You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter ThirtyNine

Brendon stayed the rest for the morning, and I made us some real breakfast. The drama from last night was finally sinking in, and it freaked me out, big time. I couldn't let Brendon see though, because I knew he would just freak out again. And I never, ever wanted to see him that mad again. It was like a whole different person had taken over the sweet, loving Brendon and turned him into a Wentz-killing monster.

The phone rang shrilly, interrupting our conversation. I pulled myself away from his chocolate brown eyes and wrenched the phone off the wall.
"Hello?" I said grumpily.
"Alexis!" Ugh.
"Who's this?" I knew exactly who it was, but didn't want to believe it. How had she gotten my number anyway?
"Duh, its Kat"
"Uh, yeah hi. Brendon's right here, let me get hi-"
"No, I wanted to talk to you." she interrupted. "As you probably already know, my birthday is in two days! And I'm having a party at this amazingly posh nightclub this weekend. So will you come?"
"Are you shitting me right now?" I couldn't help but blurt out. My jaw was probably on the floor right now, and Brendon was giving me weird looks.
"No. I want you to come." she said impatiently. I rolled my eyes and kneaded my forehead. It wasn't even noon yet and I already had a headache.
"Uh, sure." I grumbled. She squealed and demanded Brendon be put on the phone. I happily took the phone away from my ear and tossed it to Brendon. He caught it in mid-air and went in the living room to talk privately.

I really need to figure out exactly why She Devil wanted me at her dumbass party. I seriously don't want to go, but I'm sure Brendon would make me go anyway.
Brendon stuck his head through the doorway and said, "I gotta run and pick Kat up from work. Call me later okay?" I smiled and nodded my head as he took off.
I washed off the dishes and put everything away, just standing in the middle of my kitchen when I was done. The bed was calling my name, so I answered it and took a long and rejuvenating nap.


I woke up to a blaring horn outside. It was around 7, so naturally the block I live on was congested with cars. I sighed and flung back my covers getting up only to plop back down on the couch. Turning on the TV, I let my mind wander.
That's odd, Naomi hadn't come to get me for our workout this morning. I wonder if anybody told her.

As if hearing my thoughts, Naomi burst through my door, Ryan in tow. I jumped up and screamed at the irony. Naomi didn't react at all, just rushing forward to hug me with all her strength.

"Nai...can't breath..." I gasped, trying to push her away. She backed off, tears glistening her eyes. Ryan was standing awkwardly beside her, hands in pockets and face down.

"I can't believe that freaking pervert! Good for Brendon, giving him a nice and good beaten. Man, if I was there, I would have made sure that man would never feel pleasure again." She said all in a huff, throwing her hands into the air.

Catching her drift I tried to smile, but the memory brought back weird feelings. "Nai, if you were there we'd all be in prison right now for witnessing a murder, and you would be on the death sentence." She cracked a smile and Ryan chuckled. "But, seriously, guys don't worry about me. Yeah, Pete scared the fucking hell out of me, but he didn't actually do anything."

"Yeah because you have your knight in shining armor." Naomi laughed. My heart soared at the idea, Brendon being my knight. I must have let my mind wander, because Naomi was giving me very strange looks. I cleared my throat and blushed slightly. It seemed I was letting my mind wander into thoughts of a certain someone a little too often. Ryan grinned knowingly. I never did know what that boy was thinking.

"So, you guys are going to Kat's little fiesta right? Cause I sure as hell ain't going by myself." I amended quickly. They both looked shocked, their eyebrows running up into their hair.

"She seriously invited you? I would have thought she wouldn't have bothered. But, yeah. We're all going." Ryan answered. Wooff, thank god. Without them, I'm pretty sure I would of have to catch a mysterious, invented disease or create a family emergency to get outta that one.

"Oh, we need dresses! It's a theme party, we're all supposed to dress in a 1920s costume!" Naomi babbled excitedly. I felt my spirits rise, I loved theme parties! I clapped my hands together excitedly, practically bouncing up and down. Ryan laughed at us, shaking his head.

"Lets go shopping, we'll make a girls day of it!" Naomi squealed, positively jumping around. Instantly, both Ryan and I beamed, cheering.

"Yeah!" Ryan pumped his fist into the air and joined Naomi jumping around. I burst out laughing. Ryan always, always joined in on our little girls-only-days. It just wouldn't be the same without him.

"Lets do it right now!' Ryan screamed, running for the door. Naomi grabbed his arm, laughing, and said, "No silly we need a whole day. Lets go in like two days, the day before the party. Sound good?"

"Sounds great!" me and Ryan bellowed. He was already babbling on scarf options, and Naomi and I had gone into a serious discussion of hair ideas.
I needed an outfit, hairstyle, makeup, everything humanly possible, to make Kat cower in jealousy. Hey, just call me evil.
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hehehe aren't parties just the best setting for something HUGE to happen....? XD
this story has a whole lotta drama and shit planned, just a warning :D

it may take some time to update, with school taking up half my time, and plus the co written story i'm working on. its called 'falling in love with yourself'. its a PATD comedy, and its so much fun to write XD ahaha

so comments seriously make my day&also make me UPDATE !