You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FortyThree

I have no idea where I am.
This is deffinatly not my bed, its larger and more springy.
And these are deffinatly not my sheets, their a lot softer and silkier.
I don't even know what my fucking name is.

I took a deep breath, and peeked out from underneath my closed eyelids. The room I was in was painted a light blue, with band posters hung around the wall, and a collection of guitars in the corner. Reaching up to rub the sleep out of my eyes, my hand came back black from the smeared makeup. I scowled, sitting up slowly.

Okay, my name is Alexis. So far so good.
My head weighed a thousand pounds, and every bone in my body ached.
Ryan appeared in the doorway, making me jump violently.

"Ryan! What the hell!" I swore, cradling my pulsing head. I felt Ryan's body weight press down on the bed, his hand resting on my shoulder.

A steaming coffee mug was shoved in my hand, and I drank. It burned my tongue and throat, but the caffeine woke me up. Slowly, I recognized the room as Ryan's. The day was Sunday, that much I could remember.
The day after Kat's party.

Something in my stomach churned at the thought. Puzzled, I looked at Ryan. He was staring at me hesitantly, biting his lip.
"Ryan, how did I get here?" I said slowly, afraid at what I might hear.
He sighed, "Give the coffee a chance, you'll remember."
"Was I that drunk?"
"As drunk as any person could be. But I know you, you'll remember."

You see, even if I get so piss drunk it takes me four days to sleep it off, I still remember everything. Its actually really annoying, usually drunk things aren't supposed to be remembered, but for some reason my brain just works that way.
I sipped my coffee, waiting for the memories to come flooding back. Maybe just maybe, they wouldn't this time. Could I get that lucky? By the way my stomach was churning, call it gut instinct, but last night couldn't have gone well.

Painstakingly slow, fuzzy memories started coming back. My red dress, Ryan and Brendon all dressed up, the music being played, a table-full of shots....and...a bare stomach? What the hell?

"R-Ryan," I stumbled. "Why am I remembering a bare stomach?"
He shook his head sadly. I screwed up my eyes and concentrated all my energy on remembering.

Everything flooded back in a rush, so fast I had to balance myself on Ryan's arm. Dancing... shots...belly shots. Oh, no.
I jumped off the bed, pacing the room and clinging to my head.

"Yeah..." Ryan muttered.
I groaned, falling into his lap. "Did I seriously do belly shots with Brendon?"
"Well, it was more like you poured the shot onto him, then licked it off."
I gasped, the scene unfolding before my eyes.
Why must I always have to remember?!

"Do you think its that bad? I mean, Bren probably wont remember.. you give him a sip of Corona and hes drunk already."
"I would say there's a very good chance he wont remember." Ryan mused. "But, he'll remember the, uh, dancing. He didn't have anything to drink before that. Well, if you can even call that dancing. It was like a sex show, but with clothes."

I groaned again. Why why why did I have to be so stupid. "Even if Brendon doesn't remember, there's still a huge problem."
"If anyone saw." Ryan finished my thought, frowning. "I didn't see Kat all night, she left Brendon's side almost as soon as they got there. But I really wouldn't put it past her."

I gulped, bile rising up my throat. I closed my eyes, the vision of a bare-chested Brendon laying underneath me instantly popping up. I may have been drunk, but it sure as hell was a good idea, in terms of satisfaction. I can still remember the way his body fit perfectly with my own, even the taste of his skin on my tongue. Nightmare or fantasy, it was one of the more eventful nights of my life.

"Honestly Lex, how long are you going to pretend this, 'thing', you have with Brendon is just some stupid crush?" Ryan whispered tentatively.
My eyes shot open and glared at him. "Don't bring that up, for god's sake. Do you think I need a bigger headache than I already have?!"

Ryan held up his hands in defiance, smiling slightly. "Never mind then, hot pants."
I rolled my eyes and whacked him int he head with the pillow.
"Or should I say Crotch Woman."


Bringing myself back from a hangover is fairly easy, just give me ample amounts of coffee, a heating pad for my head, and a nice comfortable bed, and I'll be better by the afternoon.

Ryan waltzed into the room carrying a tub of Chinese take out and a pair of chopsticks. I grabbed the beef lo mien instantly, shoving a mouthful down my throat.

"Do you think, if Brendon wouldn't have been drunk, he would have acted differently?" I asked, my face reddening.
Ryan smiled. "I don't know, but I do know the way you guys were dancing. He's deffinatly not concerned about a little PDA."

I blushed, smiling. I gave Ryan a hug, without him there last night, who knows were I might have ended up.

"You're going to have to talk to him, you know." Ryan said, playing with a strand of my hair.

"I know. But, please will you come with me? I cant do it alone." I pleaded, ready to throw myself on the ground and beg if I needed.

"Of course sweetie. Confronting your secret lover about the steamy night you had last night must be hard work."

"Do you want me to hurt you?"
♠ ♠ ♠
*sighs deeply and stretches*
man that one was hard to pop out..... lol ;D
so hopefully i didn't let any of you down?
next chapter should b good.

thank you so very much if you've been commenting! you guys are the only reason i keep updating as fast as i do...ILY!<33