You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FortyOne

I was up, dressed and ready before my alarm had even gone off. Yup, I was a tad bit excited but who can blame me? 'Girls-Only' days are what me, Naomi, and Ryan basically live for. Their very rare, so when we do have one, its big.

I raced into the street and hopped into Ryan's waiting car, grinning like a fool. I had on ripped skinny jeans, my BRENDON'S BITCH shirt with a hoodie over it, and my favorite vans.

I was greeted by Ryan's piercing girlish scream, and Naomi's earsplitting wail. Joining right in, I hugged both of them quickly, before closing the car door. Ryan sped off instantly, jutting into the road like a madman.

"Guys, I am so fucking excited!" I couldn't help but screech. Ryan laughed, turning down the volume on the radio. I looked through the rear view mirror to see Naomi staring at us, literally bouncing in her seat. She looked like she was holding something in, fighting the smile that was creeping onto her face.

"Naomi? You look like your going to burst! Just say what you need to already!" I laughed. Ryan pulled off the highway and began down the long stretch the the largest mall in our area. It was already very crowed, even though it was only around 8 in the morning.

"Wait until we're parked." she fidgeted around in her seat. Naomi was one of the worst people to keep something bottled up inside, and by the way she was fighting this hard with herself, it must be something big.
Ryan finally found a parking spot near the back. We all rushed out of the car. I slung my black hobo bag over my shoulder and slid my red plastic sunglasses onto my face.

I waited for Naomi to get out of the car, intrigued at what news she had. She defiantly took her time, spending unnecessary extra time fixing her hair. Ryan huffed, tapping his foot, just as impatient as me. Finally, Noami hopped out of the car, the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face.

"Boy, is it hot." she sighed, dramatically placing her hand over her forehead, palm-down.
"Yeah, I guess-" It was then I noticed the rock sitting on her ring finger. "Oh my...holy...What!" I grabbed her hand and examined the ring. It was a large, princess cut diamond set into a thin silver base. It was breathtakingly elegant, the perfect ring in every way.

"Jon proposed!" she screamed in my face. My mouth dropped open and Ryan staggered next to me. I felt tears well up in my eyes, a joyous scream escaping my lips.
"I don't believe it! Congratulations!" I hugged her tightly, sniffling back my tears. She beamed, her whole face radiant and content.
Ryan pushed me aside and hugged Naomi, whirling her around. Overwhelmed, I had to wipe my eyes dry.
"Don't cry, Lex." Noami said, linking her arms between mine and Ryan's.
"I'm just so happy for you!" I exclaimed, marching off towards the mall.


"Do you have these in a size 2?" Ryan asked the salesperson, holding up a pair of red skinny jeans.
"You do realize those are womens pants, no?" the man relied.
"Yes." Ryan said sweetly, before stuffing the pants in his face and prancing over towards me. I held up the shirt I had been holding and he nodded in approval. The man brought back Ryan's pants, we paid, and left to meet Naomi in the food court.

We found her already sitting down at a table, her eyes flickering towards each available food place. I dumped the numerous shopping bags I had accumulated, Ryan forced to dump his on a nearby table because he had too many.
"So, KFC?" Ryan asked. Me and Noami both nodded, telling Ryan what we wanted. He took off and stood in line behind a large Mexican women.

I grabbed Naomi's outstretched hand and stared at her ring again, smiling to myself. She giggled, spinning her hand around so the diamond caught the light.
"Its so beautiful." I breathed.
"I was going to ask you later," Noami started, taking a sip of her Coke. "But, I can't wait. So, will you be my Maid of Honor?"
My jaw dropped for the second time the morning. "Yes!" I managed to squeak, getting up and hugging my best friend. We both laughed at nothing and started talking about random wedding things until Ryan returned with the food.

I grabbed my large Popcorn chicken and started munching immediately. "So, I guess we should start actually shopping for our costumes for tomorrow."
"Mmm.." Ryan mumbled, gulping down a large forkful of mashed potatoes. "Are we supposed to bring dates or something?"
"No." I said sharply, eyeing him. That glint in his eyes...he was up to no good.
"I don't think Kat said anything to me. But Lex, you should take someone, like Brendon." Naomi mused.
"Uh, and why would I do that? Kat's his girlfriend, I assume they'll be going together." I snorted, shooting Ryan another look. He looked at me innocently enough, so I guess I shouldn't jump to conclusions and be forced to kill him.

"Oh yeah duh." Naomi smacked her forehead."Who would you take anyway?" she asked.
"What makes you think I'd take anyone?"
"Well..." she glanced quickly at Ryan and I groaned.

"No! You did not tell her!" I smacked his arm as hard as I could. I hope it bruised.
"I didn't tell her anything!"
"So there is a someone?!" Noami demanded, pounding a fist on the table.

"I didn't tell her anything!" Ryan said again at the sight of my raised fist. "She had a hunch that you were interested in someone, and she figured I knew, but I never told her, I swear!"
"Why wont you tell me?" Noami whined.
I sighed, kneading my forehead. This was coming sooner or later, but I was hoping for later. Maybe by then this stupid little crush, or whatever you want to call it, would be gone.
Noami whined again, pounding the table. She really was a baby when she wanted something bad enough. Not to mention, the three of us were pretty much gossip-whores.

"Fine! Do you really want to know!" I spat, just wanting her to stop the pounding. "Its nothing serious, I just have been attracted to Brendon lately, thats all! But you cant tell a soul!"
She stopped, rolling her eyes. "God, took you long enough. I thought you'd never figure it out."
"What? What?!"I panicked, my hands suddenly clammy.
But Naomi had already gotten up and thrown up her tray and waltzed out of the food court. Ryan shrugged, following her. Scowling I reluctantly set off behind them, mind whirring.


"Bye!" I slurred. I felt drunk, even though the closest I had come to alcohol today was maybe a Capri Sun or two. Its currently two o'clock in the morning, and Ryan is just dropping me off from our girls-day out.

I stumbled up the stairs and dumped my bags on the sofa. After finally finding our costumes, we headed to two other malls just for fun, the arcade, bowling alley, and a late movie. My feet felt like I had been dancing on them for hours and my head was as heavy as a cinder block. I don't care though, this was our best girls-day yet.

I feel asleep in total preparation for tomorrow night. No matter how hard Ryan argued with me, I had decided that at Kat's party, I would not be a wallflower and let others step over me, or let my own stupid insecurities stop me. I will do whatever I want with whoever I want. I did however, make him promise to stop me if I do anything too crazy or embarrassing, I just don't trust myself that much. He didn't like the idea, he thought I should just go for whatever I wanted, but in reality I knew I couldn't. So tomorrow night, he needs to stop me whenever I start getting over the top.

I was soon deep in sleep, my dreams taking flight into a world where there was no Kat, where I didn't have to hide how I felt, and where there was only one person that mattered above all others.
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wow sappy ending much? ahaha & i think i just died from overuse of adjectives.
jon&naomi=yay ! :]

next chapter = party ! XD i'm so excited to write it ! so it'll be up before the weekends over, cause i most likely wont have much time to update during the week .
but as always comments=faster typing ! XD

no brendon in this chapter so you know what that means....
another loverly picture ! =D