You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Forty

"Brendon your going to have to face him eventually. He's your boss, and your friend."

Ryan sighed in frustration. Brendon was standing stubbornly, feet locked in place and arms crossed. Ryan was trying to coax Brendon out of the apartment and to the hospital, where Pete was being detained today. Me, Spence, Jon, and Kat were all waiting in the hall. I ran my fingers through my hair, this was taking all too long and I didn't even want to go in the first place.
I knew it was probably insane to go back and try to be civil to someone like Pete, but in the end, he was Panic's boss, and to ruin their friendship in any way might jeopardize their careers. So basically, if Ryan didn't get Brendon's ass in the car right now, they'll all be flat broke and Ryan heartbroken.

"I don't understand what the big fuss is anyway," Kat whispered to me, scrunching up her perfect nose. "Yeah, they got drunk, Pete said something to piss Brendon off, and he beat him up. Why is Brendon acting like Pete's his mortal enemy now?"

"Dude, thats not what happened." Jon rolled his eyes, both me and Spencer joining in. Kat raised her eyebrows and looked at me, as if expecting some kind of explanation. I just stared right back at her, until she got frustrated and turned to Jon. He didn't budge either, just grinning back at her irritated face.

Eventually, she stormed into the apartment, and Ryan and Brendon's argument was cut off by her obnoxious voice.
"What happened between you and Pete? I thought he just said something to piss you off?"
"No, I never said tha-"
"But you implied it." she cut him off, her voice a low snarl.
"No, you asked what happened, I said we got into a fight, and then you took off to get that godforsaken massage that cost me $200."
"So tell me now!" she cried.
"Look, its not place to tell, okay?"
"What the hell are you talking about! I shou-"

I burst into the room, keeping my head down. "If we go any later, he'll be gone already so lets just get out of here. Brendon stop overreacting and get your ass in the car if you want to keep your job." They were both silenced by my sudden outburst, Brendon giving me a slight grin before following me outside.

"How did you get him to do that?" Ryan hissed in my ear. I just shrugged, trying to block the sounds of Brendon and Kat's continued argument behind me.

"I demand that you tell me right now!" Kat whined, stomping her feet impishly.
Brendon heaved a long, frustrated sigh. "I beat up Pete because he was taking advantage of Lexie okay? Are you happy now?"

I blushed deeply, averting everyones gaze.
"You did that for her?!" Kat hissed back.


The hospital was exactly the same as I remembered it. Same smell, same scrubs, same people. I'm almost half-glad I was sacked, just so I don't have to come back to this place everyday for the rest of my life.
We all followed Spencer onto the third floor and down a long corridor. I stayed far away from Kat, Brendon and Ryan flanking my sides. Kat was sulking in the back of our little group, pouting and sighing every other second.

Spencer stopped outside of room 305B and turned to me. "Well, this is his room."
Just as he reached for the handle, the door swung open and out stepped Pete.
I couldn't help but wince at the sight of him, my stomach convulsing at the sight of his delighted smile.

"Guys! I didn't know you were all coming!" he exclaimed, waving at everyone. We all backed into the hall, and somehow I ended up right in front of Pete's obnoxious face.
"Yeap, well...this is everyone from the other night..." Jon said awkwardly when we all failed to speak. Pete nodded, his eyes catching mine.

"Oh, hello. Have we met?"
I gulped down the lump in my throat, forcing the words to leave my mouth. "Yes, the other night."

"Oh, sorry I don't remember you, I was pretty wasted. How about I take you out to dinner tonight, say around seven?" he asked cockily.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Brendon bellowed, elbowing to the front of the group. I flung my arm out and he bumped into it, stopping. Pete was looking at the two of us in horror, scared by Brendon's uncharacteristic outburst.

"Move your arm, Lexie. He deserves what ever he gets." Brendon snarled, viciously. He looked like he was fighting with himself, whether to push past me and break Pete's neck or to attack from the side and crack open his head. Either way, this wasn't ending pretty.

I grabbed his hand and shook my head slowly, letting my eyes do all the talking. Brendon softened, though he still remained extremely tense. I pulled him away and down the hall, not stopping until we had reached the main floor and the lobby.

"Crap, I'm sorry Lexie, but he fucking deserves it. How do you expect me to just let him talk to you like that?"
"I don't." I whispered, finally stopping once we reached the cool air outside. "I just don't want you to do something you'll regret. I think its time we forgot all about this and got over it."
"I'll never get over it." he said bluntly, staring at the freeway in front of us.

Ryan and the rest of our group appeared in no time. Instantly, Kat wrenched Brendon out of my grasp and led them to their car. I sighed and walked to the large van the rest of us had taken.
Ryan caught up to me, poking me in the side. "Don't be sad, we've got our girls day tomorrow!"
"Yay!" I screamed, my bad mood extinguished for the time being as me and Ryan raced to the waiting van.
♠ ♠ ♠

gahh. the most horrible day ever today,
just like to say i hate most every girl in my school, my math teacher, and the book lord of the flies =( bad bad bad day.
so i guess its lucky i updated, mostly cause your comments make me happy.

i planned out the rest of this story..and there's going to be a lot of very big events coming up, but they all set the ending up very nicely :] which isn't anywhere in sight, btw lol
also thinking about writing a rydon...or starting a new fic once this is done...check out my journal is you wanna know more ;]

kay nuff babbling by me....go and comment ! XD