You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter ThirtyEight

Taking Pete by the collar, Brendon lifted him back off the ground and punched him square in the jaw.
Pete's head shook with the impact, his face going slack.
Brendon reared and punched him again, Pete's head wobbling like a bobble head, and I swear I saw a tooth fall out.
This time, Pete's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he completely slouched onto Bren.

Brendon shrugged him hastily off, sending him tumbling back to the ground. Pete's body lay motionless, until Brendon's foot came into contact with his side, over and over again.

I rushed forward and grabbed Brendon's arm, "Bren, honey, please stop."
He didn't pay any attention, he kept kicking and punching whatever he could reach. His face was red with the effort, a terrifying glint in his eyes.

"What the fuck!" My head shot up to see Ryan, Spence, and Jon dashing into the hallway. Ryan and Jon grabbed both of Brendon's arm and pulled him backwards. Spencer bent down and carefully lifted Pete to his feet, slinging Pete motionless body over his shoulder. I backed into the wall, at a loss for words.

Brendon was fighting against Jon and Ryan's grasp, his fists bruised and bleeding, he kept screaming 'I'll fucking kill him!", baring his teeth and trying to lunge at Pete.
I stepped into Brendon's line of vision carefully. He craned his neck to look around me, not ceasing his hysteria for a second.

"Shh, Bren," I cooed, taking one of his balled up fists into mine. He finally looked me in the eye, his own filled with hurt, betrayal, and anger. "Honey, you have to calm down." I stroked his hand, biting my lip. Brendon was never like this, he never got this mad or upset.

All at once, his face fell along with his body. Ryan and Jon struggled to hold him up. Brendon was shaking his head at the floor, sniffling softly.

"Spence, get him to the hospital." Jon muttered, jutting his head to the bleeding Pete. Spencer nodded and left, stumbling down the stairs loudly. Ryan and Jon let go of Brendon tentatively, me grasping onto his hand.

His arms were around my in a flash, squeezing me so tight I almost couldn't breathe. Catching me off guard, I stumbled until I was pressed against the wall again, this time Brendon's big, warm arms holding onto me.
He buried his face into my hair, running a hand up and down my back. I couldn't help but shiver with pleasure under his touch, but regretted it under the situation.

"I'll fucking kill him, I swear I will." he whispered to me, shaking with rage.

"Brendon, first you need to clam down." I said sternly, stroking his hair. "And no, you will not kill Pete. I know you want to and it seems like the best idea right about now, but you cant. He didn't hurt me, he just scared me thats all."

"B-But," he pulled his face out of my damp hair and stared into my eyes and sighed. "If he hurt you, you better tell me right now cause I will-"

"He didn't hurt me." I assured him confidently. "He scared the shit out of me, but he didn't hurt me."

He grabbed my head with both hands, slightly squishing my cheeks and causing my lips to pucker outward. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Lexie."
I tried to smile with his hands there, and gave him a reassuring nod. Lexie. Its amazing how much it means to me when he says my name that way.

"It's alright Bren." I nearly whispered, struggling to talk now that my cheeks were fully squished as he clutched onto my head tighter.

Ryan's hand encased around Brendon's right shoulder and pulled him off me gently. Ryan's face was ashen, his caramel eyes reduced to chocolate stones. Jon just looked shocked, staring off into space. Ryan nodded once at Brendon, and turned on his heel, Jon following.

"Come on, I'll get you home." Brendon snaked his fingers through my hand. I smiled and let him pull me with away.


I slept soundly through the night, not stirring once. Brendon had to carry me in from the car, where I passed out instantly on my bed. I didn't dream, or snore, or do anything. I just slept, my body was suddenly so weak and tired it just couldn't hold up any longer.

I groggily rolled out of my bed. The obnoxious red light from my wall clock read 10:57.
I stumbled to my feet, realizing I was still in my clothes from last night. I shed them and pulled on sweats and a tank top, sliding into a pair of slippers. I opened my bedroom door to an apartment full of light. I furrowed my brows and peered around curiously, had Brendon turned on all of the lights last night, then forgot to shut them off?

I jumped. Humming was just audible, coming from the kitchen. It was a upbeat, almost folk like. My heart skipped a beat when I recognized the song, and my feet sprinted into the kitchen.

Brendon had his back to me, humming along happily while he attempted to shove a piece of toast into the toaster. I cleared my throat and he spun around, a huge grin spreading on his face.
"If it isn't Sleeping beauty," he chuckled, "Did you sleep well? I hope you don't mind, I crashed on your couch."

I smiled to let him know it was fine and collapsed into a chair. A plate appeared in front of my eyes, loaded with burnt toast and soggy eggs. Brendon sat down across from me with the same plate, only his food looking throughly horrible.

"Aw, you didn't have to do that Bren." I said, my throat dry and raspy from sleep. I picked up my fork and ate a bit of egg, blocking out the taste as much as I could.

"You don't have to eat if you don't want to, I know its gross." we both laughed, but I kept eating, working on the toast now. "I just really wanted to apologize for last night."
I opened my mouth to speak but he held his hand up, asking for a minute. I shrugged, letting him continue.

"I wanted to apologize for Pete, how I acted, basically the whole night. If I'd known Pete was going to act like that, I would never have even mentioned it to you. But, he did have way to much to drink, and alcohol always brings the worst out in Pete. I'm sorry for my reaction, but you have to understand. Seeing you like that...with just...well, it just made me want to hurt him as much as possible. Don't worry, Spence got him all fixed up, turns out I cracked a few ribs and knocked out a tooth."

I got up and walked around the table, giving him a big hug. "Seriously Bren, I don't blame you for anything. There was no way anyone would have known what was going to happen last night." he beamed and poked my nose softly.
I giggled and sat back down, slurping a mouthful of runny eggs down my throat happily.
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wooff. *cracks knuckles and wiggles fingers*
lots o' cliche shit, but i like it.
comments=update XD