You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter ThirtyThree

My muscles felt like they were dying a very slow and torturous death. And I never thought it was possible to sweat this much in one sitting.

"Faster, come on Lex stop being lazy!" Naomi urged from the bike next to me. She was pedaling like a madman, her legs pretty much a blur as she upped the bike's level to the highest. I was still on the first, laboring away with my inadequate leg muscles.

"When was the last time you did anything remotely physical? My grandmother can pedal faster that that!"

"Probably senior years, during gym class." I panted.
She stopped her bike, bouncing off lightly. I immediately stopped pedaling, sagging against the stationary bike.

"I'm going to see if they have any spots open in the next Yoga class, you really need to work on your flexibility."
Yoga? Yoga?! She bounced off to the main desk as if she had just gotten back from a nice stroll through the park, not a two hour workout.
My eyes scanned the room for a water dispenser. They passed over the pool, indoor track, door, Naomi...
Wait. The door! Cackling quietly to myself, I limped off the bike and to the door, hunched over so Naomi wouldn't see me. I fought against the people coming in the door, elbowing anyone in my way. I must seriously be losing my mind.

The sun was such a relief on my face that I stopped and closed my eyes, gaining back some of the oxygen I had lost int he last two hours.
I opened my eyes, only to have to wind knock out of me. Brendon was parked not two feet in front of me, munching on a cookie. He saw me, his lighting up as he said, "Lexie!", waving me over frantically.

I almost wanted to jump for joy, he was calling me 'Lexie' again.
I limped to his car, opening the passenger side door.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow." I whimpered as I sat down slowly, finally resting sprawled out over the seat.

"Oh, is that a cookie?" I instantly perked up, lifting my arm lazily.
Brendon burst out laughing, tears practically forming. I scowled, letting my arm drop.

"Why don't we go get a real cookie and some coffee?" he asked, starting the ignition.

"Sounds great, wait, why are you even here?"

"I just dropped off Kat, she comes here every other day."
I nodded absently, looking back to the gym. "Fuck!" I cried, sinking in my seat as low as I could go. Naomi was standing just inside the gym, searching the crowd for me.

"Just go, she'll see me!"
Brendon cackled, pulling off the curb and into the street. "Is she that bad?"
"Its like Hitler in workout-freak form."
"Awh, and your her little Jew." He pinched my cheek. His touch left my skin burning.

We made the short drive down the street to the nearest coffeehouse. Brendon got out and hurried to my side, opening the door for me with a flourish.
Once on line, I ordered a blueberry muffin and three cookies. Who knew working out made you this hungry?

Brendon sipped his Frappacino as we sat down by the window. I immediately stuffed my face. Brendon started laughing as he watched, but I honestly didn't care right now, I needed food.
I crossed my legs underneath the table, accidentally brushing against his. We both jumped, a deep blush blooming on his cheeks.
Brendon scratched the back of his neck nervously, "So, what did she make you do that was so bad?"

I sighed in relief for conversation, "You don't even know." I said darkly.
"Your acting like she tortured you or something!' he laughed, stealing one of my cookies. "It couldn't have been that bad."

I nearly spat out the cookie I was eating, "You think? Come with us tomorrow, you'll see."
"Okay!" he shot me a brilliant smile, dazzling me. I froze, mouth agape, just staring at his smiling face. His eyes flickered to the window.

"Nazi!" he shouted, pointing out the window, making everyone in the shop turn and give us dirty looks. Naomi was jogging up the street, looking into every shop's window she passed.

"Shit!" Brendon grabbed my hand, pulling me under the table and against the wall, out of sight of the window. I tired very, very hard not to think abut his big, warm hand around my own. Quick, think of something gross...
Brendon's hand. Brendon's hand. Hand. Hand. Hand.

"Gahh!" I didn't realize I had spoken aloud. I smacked my forehead and dropped Brendon's hand. Crawling out from under the table I cried, "Coast's clear!"
We both got up and dusted ourselves off.

"Well, I better go find her before she reports me missing." I grumbled, picking my fingernail.
"Yeah, I gotta go too, come over later, okay?" he pecked my cheek, before leaving the air conditioned coffeehouse and giving me another dazzling smile.
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ooo lala. i cant wait to write the next chapter its gunna b great :]

if a lot of you comment i'll update a lot faster :]

thanks for reading ! xx