You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FortyFour

Kat opened the door to Brendon's apartment, a bigass fake smile on her face. Ugh, when will she ever leave?

"Hey guys!" she says excitedly, staring at me. I grunt and force my way into the apartment. I'm not in the best of moods, but can you blame me, considering that I'm about to talk to Brendon.
Ryan follows me inside, shrugging out of Kat's gripping hug.

"Brenny!" Kat called sweetly, winking at me. "Alexis and Ry are here." She smiled once more before disappearing into the bedroom.

"Hey, Bren." I said quietly. Brendon padded in from the kitchen, sipping a Red Bull. His hair was disheveled and greasy, and still in the same pants as last night.
A simple look into his chocolate brown eyes and my heart is racing and hands turn clammy.

On the way over here, after Ryan dragged me against my will that is, I decided this could go one of two ways. One: he remembers and is so disgusted that he refuses to ever see me again, runs off and elopes with Kat and has lots of babies. Or Two: he doesn't remember.
I think you know which I'm rooting for.

"Yo, Lexie. I see you've recovered nicely from last night." he said somewhat bitterly as we all sat down on the couch. I shot Ryan a nervous glance and he nodded in encouragement.

"S-So, crazy night last night, huh?" I asked, my voice shaky and unconvincing.
"Hell yeah. One of the best parties I've been to. Too bad I cant remember shit though."

Cue the Hallelujah music!

"Oh, you don't remember anything?" Ryan asked coyly, a slight smirk on his face. The weight of the world lifted off my shoulders, he wasn't going to elope with Kat and have mini Urie's with her.

"Nah, the last thing I remember is before we took those shots. What'd we do that was so crazy?" Brendon asked with a smirk, looking right at me.

"I d-don't remember much either." I lied through my teeth. Brendon shrugged taking a long sip of his Red Bull.

"Alexis," Kat called, sticking her head out of the bedroom door. "Can you come in here for a second?"
I nodded, panic rising again.

"Need more Red Bull." Brendon muttered, getting up the same time as me. Ryan looked just as panicked as me, wringing his hands together fervently. I walked over to the bedroom, Brendon at my heels.

"You were a wonderful dancer, by the way." His breath raced over my ear, making it sting. I froze on the spot, unable to move or close my gaping mouth.
He ran a slow hand up my side, sending me into nervous shivers.

Brendon winked and chuckled, making it into a joke, before skipping into the kitchen.
I was still rooted to the spot, my mind replaying his words and the feel of his hands over and over again. My heart was pumping so fast, I must be having a heart attack.

Ryan cleared his throat loudly, breaking me out of my trance. He wiggled his eyebrows and whistled softly, smirking all the time. I flipped him off before walking quietly into the bedroom.

I didn't see Kat, she wasn't sitting on the bed or standing by the window as most people do. Perplexed, I stepped into the room farther, looking around. The door slammed behind me and I jumped around. Kat was sneering at me, her large eyes narrowed to mere slits.
She had been hiding behind the door, evidently, waiting for me to come in.

I tried to say something, but all I managed was a small squeak.
"So, your a fan of dancing with taken men, then?" she spat, sending spit flying everywhere.

"Hm? Oh, you mean dancing to the one teeny little song with Brendon? Oh, please, that was nothing." Wow nice cover up. The way she was sneering at me with all her teeth bared and back bent slightly forward in a crouch was really starting to freak me out.

"Okay so I don't have to worry about the dancing then? I never knew your favorite type of shot was belly"

Fuck fuck fuck. So she did see. Remind me later to get Ryan for not stopping me earlier.
"Look, I don't remember much about last night, I was pretty drunk-" I started, tripping over my words in a feeble attempt at a lie.

"Bull shit. I know you remember so just cut the crap!"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, I'm leaving." I tried to push past her, but that perfectly manicured claw viced onto my forearm.

"You leave and I tell Brendon."

Damn her. I scowled and shook from her grasp, stepping back to my original position.
"Do I need to look out for my boyfriend now? Because honestly, I'd love the chance to show him just how much of a fool you really are."

"Get the fuck over yourself." I spat angrily. "Last night was nothing, just a stupid drunken game. No one needs to tell Brendon about it."

"Your right, it was nothing. I didn't think it meant anything anyway, I mean, why would he ever want someone like you?"

My hand connected with her face before I could think. I left a red hand mark cleanly across her cheek, but my vision was too clouded to see it clearly. Kat was right, she had hit the nail on the head. Brendon would never want anyone like me, I was nothing special. If anything, I was less then normal, someone very easily forgotten.
Hearing the words that had been flying around my head for weeks being spoken by the person who manipulated Brendon's every move, sent me over the edge.

At this second, I don't care what she thinks, because the only thing that matters is getting the hell out of here as fast as possible. So I let the tears fall freely. I didn't bother trying to wipe them away as I opened the door to the bedroom and stormed out.

Brendon noticed immediately, rushing forward and grabbing my shoulders.
"Lexie! Whats wrong? What is it?"
I let a sob escape my throat at the sight of his perfect, taken face. It would never be mine, how could I have been so stupid as to hope?

I pushed him away roughly and raced toward the door. "Ry, we're leaving." I barked, Ryan jumped off the couch and following me apprehensively, looking at Brendon confusedly.


I slammed the door and let out another sob, my makeup running all over my pathetic face.
♠ ♠ ♠

so lexie has a teeny breakdown.
but trust me, this needed to happen.