You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter ThirtySeven

I put down my straightener just as my phone rang. I fluffed my newly straightened bangs a bit, trying to get them to look like I wanted them too. I sighed when they stubbornly wouldn't co-operate and picked up the phone.
"Blue!" I snorted at their response, knowing only one person who would say that.
"Whats up Bren?"
"Uh, maybe the fact that I've been waiting for you for the past twenty minutes? Where are you!"
I frowned, absolutely lost, "What are you talking about. Where are you?!"
"I'm waiting outside! Panic has a meeting with Decay tonight and we want our lovely assistant to be there."
I gasped, spinning around frantically to find some clothes to replace the sweats I was currently in. "When the hell did you plan on telling me!"
"Uh, I just did, silly! Now get down here!"
I snapped my phone shut and pulled on the nearest jeans and T-shirt, slipping into a pair of dirty old Vans.

Brendon was parked just outside. I gave him a good smack in the arm as I climbed into his car. He gasped over dramatically, a smirk curling the edges of his perfect lips. I blushed lightly and folded my arms over my chest as we speed off.

You could hear Spence's loud cackle and Ryan's deep laugh before you even reached the door. Me and Brendon made our way down the hallway to his apartment, eyebrows raised.
"I'm here!" Brendon burst into the apartment, arms spread wide. I edged in after him, rolling my eyes. I hugged the others quickly.
Brendon was already laughing, throwing his head back and clutching his stomach. His full lips were split to their limit, his contagious laugh sending ripples down my spine.

Ryan nudged my shoulder, whispering, "You're staring."
I averted my gaze and smiled sheepishly.
"Lexie, Lexie!" Brendon barreled across the room excitedly, towing another man behind him.
"This is Pete."

I shook his hand and shot him a polite smile. Pete's large eyes swept over my body slowly, a smirk forming on his lips. I cleared my throat uncomfortably and untangled my hand from his. Ryan, Spence and Jon returned to whatever they were doing before and Brendon followed, leaving me alone with Pete.

"I'm Pete Wentz." he said with that same cocky smirk on his face. I nodded slowly, confused. "Of Fall Out Boy, millions of fans, you know." he finished.

"Yeah, I do know." I said slowly, not knowing what was even going on. He looked me over once again and snorted. Pete put an arm around my waist, breathing on my neck, "Come on doll, lets get this meeting over with."

I shivered and stepped out of his grasp, hurrying over to the guys. Pete sat down, Bren, Ryan, Spence and Jon following suite. They began discussing tours and such, and I admit I wasn't paying the slightest bit attention.
Every few minutes, Pete would look my way, flashing me a very toothy grin. Every time he did this, Brendon's frown increased and he scooted closer to me.

"So," Pete clapped his hands, standing up. "Thats all I really needed to know. So lets get the real party started, I'm gunna get a beer. Lexie, would you like one?"
I gasped, and Brendon went rigid next to me, his hands balling into fists and eyes slanting. Pete sent me another cocky grin and waited for me to respond. I gulped and shook my head, not wanting to speak. He opened his mouth to protest, but stopped when Brendon extend his arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer. His fingers tickled the bare skin on my arm and I nearly shivered.

Pete stomped off, returning with two full cases of beer and immediately started chugging one.
The time passed nicely, us having our usual great time while Pete got piss drunk in front of us. Twice, he tried to sit on my lap, and twice, Brendon shoved him away. I was blushing like mad, I didn't like all this unwanted attention at all.

"Heeey, did-didn't Ryan te-t-tell me about a crotch incident?" Pete slurred, swinging an empty bottle of beer. I shot Ryan a what-the-fuck?! look and folded my arms heatedly across my chest. Ryan shrugged and mouthed 'Sorry'.
"Wanna give it a go?" Pete suddenly jumped onto Brendon's lap, thrusting his crotch against my thigh.

"What the hell!" I screamed and jumped up, completely revolted. Brendon shoved Pete to the floor with a little to much force, his head banging quite loudly.
"I'm gunna go, I'll see you guys tomorrow." I spat, grabbing my jacket and storming out. I knew I would have to walk all the way home, but it was better then staying in that room.

I hurried down the hall and opened the door to the staircase. It was completely quiet inside the small enclosure, a breeze drifting upwards. Someone grabbed my upper arm tightly and spun me around.
I screamed as Pete pushed me against the wall, his hands now resting tightly around my waist. I spat in his face and he reeled backward, giving me enough time to knee him right where it hurts.

He doubled over, but didn't stop looking at me. "Sugar don't be like that." He roared and pinned me against the wall again, covering my mouth while his other hand caressed my hips.
I fought against tears, using all my strength to try and get away.

Over Pete's shoulder, I saw Brendon sprint out of his apartment, stopping dead when he locked eyes with me. I was silently crying now, trying against hope to wriggle myself free.
Brendon's face went white as he stared at me.

Without a sound, Brendon's face set and he tore down the hallway to us. He grabbed the back of Pete's shirt and ripped him off of me, throwing him on the ground.
Taking Pete by the collar, he lifted him back off the ground and punched him square in the jaw.
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holy kanolie.
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next chapters=very exciting so comment to make it come faster ;] ahaha