. I smiled a thanks.

"It was great, it snowed and everything."

"How much? I wish it snowed here!" Naomi whined, resting her head on Jon's shoulders.

"Probably like five inches or so," I replied. Naomi pouted, she was as much of a snow-freak as me and Brendon were.

Kat snorted, giggling into her hand. "How would you know silly?"

Was she seriously talking to me?

I shot Ryan a confused look, but everyone was pretty much baffled by her behavior, except for Brendon. He was squirming uncomfortably in his chair, looking at his shoes.

"Because I was there." I said slowly. Mental illness much?
She stopped laughing abruptly, slowly turning her head to Brendon's. Brendon was looking anywhere but at her, whistling softly.

"She was there?" she growled, teeth bared. "Why was she there with you?"

"I told you, she always comes to visit my parents." he shrugged nervously, looking at me straight in the eyes for the first time tonight. He smiled, searching my face. I didnt know what to do, so I just looked back at Kat. She was glaring at me furiously, nostrils flared and teeth still bared.

"I wasnt aware that she was there this year," she growled, getting up and stomping into the kitchen. Brendon sighed, rubbing his eyes.

He hadnt told her I was going with him? I didnt know if that was a good or bad sign, it was almost impossible to read his facial expression.
He looked at me again and smiled. This time I smiled back, winking.
He laughed, doing one of his very strange faces for me.

I had my old Brendon back, at least.
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ahaha thanks for reading !