You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Four

"So Bren," I said, plopping the slightly burnt pizza infront of him. "Whats been going on? How've you been?"

"I've been great actually, Panic!'s been doing really good..." he trailed off.

The air became tenser, my back had stiffened involuntary.

"Yeah, you guys really do have great music. I'm so happy for you." my smile was genuine, but my voice was flat. I couldnt understand it, so I stuffed the pizza in my mouth, prolonging saying anything.

"Thanks. I've missed you so much." he was smiling now too, a shadow flickered across his eyes.
Startled, I choked on my pizza. Brendon pushed my water bottle into my hand so quick, I'm sure he had developed a reflex to my choking. I guess it went hand in hand with my undeniable clumsiness.
I frowned in response and downed the bottle. He was still watching me, pizza halfway to his mouth. Making eye contact, he cleared his throat and took a bite.

"So, do you like it? I mean the whole 'RockStar' thing?" I added air quotes, making him chuckle

"Well, I wouldnt call it that but yeah, it's been like one wild ride. I love it." his eyes literally sparkled, and I knew he was telling the truth. I felt happiness swell inside myself for him. Whenever he found something he loved, it filled his whole being. He seemed to radiate joy, grinning form ear to ear.

"Thats great honey." A twingeof sadness played through my body, but I shoved it away.
Naomi banged through the front door, mumbling something incoherent, stalking to the kitchen.

"Oh!" she nearly fell over with the shock. Brendon waved happily from his chair, chewing a particualry large amount of pizza.

"Brendon Urie?! What the hell man!" she laughed and pulled him into a hug.

My mind wandered as they chatted, going back to high school...

I had known Brendon pretty much the moment I left the womb. We had lived right next door to each other, naturally went to the same schools, and spent almost everyday together. I know how it sounds, we must have been in love, right? Well, wrong. We got enough grief for it back in the day, believe me. Our relationship was really simple actually. We had both gone out with people, returning home and calling each other at once. I helped him pick the right girls to date, and he picked the right guys for me. It got frustrating later on in high school, guys refusing to stay in a relationship with me unless I cut Bren out. They just felt too insecure that I could be so close with a boy, I guess.
I sighed, those memories always brought back confusing emotions I couldnt understand.
It seemed like we'd be friends forever, the way we were going. I was thrilled when he joined a band with his friends Ryan and Spencer. I had always told him to do something like that, he had an amazing voice. Plus the guys were awesome. I guess I didnt expect them to get signed so quickly, or at all. He was whisked away before I could even relieze what happened. The last time I saw him was on the TV at the VMA's, performing.

A loud buzzing noise brought me back to reality. Brendon's phone was buzzing and lighting up softly, indicating he had a call. I reached over to where it sat on the countertop.

"Its Kat, oh...sorry didnt mean to look." I said, handing him the phone. I had to remind myself that we couldnt really do that anymore.
He thanked me and answered it, sliding into the living room for privacy.

"Wow where'd you pick that bastard up?" Naomi chuckled, pouring herself water.

"It was the weirdest thing, I ran into him down at the coffehouse!"

"Yeah, thats hysterical.I wonder if hes in town for a while."

Brendon walked back in, slipping his phone into his pocket.

"Sorry guys I have to go, forgot I was supposed to be somehwere." he shrugged sheepisly. I grinned, he was often known to do that.

"Lets go out to dinne tonight then." I proposed. He wasnt getting rid of me that easily.

His face lit up, "Yeah that sounds great! I'll pick you guys up around 8, okay?"

"Oh, I have to work tonight." Naomi made a face. Her job took up mist of her time, but I guess I was just used ot it.

"Kay, so its just us Bren. Well I'll see you later." I hugged him goodbye. He even smelled like I remembered.


Once he had closed the door behind him, Naomi let out a long, low whistle.

"Brendon freakin Urie finally showed his face." she shook her head, frowning.

"What do you mean?" I had always been defensive when anyone said something against him. He was my best friend for Christ's sake.

"He disappears for practically a year! Then all of a sudden, hes back, like nothing changed?"

"Well, nothing really did change, Nai."

"Yeah but still..."

I scowled, not knowing where she was going with this. Shrugging it off, I flounced off to the shower. I couldnt wait to see Brendon again. I had missed him so much. The recent memory of his reaction when the last time he said those words and I shivered. He had looked happy and vibrant ont he outside, but his eyes were full of hurt and regret. I couldnt quite pin it down, it had gone as quickly as it had come. Whatever, I was probably just imagining things again.
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so i decided to update this chapter in honor of PRETTY.ODD.
its fucking amazing! i've been listening to it non stop.
so commentsss ? :]