You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FortyTwo

I pulled open the door to the nightclub with a flourish. The hall was packed with people, the air hazy and smoke filled.
Quickly, I adjusted my bright red flapper dress and fixed the matching hair band around my curls. It had taken me and Naomi four hours this morning to curl my hair and then pull it back flapper-style, but it was well worth it.

I looked around, spotting Ryan and Brendon standing by the tables, talking. They were both done up in 20s style suits-minus the ties-and Brendon even had his hair somewhat combed back. Ryan's hair was still in that perfect, messy disarray on the top of his head.

"Hey guys!" I called, waving. They turned and waved back, motioning for me to come over. I rolled back my shoulders and walked towards them, putting on my best saunter. The fringes of my dress bounced lightly, tickling my skin.

"Great outfits." I said once I'd reached them. They both nodded, eyes wide.
"You look...." Ryan stuttered.
"Amazing." Brendon finished, his eyes washing over me. I couldn't help but blush, placing one hand on my hip and bending my right leg.

Yes, I admit I was showing off, but who wouldn't?
They both glanced involuntarily at my leg, Ryan looking up quickly. Brendon, however, traced the outline of my leg with wide, unashamed eyes.

Every cell in my body was alight and buzzing. I felt an overwhelming urge to reach forward and run my hands through Brendon's dark hair, to feel his skin against mine. He smelled better than ever, and his figure was impeccable in his tight pants.
In that moment, no matter what I had decided with Ryan yesterday, I wanted him. Fuck not flirting, a girl cant control herself for long, right? I know Ryan would have my head for this, especially the fact I had spent almost the whole day yesterday making sure he'd keep me away from flirting, but Brendon just looked too damn good.

Lil John's "Get Low" suddenly blared over the loudspeakers.
"C'mon Bren, lets dance!" I grabbed his hand, steering him out onto the dance floor. I don't know where exactly this new found confidence came from, but I liked it.
I stopped walking when I knew the people around us would block Ryan's view.

I wound my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer to his body. He stood awkwardly, hands at side, not knowing what to do with them.
"You need to put them on my waist." I whispered huskily. It worked. He gulped, placing his hands lightly on my hips, just so that his fingertips were actually touching me.
I stared dancing, and soon enough, he was too.

His hands clutched my waist as I grinded against his body. I was already breathing heavy, my head spinning. I spun around and Brendon clutched me to his chest. I grinded my ass into his crotch, hands running against his thighs.

"Lexie.." he gasped, trying to pull me ever closer. My hand traveled upwards and gripped the back of his neck. He panted in my ear, running his hands down my sides.

Brendon's large, calloused hands met my thighs. I gasped at the coldness of his skin, continuing to grind myself against him . His hands slid up my thighs, bringing the hem of my dress along with it. We were in our own world, not paying the slightest bit of attention to anything but each other.

Suddenly, Brendon cleared his throat and backed off me. I stumbled for a second, confused, until I looked around and realized the song had changed to a slow ballad.
I blushed deeply, my sweaty hair already clinging to my face. Brendon rubbed the back of his neck nervously, his own body as sweaty as mine.

"Uh, shall we go see if Ryan got drinks?" the words rushed out of my mouth in a whirl, but he understood. We both hurried over to the booth Ryan and Spencer were sitting at, careful to keep distance.

I slid into the empty space next to Ryan, Brendon across form me. A waitress set a round of shots on the table, before waddling off. I could feel Ryan's gaze burning a hole in the side of my face, but didn't dare look at him.

Brendon grabbed a shot and downed it. I raised my eyebrows with Ryan, but of us watching in disbelief as Brendon threw back his head and downed another shot. Brendon wasn't one to drink, he wasn't even legal yet.

I grabbed one and drank, the liquid burning a path down my throat. Brendon was watching me with a raised eyebrow, his fingers inching toward another shot. I grinned and took another. Accepting my challenge, Brendon threw back the shot, grimacing.

Within 20 minutes, all the shots had gone and my head wasn't feeling too great.
"Ryan," I whined, not knowing which of the three Ryan's to talk to. "Order us some more." He patted my arm, holding back laughter.
I got up, trying to keep my balance. I didn't know exactly where I was going, but standing up sounded like a good idea.

"Lex, lets dance again." Brendon slurred, getting up as well. Ryan jumped up and in between us, a stern look on his face. "Why don't you two just sit down and relax for a while, okay?"

I giggled into my hand, not knowing what was funny. Brendon elbowed Ryan roughly out of the way, and smacked my bottom.
"You have a great ass, Lexie." he giggled. I smacked his butt in return, grinning like a fool.

In no time, the two of us were running around, slapping each other while Ryan chased after us desperately.
"Ow, that one hurt." I rubbed my backside, stumbling.
Brendon giggled and wiggled his butt for me to hit. I smacked it as hard as I could, making my hand sting. We both laughed, falling into each other.

"Hey! I know!" Brendon dragged me back to our deserted table. "Belly shots!" he squealed, clapping his hands.
I beamed. "Get on your knees, Urie." I said, then we both laughed into our hands again.
I placed my hand on his chest, forcing him back down on the table.

I climbed on top of him drunkenly, sitting on his hips. Pulling out his tucked-in shirt, I unbuttoned it slowly. I saved the top button for last, bending forward to unbutton it with my teeth, grinning mischievously.
He grinned back, his hands tracing patterns across my back. Kissing his chest quickly, I sat back up. I grabbed the nearest glass of alcohol and poured it over his chest and stomach sloppily.

I licked it off with my tongue, the combined effects of the alcohol and Brendon's skin making my head swim dangerously.
"I don't think you're doing it right." Brendon whispered. I reached for another glass, pouring it on and licking it off.
I let my tongue slid over his skin slowly, stopping to peck at his belly bottom. He moaned, rocking his hips forward and almost sending me tumbling off. I beamed, I would do anything to hear that sound come out of his mouth again. Leaning forward again, I sucked at his neck until I reached the perfect spot and bit into his flesh. He moaned again, his hips rocking forward and hands clutching me tighter.

Blackness picked at the sides of my vision as my head swam again.
Just as my eyes slid backwards and the blackness shut off my brain, I felt a pair of strong arms encircle around my waist.
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descriptive language suicide.