You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter ThirtyTwo

Thanks to Kat being the ultimate-bitch she was, she refused to come back and socialize. Brendon had to spend the entire night trying to coax her out of his room, so I didnt get to see him at all. Even though I just spent four days alone with him, but whatever.

"Why do you think he told her I was going too?" I mused, not really noticing that I had spoken aloud.

"I dont know," Naomi answered, "She probably would have forced him to stay home if he found that out."

"Why?" I scrunched up my face in confusion.

"Are you serious? Shes fucking jealous of you!"

"...Really?" Kat jealous of ugly, klutzy, me?

"Oh, get over yourself you know she is." Naomi was laughing, eyeing me increduously.

Ryan got up and searched through the DVD rack, looking for something acceptable. He held up 300 and we all wooped in agreement. He sat down next to me, stealing the bowl of chips I had in my lap.

Every few minutes, my eyes glanced invoulantarily toward Brendon's closed bedroom door. If you listened close enough, you could just make out Kat whining.

"Lex, why even pretend to watch the movie? Why not just get up and stare at the door, it'd be eaiser." Ryan whispered in my ear, a small smile on his face. I glared at him, stuffing chips into my mouth so I didnt have to answer.

"Its really killing you, isnt it? Knowing hes with her." he whispered again. No one was paying any attention to us, so I didnt have to worry about being overheard.

I sighed, closing my eyes, "Truthfully? Yes, it is. I need some kind of distraction."

He paused for a moment, thinking. "Why dont you start working out with Naomi? That'll keep you busy."
I snorted. First I wasnt the most physical person you'll ever meet. Thats even an understatement, I'm the least physical person ever. And second, there was no way I was going to the gym with Naomi the Workout Nazi.

"Naomi?" Ryan said before I had even answered, "When do you go to the gym?"

"5 a.m. why?" she said distractedly, not tearing her eyes from the screen. I was shaking my head madly at Ryan, he wasnt doing this.

"Lex wants to start working out."

No! I smacked his arm hard, making him jump. Naomi turned to me, excitment bubbiling in her eyes. "Great! I'll be at your apartment by 4:30, we can have breakfast and then get there at 5:00! Oh, I'm so excited!"

I smiled wanly, digging my nails into Ryan's arm. He yelped in pain, jumping to his feet.
"Well, I better be going, see you guys later!" he edged to the door, not turning his back on me.

"Oh no you dont!" I screeched, "And by the way, I need my jeans back!"
He stopped, a smirk forming on his face. Then, he bolted, slamming the door after him. I didnt even have time to get up, Ryan was just too fast.

"Ross!" I screamed, "You will pay!"


Instead of the death sentence, or even instead of jail, criminals should just be forced to work out with Naomi. That'll set them straight in no time at all.

Its four-thrirty exactly, and Naomi is practically pounding down my door. I shuffled out of bed, unlocking the deadpolt and opening the door.
She burst through, wearing small wokrout shorts and a sports bra, a windbreaker hung over her shoulder.

"Why arent you dressed yet?" she cried, taking in my oversized sweatshirt and ScoobyDoo pajama bottoms. She pushed me back into my room, taking a pair of shorts and a cami out of my drawer and giving them to me. "I'll go make us some protein shakes for breakfast, you get dressed."

I pulled off my clothes and stepped into the ones Naomi gave me. I iddnt bother turning on the light, it would just give me a headache. Not bothering to brush it, I swirled my hair into a bun and clipped back my bangs.

Naomi had almost every goddmn light on, buzzing around the kitchen humming to herself. I tossed a spare key I kept in my pocketbook at her, this was the last time she would pound on my door like that.

"There you go, drink up!" I sat down infront of a tall glass. Blanching, I picked up the cup and swirled the contents aorund a bit. Little clumps of brown goo floated up from the bottom and mingled with the rest of the liquid.
Naomi was gulping hers down, pinching her nose. Why even bother? When I was sure she want looking, I dumped the contents of my cup into the flowerpot next to me.

"Now, I thought since your only twenty blocks away form the gym we'd jog, to get warmed up. Then we'll target bicep and tricep first, abdominals, lower avdominals, then give an hour to the bikes. Sound good? Okay, lets go!"

I literally needed to be dragged out of the apartment. This was worse then the time I was forced onto those quads. But, I guess that wasnt so bad becaue I had Brendon. Damn, wasnt the whole meaning of this to keep my mind away from Brendon for a while?
Naomi set off in more or less a sprint, me flouncing away in a dead jog behind her.
I really hate excersize.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i guess i've developed this pattern of updating evrynight&i like it ;]

so this chapter had barely any i thought i'd give you guys another one of my sweet treats XD


i dont think i've evr seen a picture where he dosent look amazingly gorgeous ...??!!
so ANYWHO thanks for reading..comment ?