You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter ThirtySix

I walked into my kitchen at the unholy time of 4:45 am.m to see Naomi already eating a plate full of eggs.
I plopped down next to her with a huff and picked up my fork, shoveling the food into my face.

"Oh yeah, Bren's coming with us today." I told her in between chews.
"Whatever you say, Crotch Woman."
I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Come on, not you too!"
"I just cant believe I missed it!" she pouted, cleaning her plate in the sink.

The jog to the gym wasn't as bad today, at least I had some idea of what I was in for. My cami was already clinging to my body from the harsh Las Vegas sun.

Brendon was leaning against the gym doors, wearing black track shorts, a red tank top, and obnoxiously large black sunglasses.

"Hey, Brendon," Naomi greeted him cheerfully, "So your going to train with us too?"
"Hell yeah, I wanna see what I'm missing." he grinned as I approached.
"H-Hey Bren." I huffed, bending over to regain oxygen.

I heard him snort, and we both followed Naomi inside. She immediately walked over to the floor mats where we had started yesterday. Crunches.
"And welcome to hell." I grumbled as Naomi instructed both of us to lie on our backs with our legs bent upward.

"Okay, listen up. You two have fifteen minutes to complete as many crunches as you can. Your arms remain crossed over your chest and you do not move them for anything. Don't even think about slowing down, create a nice fast pace for yourself." Naomi barked orders, pacing with her hands behind her back in front of us. Brendon chuckled, cocking an eyebrow. I gave him a see-what-you-started look and adjusted my body so I was in the most comfortable position.

"GO!" Naomi screamed, landing on her knees in front of us. Brendon started pumping up and down, really going at it. Show off, I thought as I started folding upwards slowly. Fifteen minutes may not sound like a long time, but it sure as hell feels like it.

After only five minutes, Brendon was panting, defiantly slowing pace. I kept at the same excruciating pace, my abdominals screaming in protest.
"Brendon, your slowing! DO NOT STOP!" Naomi pounded the floor next to Brendon's head, making him jump.

I giggled, my eyes starting to lose focus from the strain I was putting my body through. Brendon was panting like a dog, his tongue hanging out. I giggled again, causing my stomach to churn against the work.

"Stop. Laughing." he breathed, screwing up his eyes in concentration.

Naomi smacked Brendon on the face. He opened his eyes wildly, stopping. "Focus Brendon! Do not stop!" she screamed in his face, and he automatically began doing more crunches, fear on his face.

"And, stop." Naomi announced after the time was up. I sighed, sprawling spread-eagle on the floor. Brendon let out a weird sound, rolling onto his side panting. I laughed at his face.

"Up! I already booked us a Yoga class, and we have three minutes until it starts. No lolly-gagging!" Naomi was already off toward the double doors at the back of the gym. I rolled to my feet, getting up shakily. I held out a hand for Brendon, him taking it. I grunted as I used most of my strength to pick him up.

"What the hell," he exclaimed. "I am never fucking coming here with that crazy Nazi again."
I laughed as we made our way over to Naomi.

The back hall was crowded with people already, they were all stretching and folding out individual mats. Naomi waved us over, she had already set up three mats in the immediate front of the room. Me and Brendon both took our places, looking around. These people were doing some serious shit, thats all I can say. This one woman was bent completely backwards, and another man had his leg wrapped around his head.

"Hello class." An eccentric girl appeared in front of the class, the teacher. She had on multiple bead necklaces and bracelets, with hair so frizzy it looked like an afro. Brendon glanced my way and we both chuckled softly.

"We'll start out by stretching, just follow what I do." She sat down on her mat, both legs in front of her. She bent her body forward and touched her toes, her face buried in her knee. Easy enough.

I bent forward, but my arms only reached to my mid-calf. I tried again, but it was as far as I could go comfortably. Brendon seemed to be struggling the same as me, wiggling his fingers madly in an attempt to stretch farther. Naomi was bent over perfectly, even farther then the teacher.

"I see we have some people who are unaccustomed to flexibility." the teacher gave me and Brendon a look before standing up. Brendon raised an eyebrow as me, but I just rolled my eyes at the teacher. Frizz-head.

"Next, I want to try a partner stretch. Its not too difficult, but it may be for some," she gave me and Brendon another look, "Can I have a volunteer to demonstrate?" Instantly, Naomi was at her side, beaming.
Teachers pet.

Frizz-head face Naomi, reaching her arms out in front of her. Naomi took her hands and pulled her forward. Frizz's upper half bent forward, but her feet were planted in the same spot.
"You want your head to come to the middle of your partners stomach, then you pull and stretch your partner." Frizz explained as her head hit Naomi's middle. She pulled Naomi hands now, so that Naomi was the one bent in half.

Brendon turned to me, holding out his hands. "Stretch me baby."
I couldn't help let my mind wander to what exactly I wanted to stretch, but quickly pushed those thoughts aside. I grabbed his clammy hands and planted my feet as firmly as I could.

I pulled him forward slowly, until his face came in contact with my stomach. He nuzzled his head against me, then blew a raspberry.
"Bren!" I giggled as I let go, sending us both tumbling to the ground. He laughed, still blowing raspberries on my stomach. "S-stop!" I managed, pushing his face away.
Frizz came over and stood above us, tapping her foot. We both apologized and stood up sheepishly. When she turned around, I pinched Brendon's arm sneakily.

He jumped, letting out a little squeak of surprise. I giggled, pinching him again.

"Class!' Frizz clapped her hands once, staring at me and Brendon. "Our next partner stretch is very easy, just to loosen up those thighs. Watch and attempt."
Frizz lay down on the floor. She put on thigh over Naomi's right shoulder, and Naomi leaned forward, pushing Frizz's thigh toward her head.

I gulped and lied down. Brendon looked nervous, but hovered over my knees. He hooked one of my legs over his shoulder. He glanced at me quickly, before placing a hand on my inner thigh and leaning forward. I felt the muscles in my thigh stretch painfully, but didn't really care about that right now. Brendon was leaning over me, his hand still quite high on my thigh. He reached eye level and bit his lip, string at the spot in between my eyes.

"Hurt to much?" he said quietly.
"Nope." I squeaked, shaking my head. He eased up and returned to a sitting position on my knees. He slid of quickly and lay next to me. I closed my eyes slowly, wondering how exactly I always end up in these awkward situations.
I rolled over, sitting lightly above Brendon's knees. He hooked a leg over my shoulder. I slowly leaned forward, but almost fell when his leg started to slip.

"Put a hand on my thigh, it helps." he grinned. I nodded silently and placed a tentative hand on his thigh. "You can go lower if you wanna baby." he wiggled his eyebrows, squirming around.

"Ew! Bren you perv!" I laughed nervously, deciding to drop his leg and get off of him. My stomach was churning nosily, and I had started sweating profusely.
Brendon pouted, launching forward. He tickled my stomach, making me squirm madly to get out of his grasp. We were both laughing as he continued to tickle me mercilessly.

"You two! OUT!" Frizz screamed, pointing at the door. Me and Brendon got to our feet, running out of the room, laughing and holding hands.
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ahhh so just another filler. i guess i just enjoy writing these kinds of chapters ahahaha ;]
next few chapters are going to be quite drama-filled, so i figured i should get this all out now XD

comment&i'll update faster !