You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FortyFive

"Jesus Lex, slow down!" Ryan screamed, gripping onto the carseat for his life. I scowled and floored the gas, Ryan's car flying down the street.
I dont even know how I had gotten into the drivers' seat, but all I know is that this car is just too fucking slow.

I screeched to a halt outside of my building, sending Ryan tumbling off his seat. I left and stormed into the building, taking the stairs two at a time until I reached my floor. I could hear Ryan huffing behind me, but didnt stop cause really, who needs company.

Reaching my door, I shoved my key in the lock and banged the door open so hard it bounched off the wall and almost hit me full in the face. I caught my reflection in the mirror. My tear-stricken face was contorted into a snarl, my fists balled up into fists.
Ryan appeared silently infront of me, grabbing onto my shoulders.

"Alexis. Tell. Me. What. Happened." It was an order, not a request or question.

"Kat told me what I knew all along, I'm just too much of a baby to come to gripes with it!" I spat. So many different emotions were running through my body, I honestly didnt know what to feel. Anger at what Kat had said, satisfaction of finally slapping her god perfect face, realization, and terrible sadness.

"What did she tell you then." Ryan said calmy, and I just noticed he had led me to the couch.

"She said Brendon would never want anyone like me."

Ryan snorted. He actually snorted in my face, a smirk forming on his lips. Anger burned inside me, an urge to slap his face now taking over.

"And you friggin believe her, don't you? Lex, when will you come to realize how much you mean to him? Just the way he reacted when you walked out of that room crying should be enough of an indicator. Kat's his girlfriend, and he didnt even glance at her, he was only worried about you."

"Stop." I said, closing my eyes. "I know what your doing. Your trying to make me think-"

"Lex, I'm not trying to make you think anything. I'm just stating the facts, is all. You need to come to terms with the fact that yes, Brendon's girlfriend is a complete bitch, but her opinion means absolutly nothing in the long run."

I felt myself nodding along, my face drying. Ryan pulled me in for a long hug, rocking me softly back and forth. I almost fell asleep in his arms, exhaustion setting in.
"I'm going to go, its late and I'm tired. Are you okay?" Ryan asked, getting up. I smiled wanly, nodding. "Okay, call me tomorrow, will ya?"
"Yup." I managed, before closing the door softly after him.

So I know he was proably just trying to help, but this makes me even more confused then I already was. I though girls were supposed to be the complicated ones, guys are the ones who are supposed to wear theirs hearts on their sleeves, not the other way around. I've never come across a boy until now who I coudlny tell exactly what he was thinking. Brendon must be good at mind games, then.

I fell onto the couch, turning on the TV, even though it didnt intrest me at the moment. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a loud bang on my door. I shot to my feet, standing in the middle of the living room, just staring at the door.

"Lexie? Are you in there?"
I literally felt my heart soar at the words, and knew I couldnt leave him waiting. The door was unlocked and open before he could say another word, a big goofy grin spreading onto my face.

Brendon took me into a hug, his face laying on my shoulder.
"What the hell happened back there? All of a sudden you come bursting out of my room crying out of no where. You really got me worried."

I sighed, biting my lip. "Nothing, I overreacted, but it dosent matter now anyway." Because your here. How I wish I could just say those words.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked sweetly, rubbing the back of my head. I shook my head no and smiled a little, his pout was too cute.

This is one reason why Brendon's my best friend, when you say you'd rather not talk about it, he gives you enough space so that when you are ready, hes right there and waiting. Not like I'd ever dream of talking to him about the current situation, but its nice to know hes there. Brendon gave my hand a quick squeeze and pulled me over to the couch.

I sat hesitantly for a while, before snuggling up to him, burying my head in his chest and interlacing our legs. Brendon's arm wrapped around my waist in response, his head laying lazily on my own.

"D-Do you think I can stay the night?" he asked, sounding curiously nervous.
"Uhm, sure. Why?" Now it was my turn to be nervous.
"Me and Kat kind of got into a fight before I left, and I really just dont feel like seeing her just yet."
Good thing my face was hidden in his chest otherwise he may have taken the grin on my face personally.
"Of course. You know what, I'm kind of beat now, I think I'll go to sleep."

I untangled myself slowly and walked to my room. Making sure he wasnt looking, I pulled off my clothes quickly and threw on an oversized T-shirt, climbing into my bed.
No sooner then ten seconds later, Brendon waltzed into my room and let himself under my covers, snuggiling right next to me.
He wrapped both arms around my middle and pulled me close. He was close enough to smell perfectly, the sweet scent that is Brendon Urie making my head spin.

I drifted off to sleep, just as he placed as small kiss on my forehead.
"Sweet dreams, Lexie."
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yay for cliche crap XD
comments? concrit? anything? ;]